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Nothing says Christmas Spirit, fight like arguing with the people you love. Featuring, Jimmy Fahler, Todd Pairo, Janice Dean, Raymond O'Royale, Michael Loftis, Casey McDonnell, and me.


Pete Hegstead.


Now here's your.


Host, Tom Shaloo. Hi, I'm your host, Tom Shaloo. We've got two teams playing for bragging rights and a cash prize for charity. Over here, the red team is ready to rumba. And on this side, the green team. Let's get this slay off the ground, shall we? We're going to start with one-on-one debates. First up, Jimmy versus Raymond.


You guys ready? Let's go.


Let's go. Your question is, what is the most annoying Christmas song? Is it the chipmunk song, Christmas don't be late, or All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth? Raymond, you are up first. Tell us why the chipmunk song should be on the naughtly list.


Yeah, definitely on the naughtly list. And, Jimmy, it offends me and hurts me, actually, that you have taken the side of the chipmunk song because as anybody knows, listen to that song. This is about a man who is cohabitating with underage rodents. I just want you to know that. Listen to the lyrics. But more than that, okay? This was a fake gimmick created by a guy named Ross Bagdaearean, who is allegedly Dave Seville. There is no Dave Seville. It's a stage name. But if you listen to the lyrics of the song. He's recorded this song about wanting things from Santa in the voice of these little chipmunks. This thing went on for decades, where he just recorded himself on fast play. I don't think this helps. I think it's destructive. It's an annoying song. Maybe second only to chipmunk love for really bad songs.




Worse than that, I know you're going to be arguing against, All I want for Christmas is my two-front-teeth. I would just say to you, when Nat, King Cole, and Sinatra record the chipmunk song, call me.


Oh, check a dang-dang.


Over to you, Jimmy. What is up?


I love it.


It's time to play the few.


Let's go. I love it. Hi, everybody. Ho, ho, ho. All right, here we go. Here we go, here we go. I am here to make the case for the chipmunk song, Why? Because if we're being honest about all I want for Christmas is my two front teeth, that kid needs singing lessons a lot more than he needs teeth, okay? The kid is a self-absorbed monster. And why is that the case? And this needs to be said, okay? Santa is tasked with delivering toys to every house in the world in one night, okay? What isn't he? A dentist, okay? In fact, he's self-employed. He doesn't have dental himself, okay? But now, in addition to covering the whole entire world in one night, he's got to scream at Mrs. Clauss to go bang out some molars? I think it's selfish. I think if you talk about the chipmunks, it emphasizes the need to be good because what do they say? We've been good, but we can't last. Hurry, Christmas. Hurry fast. And what do they want as gifts? One guy wants a plane that loops the loop pretty easy. The other one wants a hula hoop. It's 1976.


Who doesn't have one? Point is, if you were trying to teach your kids at Christmas time the true meaning of the season, it's about being selfless. It's not all I want. That's the whole, all I want. The chipmunks are singing about Christmas in its entirety, okay? The kid is singing about himself. That is an Instagram era song of narcissism. It's destructive. And if you like it, admit you hate Christmas because that's what's.


Happening here. Oh!


Oh! Wow.


Audience, who gave the better argument? Would you say it's Jimmy? Or Raymond?


There it is. There it is. Take that, chipmunk.


Tom, you're going to have to play Pope on this and rule as nature would, perspective.


My ruling is infallible. You are right, Raymond. I'm the host of the show, and I get to decide who the winner is. And I'll tell you right now, I was on the fence, but, Jimmy, you actually did make a good case for Raymond's song. You helped him out. Raymond, you just won the show.




Have some good cheer here, guys, all right? Tonight's winners get more than just a spot on the nice list. They can win a thousand dollars for the charity of their choice. Elves, bring out the ginormous check. Come on out, Elves.




The winners' charity gets a thousand dollars and the losers take home a.


Bag of coal.


Janice. Yes.


Tell us who the Red Team is.


Playing for. We are playing for Team Rubicon.


Yes, we are. An organization that is.


Very near and dear to my heart. During Hurricane Harvey, several years ago, I went out to meet Team Rubicon. They're a bunch of veterans and first responders that after their service decide that they want to help in disaster areas. So this is a wonderful, worthwhile cause, bringing together first responders who I love, my husband is a firefighter, and the weather, which, of course, I help to predict.




What about.


Green Team? We are playing for Tunnels to Towers, another great organization. We see them on Fox all the time, giving back to those who serve our country, who keep this beautiful, and free, and safe. So we thank them for that.




Okay, here we go. Casey and Todd, it is go time. You feeling ready? I think so. Okay, here we go. The day after Thanksgiving is an American tradition. It's called Black Friday. Do you love it or do you hate it? Casey, you are up first. Why should we love Black Friday?


Thank you so much. Thank you so much. -go down. -thank you so much. -thank you so much. -thanks. Next.






What the, I guess, war on Black Friday is, it's the softening of America. You're making America weak. They are scared. They are hidden in their basements, on their keyboards, banging away. You're too afraid to leave your home. You're afraid of your countrymen. You think somebody's going to push you out of the way. This is like the Eminem song. Your palms are sweaty, your knees are weak, your arms are heavy. If you're afraid to storm the gates of Walmart, how can I ever take into consideration that maybe if there's a zombie Apocalyptic, you are going to stand your ground. You're afraid of your countrymen. You want that flatty so badly, but you won't go get it. You're going to stay home. You're going to bang away on your keyboard. It's going to come to your house in three to five business days. Then you're going to mozy out with none of your neighbors are around you're snatching. Then you're going to call somebody to mount it. Okay. Keep Black Friday alive. Keep competition in America.


Thank you. Yes. -thank you. -yeah.


Todd, that was pretty strong. -are you ready? I'm ready. Yeah. Tell us why Black Friday is a no-go. -do it. - do it.


First off, I'd like to thank Tom for the question. I'd like to thank the audience for being here. I think it's important to remember that when I'm attacked for my conservative principles, it is one Ronald Reagan's conservative principles that led our nation down the path of prosperity. It was one Ronald Reagan who decided that in order for our nation to prosper, we needed to eliminate wasteful spending. Ladies and gentlemen, there is no bigger day of wasteful spending than one Black Friday. You can please clap. And it.


Is these.


conservative ideals of eliminating Black Friday that I will bring to you, the American people if I'm elected, the 47th President. I was told this was a presidential discussion.


On day.


One, I will sign an executive action eliminating Black Friday. The sales aren't really that good. They're fake. And don't we want the workers to spend Thanksgiving at home with their families?


Yes, we do.


Usa. Usa. Usa.


Usa. Usa.


Thank you very much.


That was a lot of thought. That was a.


Lot of thought. The debates are done. I have the power. I feel like St. Nick himself. I have made my list. I've checked it twice, and I'll tell you, in this tough economy, me? I got to go with Todd Piro's argument. People are hurting. All right, final debate in round one, Michael versus Janice, are you ready? Last year, we asked America in a poll, Is diehard a Christmas movie? America was split right down the middle. Since it was so close, let's fight it out here. Michael, tell us why diehard is in fact not a Christmas movie. All right.


Thank you, Tom. Thank you, audience. Diehardt's a great movie. We all love Diehard. Knock at Tomi Plaza. Come on, I'll come out to the Coast. We'll have a few drinks. It's not a Christmas movie. Here's what you're confusing it with because Christmas is in the background. Christmas, it's wintertime in L. A. That's it. You know what other movies have Christmas happening in the background? Batman Returns. Is that a Christmas movie? Does Michael Keaton come out and go, I'm Santa. No, he doesn't. You know what other film famously had Christmas in the background? Lethal Weapon. That's not a Christmas movie. It's not. And I'll leave you with this. Please, no talking.


Rambo. Come on, it's a Rambo or a Crimby movie. It's not a Crimby movie. It's a Rambo or a Crimon movie. It's not a Crimon movie.


I rest my case.


Michael Loftis. Thank you. Janice, convince us. Michael is on the wrong side of history. Go ahead. Okay, you're ready.


Who has an advent calendar? I do. That would be the diehard advent calendar, Hans Gruber falling from 24 floors right here. None of the other movies he suggested has its own advent calendar. But I will also say this movie is all about Christmas. It takes place on Christmas Eve for 12 hours. He comes home just to see his family for Christmas. His wife's name is Holly, okay? There are presents in this movie. There are Christmas carols in this movie. It snows at the end of this movie. And yes, there is even Santa in the form of a dead terrorist at the end of this movie. The writer of this movie has said that it is indeed a Christmas movie, and so has the director. Die Hard is indeed a Christmas movie.


Good answer. Good answer. I told myself I wasn't going to cry.


The fact that we're having this debate means it's not a Christmas movie.




Amen. It identifies as a Christmas movie.


Can we go to.




Audience? In this.


Day and age, if you identify as a Christmas movie.


You're a.


Christmas movie. Thank you.


That pushed it.


Over the top. That pushed it over the top. Wow.


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