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Hi, Trey. This is Dave from Texas. My question for you is we've been disappointed on at least two occasions with the, quote, Red Wave that never happened. The Democrats seem to always come up with either threat to democracy or in this case, abortion. I don't know how we're going to get around that. Do you have any ideas about how we could possibly win in '24 if we keep on getting disappointed?


You put your finger on something, Dave, the word disappointed, it stems from having unmet expectations. You were told there would be a red wave, and there was not. You were told 2024 is right for the GOP to reclaim the Senate and the White House, and you are justifiable skeptical. The new president is going to need a friendly Senate to confirm cabinet officials and judicial nominees, and the map is favorable for Republicans, but the proof is in the candidate's selection. Will Republicans nominate the only Senate candidate who cannot win? Win. Will Republicans nominate House candidates who cannot win? On the issues, people do not expect to agree with you on everything. They do want decent, smart, ethical women and men who broadly reflect their values and beliefs. They do not require perfection, but they do require decency. The overwhelming majority of Americans do not want women prosecuted for having abortions. Voters want exceptions for rape and incest victims. Most voters do not want late-term abortions. Most voters think it is unconscionable to have an abortion for sex selection. So whatever, whichever party figures out how to thread the contentious issues will have electoral success. Republicans should set reasonable expectations and then stop the cannibalism that occurs whenever they do have a majority.


Here to discuss the state of the Senate is NRSC Chairman Senator Steve Danes from the great state of Montana. Let's start in your great state. You have a House member who is arguably best known for opposing his own speaker, running against a former Navy SEAL who's a successful businessman. What's going to happen there in Montana?


Well, first of all, in Montana, every statewide elected official is a Republican now, with the exception of John Tester. Trump won Montana by 16 points back in 2020. We are a very red state. The congressman, Rosanale, is not in the race yet, so I hope Matt stays in that house seat. He needs to be a seniority there. I work with Matt, but I think it's best that we nominate Tim Shehe. We recruited him into this race, Trey. He is a Navy SEAL. A hundred combat missions for Tim Sheehy. He is an amazing American. He is a businessman. He also was married to a Marine. They both met at the Naval Academy. They both served in Afghanistan. They have four children. It's a great American story. Tim Schiehi will appeal across the broad spectrum of the electorate, not just to Republican voters, but to independent voters. And the key to winning in 2024 is finding candidates that can not just win primary elections, but can also win general elections and have a broader appeal.


All right, you mentioned general elections and broad appeal. In Arizona, you have a candidate who claims Trump won, claims she won, insulted the Bushs and the McCains. Is that really the best candidate to win statewide in Arizona? What about Doug Deucey?


Yeah. Well, I know Doug Deucey. In fact, we worked at Procter and Gamble together once upon a time in a prior life. But the key to winning in '24, Trey, is to not to focus on grievances from the past, but to focus on the issues that matter to voters. And there's a lot of issues that matter to voters. The high price of gas, the high price of groceries, of course, inflation, the out-of-control southern border and the crime wave that's coming across this country, as well as the terror threat from our southern border, and the weakness that Joe Biden projects on the American stage as he represents our country in foreign policy, the withdrawal from Afghanistan, a complete debacle, the complete failure of the appeasement strategy with Iran. And so if our candidates and Kerry Lake focuses on those issues and not in grievance to the past, Arizona will be a very competitive state, and Kerry Lake can win Arizona.


Well, I hear she's on something of an apology to her, trying to mend fences. I just don't think there are enough Republicans in Arizona that you can afford to alienate them. But what do I know? Let's move to Ohio. Ohio voted for Trump and JD Vance and Sherid Brown. I can't reconcile that. Who is the candidate in Ohio that you think can beat Sherid Brown?


Well, Tray, we step back and look at the bigger map. This is the best map Republicans have had in 10 years of the United States Senate. We start with these three very red states of West Virginia, Montana, and Ohio, where in every one of those three states, every single statewide elected official is a Republican, except for John Tester in Montana, Sherid Brown in Ohio, and Joe Manch in West Virginia. Now, Joe Manch has announced he's retiring, so that's going to be a seat we likely will pick up. That takes us to 50-50. Now it's down to Montana and Ohio as our two most likely pickup seats. In Ohio, you look at J. D. Vance. J. D. Vance won with 53.3% of the vote in 2022. That's the exact same number that Trump won by in 2020. It shows us that despite J. D. Vance being outspent three to one, Ohio has become a red state. It's going to be difficult for Sherris Brown to beat any one of our three candidates in Ohio. We like all three of them. We're not endorsing any of those three. They all bring their own respective resumes and backgrounds, and I like our chances in Ohio, but it's going to be a massive race tray.


That's probably going to be a $300 million Senate race because the Democrats know they've got to keep Ohio or they lose the United States Senate.


I'm going to tell you, Steve, if I had $300 million, I would buy a farm in Montana and I would never leave. The fact that you are willing to leave one of the most beautiful states in the country to go try to help the Senate, God bless you for that. Steve Danes from the great state of Montana. Happy belated Thanksgiving. We'll see you soon.


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