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Yep. You're watching Mailing It In. Welcome to Mailing It In. Look at all those boxes. None of them are stolen. Gutter, Snipe, Joe asks, Were you bullied in school? And if you were, is there one nemesis you'd like to thank today for the harassment that led to your success? Kat?


Yeah, I was actually bullied a lot in school, and now I'm bullied professionally.


Would you like to.


See me?


I can have all.


Of you throw out. He's doing it to you guys now. He taught me how to do it.


For a living. Thank God HR doesn't watch. This would go on my file. What do you think, Vince? Were you bullied?


Yes, there was a group of women that wore black all the time. They were called nuns. They did a pretty good job on me with pointers and yard sticks, and they left an impact.


Did they ever hit your hand when you were trying to curseive right? They would do this thing with a ruler in my school.


They hit everything. They hit everything. And then we had these Franciscan friars that had ropes with knots that they would hit us with the knots on the rope. I'm like, What is this school?


Yeah. And the weird thing is I learned to really enjoy it. Now I'm in a club.


I'm in.




Club. Joe, it must have been a rough childhood, but there's got to be somebody you can go, Thank you.


I can dish it out.


Too, Greg. I bet. Were you.


The bully? Well, one time, a bully beat me up just because I tried to take his lunch money, but it was my mom who taught me about bullies. She said they only bully you because they're jealous of how smart you are and how good your family is. So when they were bullying me, I said, I'm sorry, your family sucks, and you're an idiot.


Emily, growing up, were you ever a victim of mean girls?


No, no, no. But I do remember-Do you ever wonder why? I'm like, No. But when I was little, I remember there were these boys that would tease me endlessly and tease my sisters, too. It's like the '80s. They tease you if they like you or whatever, but they made us miserable. Miserable. And I remember we were prayed every day Please let them move. Please let them move. And then one day they actually did. It was two brothers, and the older brother teased my sister and the younger one teased me. And you know how it is when you're seven or eight or whatever we were, and every day you're just miserable. Please, stop. Please. It was hideous.


I didn't have that problem.


I hope they're dead.


We have a surprise for you, Emily. Oh, my God. You know who's here tonight? Bring them out. I'm kidding. They both passed away in a fiery traffic accident. Matt Bax asks, Who do you think is the greatest entertainer in your lifetime? And to save some time, you don't say me. Joe?


Oh, boy, that's a tough question. The greatest entertainer in my lifetime? That's got to be... Oh, man. I can't.


Does it rhyme with Schmeret? Schmott?


I can't say no. Bill Cosby got canceled, so I can't say him. How about Jerry S... No, I'm going to go with Norm McDonald. He's my favorite comedian. Well, late Norm McDonald. He always made me laugh, inspired me to get in this business. I'd probably be a pro boxer if it weren't for him.


Emily? Prince. Prince and George Michael.


And-prince who? Harry?


There's only one Prince.


That is true. That is true. Rip. Vince?


I got to go Michael Jackson. Yeah, great.


It objectively is Michael Jackson.


Yeah, he changed everything, including the way you look at kids. Really? What? Wait, too soon. Hold on.


He actually did.


Not change that for me.




Can't believe it was too soon to.


Think for that. Kat, would you like to go along with Michael Jackson?


Yeah, he is. You said performer, not guy at being a dude. At performing, you have to be Michael Jackson.


I'm trying to think of who I would choose. I want me to go with Don Rickles.


Good one.


Good one. Don Rickles. Changed the world. Now, he wouldn't probably get a gig anywhere. Well, he's dead. Wow, everybody we said is dead.


Yeah, that's.


A beat. All right, coming up, you won't get the blues with our local news.


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