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California governor, Gavin Newsom, getting bailed out by the Supreme Court over a state's raging homeless crisis. And this time, he won't need China come in to clean up everything. The Greasy One is praising the top course decision that lets cities prohibit homeless people from sleeping in public spaces. He posted on X, Today's Supreme Court ruling in Grants Pass provides state and local officials the definitive authority to implement and enforce policies to clear unsafe homeless encampments and helps us deliver common sense measures to protect the safety and well-being of our communities. So, Kennedy, going to you first on this, given your experience in California. What are your thoughts about the ruling and also Gavin Newsom's response to it?


I mean, it's why people in California have grown to loathe him because he has really created and exacerbated the homeless crisis. You talk about $24 billion that through ballot measures and various legislation has gone to fight homelessness, and it has only further exploded. There's been such a massive uptick. One of the big worries in California, in particular, is there's going to be a huge homeless population of people over 65 years old. They are just not doing enough. They have nothing to show for all of these resources. He has always been in denial. Now, his big pivot is blaming Republicans. This is a monoparty state. The Republicans in the legislature, they're few and far between. They don't hold a lot of local positions. It's because of people like Gavin Newsom and Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi. Some of the worst legislators and politicians in the country are from California. Bad politicians make bad laws, especially when they have the supermajority.


Yeah, they pump billions into this homelessness industrial complex. As you mentioned, Conservatives are not running any part of California. Yet, Gavin Newsom had this to say about who's to blame.


The California way of life we recognize is under attack. For Conservatives and delusional California bashers, their success depends on our failure. They want to impeach the very things that have made us successful as a tactic to turn America towards a darker future.


Jason, I mean, really- The people of California have been turning to U-Hall to get out of there as fast as they can. Look, Gavin Newsom, when he first ran for mayor, his platform was that he was going to tackle homelessness. They have had billions of dollars to Kennedy at this point. They've had every lever of control. The problem has gotten worse. Their policies don't work, and the consequences have been devastating. To try to blame Republicans and try to say they're under attack, you've been in the one in control, my friend. That's right. You were the one that created the situation and exacerbated it and made it worse.


To that point, billions of dollars have been unaccounted for in this homeless crisis. I used to live in LA. I moved May 2020, two months into the LA shutdown. But before I When I moved, I did a story around COVID, and I went to Skitt-Roe. It's dangerous. It's terrible, the set of circumstances people are living in. There's over 181,000 homeless people in the state of California, larger than many small cities. This is unacceptable. But in order to get change, you have to change leadership. If you continue to vote for the same policies, just like Illinois, another state that I'm from, you're going to continue to get the same devastating consequences.


Yeah, the governor is happy about the Supreme Court ruling that Justice Sonia Sotom mayor is not happy with. This is what she put in her dissent when she wrote for the Supreme Court, the ruling came out last week, that sleep is a biological necessity, not a crime. For some people sleeping outside is their only option. Kennedy, that might be true, but also, doesn't the government have an obligation to protect the broader public from these dangerous encampments on property that they're paying taxes to maintain?


Yeah, homelessness, drug addiction mental illness. That has become the California way of life, unfortunately, especially in these big cities. Karen Bass, the mayor of Los Angeles, I do not know how she won. I don't know anyone who voted for, and I know a lot of libs in California, but she's pushing back against this. The ACLU, they have been fighting on behalf of the homeless. I know friends who used to have businesses, like downtown LA for a few years was really cool. That's where everyone was moving to They were manufacturing there. Everyone I know has moved out because it became so dangerous. The ACLU is fighting to keep these encampments all over downtown LA, not just Skid Row. That city, San Francisco, they're all unrecognizable. Unfortunately, in a lot of these places, they have gotten past the point of no return. I don't even think the Grands Pass versus Johnson ruling is going to help them clean up what is necessary.


Yeah, it's happening all over the country, Oregon, Arizona, all over.


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