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Well, Anita, another celebrity using their voice to advocate for the victims of Hamas's brutality. Friends' co-star David Schwimmer taken to Instagram to call out skeptics of Hamas's sexual assaults. He writes, quote, Why do so many refuse to believe, despite all the evidence on camera and in testimony, the women, children, and men brutally assaulted by terrorists on October seventh. Where is their outrage? In the weeks and months that followed, it became clear their activism, their advocacy is conditional. They'll fight like hell for all victims of sexual violence, unless they're Jews. Let's bring in Bethany Mandel, the co-author of Stolen Youth. And Bethany, David Schwimer references a specific article from The New York Times. It's entitled Screams Without Words: How Hamas weaponized sexual violence on October seventh. What happened and why aren't more people talking about it?


The brutality that The New York Times were able to document over the course of months of research is really horrifying, and I think anyone who has gotten a big picture view of what Hamas did on October seventh, even those folks are going to be shocked by the level of brutality that was documented by The New York Times. Things that honestly, we can't really talk about on television, and I really urge all of your viewers to go read The New York Times piece, and that's not something I say very often, but The New York Times did a really, really important thing here, and it's important that everyone read it, both left and right. There was a lot of good research done here. This was real journalism that we don't often see from The New York Times. But Schremmer is right. What's really disturbing is in the face of all of that, there are still so many deniers. These are Holocaust deniers. These are modern day Holocaust deniers. And Schwimmer rightly says all of these folks who said, Believe all women, and they are for women's rights and talking about sexual violence against women for the last 20, 30 years.


Where are they? The vast majority of them are silent. And that goes from regular celebrities up to the UN.


Is David Schwimmer alone here? Have other actors joined him? Do you think other actors will join him?


I mean, there's honestly not that many who have come out and said something. Deborah Messing has been fantastic. Another one is Jenny Molen. She's Jason Biggs' husband, but she's honestly better than Jason Biggs, so I don't even want to describe her as Jason Biggs' husband, but she's fantastic. There have been really wonderful, bright lights. Jerry Seinfeld and his wife, also Jessica, have been fantastic, but they're few and far between. Mayan Bialik, another one, but all of them are Jewish. There have been no non-Jewish celebrities who have come out and said, Believe all women, even when they're Jews.


And you look at the situation and you hear from some of the voices who say, You have to look at the context, you have to look at the history. But why is it so difficult to look at such brutality and just call it out for what it is? Yeah.


I would like to know what the appropriate context is for the brutal, sexual assault of children and elderly women and young women at a music festival. There is no context for that. And what they're saying is it's okay to do this by saying that it's acceptable and it's okay to ask for context in certain circumstances. They're saying, under some circumstances, it's okay to brutally rape and kill women, as long as they're Jewish. That is textbook anti-Semitism and deeply, deeply disturbing. And it's something that all of these keyboard warriors should have been talking about for the last two months, but they've been sitting back on their heels because apparently when it's a brutal terror attack against Jews, we have to wait and see.


Bethany Mandel, thanks for joining us this afternoon. Very much appreciated.


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