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Welcome back, America. We're here with our friend, not just a general. The man's a retired four-star army general. That's a big deal. Jack Keen, Institute for the Study of War. He's the chairman. Nobody better. General Keen. Israel is surrounded on all sides and has the Mediterranean Sea on the one side where it's not surrounded. It's under attack on all sides. Hamas to the south, Hezbollah to the north, the PLO to the east. They're all being backed by Iran. I'm sitting here in amazement. Do you think Israel is gaining the at least public support from the President, the Vice President, the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Defense, that an ally should be receiving, that's taking all this incoming and taking on, it appears, Iran and its surrogates almost by itself?


Yeah, it's pretty outrageous. I mean, what Israel has done here quite successfully in rather rapid in that fashion, killing Mohamed Diif, the military commander of Hamas, and also Fouad Sikur, a military commander, obviously, of Hezbollah, and now the chief political negotiator and political spokesperson for Hamas, Hanayaya. The fact that they've accomplished this, and the administration reacts to this, Mark, by wringing their hands. Their number one concern turn is about escalation, which in of itself shows a sign of weakness. This has been the problem from the outset, is that the horrific attack on October the seventh, Iran operationalized immediately all of the other proxies. On October the eighth, Hezbollah began to fire in Northern Israel. The Iranian-backed Shia militias in Iraq and Syria, prior to October seventh, had already fired at US troops 125 times, and they stepped it up from October the seventh on, and the Houthis have effectively shut down the Suez Canal. Yet, to this day, We still do not hold Iran accountable for anything that I just said. It's absolutely tragic, and it's a huge strategic mistake. As a result of it, you're very right to point out it puts Israel on its own, in a in having to do some of the work.


This killing of leaders is sending a clear message to the Iranians that we are determined. We're staying in this fight to the end. We're going to stay here until we achieve victory. And leaders, your operational leaders and leaders in Iran are at risk as long as you're continuing this axis of resistance and the ring of fire around Israel. And yes, I agree with you. Despite the rhetoric of ironclad support that you get from the administration, the actions that you get, undermine the state of Israel and what they're trying to accomplish.


General, I've never seen anything like this. You are more attuned to this, more focused on this. This has been your whole life, your whole career. I have a list of weapon systems and ammunition and so forth that are being slow walked to the Israelis, even now, that are being withheld from the Israelis, even though Congress has approved the funding and delivery of these things. At the same time, tens of billions of dollars have flowed into Iran directly and indirectly from our country, lack of enforcement of the oil embargo and so forth. Iran is muscling up. They're helping to provide support to China, which is providing support to Russia. All three are providing support to the terrorist states in Iran and the Middle East. Is this not insane? I'm watching this now, and I'm saying to myself, Why are we funding the enemy Why do we have our foot on the throat of our ally? Am I missing something here?


No, you're not missing it at all. I mean, this is a major, major problem. I've been on a Congressional Commission for 18 months looking on our defense strategy. This is bipartisan. Our unanimous report just came out. We are saying to the American people through the Congress who we're reporting to is that we are facing the most serious and dangerous challenges as a nation that we have faced since World War II because of China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea all cooperating together. There's been an erosion of our military capability, but fundamentally, there's been an erosion of our will. Our adversaries know it. They see opportunity, and they are exploiting our vulnerabilities. You name the country, Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea, and we all have vivid examples of what they're doing. We're at war in two areas right now, supporting allies, and President Xi is threatening war in a third. One of the major problems we find with this is we could face a war in the Indopacific region, and then war would break out also in Europe and also in the Middle East that would have to involve us. That's why we think it's the most dangerous threat since World War II.


This administration, Mark, will not talk about this issue with the American people.


They won't fund our military adequately. When we come back, General, here's my question. Is this administration provoking war by the way it is not supporting our military, by the way it is not properly supporting our allies, and by the public comments they make or their silence, conversely? We'll be right back.


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