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You have got to be kidding. Alec puts away the gun for some reality show fun. Yeah, Alec and Hilaria Baldwin are giving reality TV a try, announcing a new TLC series. Check it out.


Hi, I'm Hilaria Baldwin. And I'm Alec Goldman. And we have an announcement to make. Good God, no. No, definitely not. We're done having kids. Oh, are you coming here? Oh, he's having you. This is about our show. We're inviting you into our home to experience The ups and downs, the good, the bad, the wild, and the crazy. Home is the place we love to be most. You say, We are the bold, we are the bold. We are the bold ones. No, we are the bold ones. We all got to say it. Here we go. One, two, three. We are the bold ones. We're coming to TLC. Yes. That'll help you all.


Just what everybody needs. The show will begin airing next year, and Baldwin says he can't wait to start shooting. Tires, all right. Part of me says, I get it, he's broke, right? Why else would you do this?


You know what? I don't know, but I'm confused. Didn't she used to have a Spanish accent?


She had a Spanish accent for one month.


For one month? Yeah. I hate when culture falls off. It sucks. I spent three months as Vietnamese. It was weird. I feel like he was given a gift. Something horrible happens where you end somebody's life and you have the ability, and it's a horrible accident. You don't come out with a reality TV series of how happy and awesome your life is and rub it. You know what I'm saying? You should be in probably in any other situation, you'd probably be in jail for the rest of your life. He says how much he loves home, then go home. Stay home. We don't need to see that. It's all manufactured by the way. But anyways, if they were that happy and that awesome, you wouldn't still be doing B films. So move on. He should just do B films.


See films.


Go, Kat. They're going to get him. No, these producers are having... This is reality TV. They're having meetings about how they're going to make him angry.


You guys, this is on TLC.


Do you guys know what's on TLC? Like, Toddlers in Tierras, Sex sent me to the ER. There's a show called Unexpected, which is, of course, about teen parents, which I watch. There's this poor teen couple where they're sitting there, and this is going to be out there for the rest of their lives where they're interviewing them about how did this happen? How did you get pregnant? The boy goes or the girl goes, Well, he told me that in order to get pregnant, we both had to be, and I quote, ovulating.


Should they be exploiting these young people for our cheap entertainment?


No. But that's what they do, and they're going to do it to him.


I wonder, Lee, if they had a contract where they cannot bring up the manslaughter or the manslaughter charge. But that's all people are going to want to see. They're not going to want to see a bunch of screaming kids. I can't imagine anybody wanting to watch a show with seven screaming kids.


What demographic is going to watch a show? If you have kids at home, you're not going to want to to subject yourself to any more of this. Then if you don't have kids like this at home, you're not going to want to subject yourself to this. I feel like the American public has canceled the Alec Baldwin reality show over and over and over again, but it keeps on popping back up. I think people are done with him. I don't think this show is going to last. He probably won't allow certain content like that, although I agree with Kat entirely. If TLC actually wants ratings, if they want to get sponsorships, the only way that this possibly sells is to follow Kat's advice and needle him, which is not that hard, and watching him flip out time and again.


They will. This is the home of Milf Manor 1 and 2, Sister Wives and Little People, Big World.


Yes. Thousand Pounds Sister There are no ethics on TLC. That's why people watch it.


It's amazing. People, I mean me. Super fat friends.


I think that's fabulous life.




All right, you kids. Jim, I don't think there's no evidence that children in reality shows ever grow up to be normal, and he needs the money. He's basically leveraging the short term benefit of this financial payout against the long-term consequences of a truly messed-up family, like 15, 20 years from now. Do you blame him or do you think he's crazy?


Well, I don't know. Look, it's his wife making that decision for him. Yes, thousand %. I mean, look in the picture. That's a fucked husband. Look at that face. That's a beat-down man.


We all know that look.


We know that look. We know that look.


You don't want that look.


The thing is, does he have creative control? Did he say, I need creative control over the edit? Because then they're not going to show him getting angry. If he doesn't have creative control and TLC does, it's going to be must watch TV because that guy snaps at any moment. Imagine seven kids running around That craziness. You tell me he's not going to snap?


Yeah, he's going to have a hot mic moment that ends it all. Just like Jinksy.


I just feel like understanding who he is, he never would do this unless he has to.


No, and then he says, Home is where we love to be, please. Around seven kids screaming. He doesn't want to be on a movie set with his silence. He wants to be around that chaos.


I guess when he's on a movie set, everybody's uncomfortable now because they're like... Was that a loud noise?


You know what would be a great scene? Imagine one of his kids leaves a toy gun on the kitchen floor, and he goes over, he goes, Should I pick it up? He goes, I'm not falling for that again.


All right. Coming up. I went like this. I shouldn't do that.


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