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And these illegal alien crimes are happening as far away from the border as Wisconsin.


Right here in small town, Wisconsin, a member of a Savage Venezueli gang was arrested for sexually assaulting a woman and attacking vicious a child. He's charged with suffocation, child abuse, sexual assault, and many other things. I will get these monster criminals out of Wisconsin. I will get them out of our country.


Joining me now, Republican Eric Havdi. He's running to unseat Democrat incumbent Senator, Tammy Baldwin in Wisconsin. Tight race there, Eric. Now, Trump was talking about 26-year-old Alejandro Jose Coronel Laura Larrate, a suspected member of the Trendra Argoa Gang. How worried are people in Wisconsin? That's just one of the crimes that has been documented.


Look, Laura, every state is a border state, and we've had multiple cases of crime all over our state. You're just cite in that case, we had a father of several young children who was killed in a drunk driving accident. We had a 12-year-old girl that was kidnapped. Fortunately, she got away. We had an illegal immigrant kill his own two children here about a month ago. So this crime issue is touching every state. And look, they put a thousand people into a small town called Whitewater. Turned the city budget upside down, access to housing, health care. There's so many problematic layers to this open border, and they're killing our young people with fentanyl. It's a poison created in China, sent to the drug cartels and brought up. We lost 108,000 young Americans last year, and Wisconsin has had their fair share of losses, sadly.


Now, Newsweek had a headline after Trump's comments that we just played about Wisconsin attack, and it said, Suspected Venezuelan gang member arrest gives Trump fatter in Wisconsin. Eric, you can see the very dismissive attitude. Oh, it's just fatter. It's almost like it's not a human being, nor are the 300,000 that Will just mentioned who went missing, children missing, who didn't get mentioned, I don't believe, unless I forgot, at the debate. Missing kids.


Look, they've created humanitarian crisis. Look, I have a foundation that has been fighting against sex trafficking in this country for over a decade. I have homes around the world, the Hubdy Homes, that rescue children from the sex trafficking business, slavery, abandonment. I can sadly tell you, a lot of those children have ended up in the sex trade. So all aspects of this. The Senator I'm running against, Senator Baldwin, to tell you how radical she is, She said, We spend too much money on the Southern border, but she gave all of our money to a transgender clinic here in Madison that does this without notifying parents. So that's who I'm running against. Look, we got to fight and take our wonderful country back. We're losing our country.


Everyone should know that this race is critically important in Wisconsin. It's within the margin of error in that Marquette poll. Everyone get out there and vote in Wisconsin. If you like the status quo, vote for the incumbent. If you want change, Eric Covde. Eric, thank you so much.


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