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It turns out that some words actually do have consequences. Actress Susan Sarandon just got dumped by her Hollywood talent agency for anti Semitic remarks. A spokesperson for the agency telling Fox News Digital that Sarandon is, in fact, no longer REPT by them. The Oscar winner has attended several pro Palestine rallies since the Israel Hamas war began, reportedly joining in chants like from the or to the sea, which calls for the destruction of Israel. And by many people, of course, then the resulting annihilation of the Jewish people. The actress has received backlash over the last few weeks, but it's her most recent rant that proved to be the final straw. Take a listen.


There are a lot of people that are afraid, afraid of being Jewish at this time and are getting a taste of what it feels like to be a Muslim in this country so often subjected to violence.


That's extraordinary. Molly, not only is that incorrect when it comes to the and asra namani, there's an about the nature of the opportunities that Muslims have in this country, the horrible conditions for Muslims in certain Muslim led countries. And so that just alone doesn't make any sense. But that was pretty much like blaming the victim there. It was, well, the Jews deserve it now they were asking for it because look at how Muslims are treated. It is extraordinary. Some people, though, think this is another episode of cancelation. Do you think that's accurate, or do you think this crosses a different line?


Well, what I see unfolding in Hollywood is similar to what we're seeing unfolding in elite academia. And when you come back to blaming the victim, that is one of the things that started all of this is this big statement that went out with a group of students, a collaborative of pro Palestinian students that blamed Israel entirely for the attack in the wake of October 7. And we've seen across the country this spiraling back and forth on college campuses, seemingly at this elite level. But Harvard's President Claudine Gay just the other day condemned that phrase from the river to the sea. So there is an element that's beginning to stand up after much criticism for not doing enough to address anti Semitism on campuses across the nation, but they're beginning to stand up. And a Variety article I found kind of addresses this from the Hollywood angle talking. And they write, the polarization is notable because the industry has largely presented a united front when it comes to politics, from its blanket opposition to former President Trump to its uniform support of reproductive rights. But when it comes to Israel, the.


Cracks are shown, you know, the cracks of the real moral issue. Dr. Nicole Sapphire of whether or not the struggle of whether or not you can stand with people who committed a crime against humanity, as though that's like misgendering someone. This is, I think, something quite much more dramatic, don't you when it comes to and thank goodness how we are reacting. Some out there want us to be morally confused about what the issue is.


Well, certainly. And while I found extremely repulsive, her hyperbolic diatribe was clearly anti Semitic. I would prefer, though, to not continue on with cancel culture, and I would rather boycott her movies rather than have her be fired for something, know someone, not allow her to speak. Because we are in the United States of America and we are blessed with the ability to have free speech. I may disagree with just about every word that comes out of her mouth, but again, I'd rather boycott and not support her not support her films than to go see her being fired. But again, that is the freedom of having a private business as well, that if you believe that someone is not aligned with your values, then you can fire that person. So I believe in their right to do that, but I also don't want to support cancel culture. And we have to be honest, she peaked in the mean, god bless. I loved her in the what has she done since then? Not much. So I think we need to just kind of let her go and just fade off into the mist.


This is where Kara to you in that I would disagree in that there is a distinctive difference here between cancel culture, which know and is vile, and is to punish, frankly, just conservatives, versus the standing with a horrible heinous terrorist group. Oh, yeah, the left medic.


Yeah, the left invented cancel culture. They changed the rules of the game. But here's the crux of the issue, and this comes down to terrorism. And you look at when these rallies were held. Afterwards, there was a Hamas official named Ghazi Hamad who threatened to conduct the October 7 attacks again and again until Israel is annihilated. Then you have allegedly last weekend, these remarks were made. So after all of these comments, after Hamas is saying Israel shouldn't exist, a terrorist organization is saying that. When you're supporting terrorists like that, when you have a platform like Susan Has.


We have sitting members of Congress, though, saying the same thing. We have to really figure out where as a country, our moral compass is.


That's exactly the point. It's like, who are we becoming and what's going to be happening?


Well, you know, when I hear this, all I can think of is, this is why Alfred Hitchcock called actors talking props, okay? Because realistically, why should her opinion on this, her uninformed opinion on this carry any more weight than anybody else? In fact, it really should carry less because she's very clearly uninformed. But in her mind, she's here to change the narrative she's going to teach us, all right? And that's Hollywood. It's showing us what they really are. That's their opinion of themselves. They're supposed to be. Hollywood is how America talks to the world.


That's right.


And it does matter. And at some point along the line, roughly about the 1960s, they decided that, you know what? Hey, ho, western sieve has got to go.


That's right.


And you know what? There are no alternatives. We're the last line of defense.


We are. And so we'll see where this goes. But I'm not unliking. What happened to Susan? Sarandon? So more Outnumbered in a moment.


Hey, everyone. I'm Emily Campagno. Catch me and my co hosts Harris Faulkner and Kaylee Mcineny on Outnumbered every weekday at 12:00 p.m.. Eastern or set your DVR. Also, don't forget to subscribe to the Fox News YouTube page for daily highlights.