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There you are. My next guest is such a brilliant businessman that his childhood lemonade stands were publicly traded. Not only is he a wildly successful TV host, but he is, and I mean this, the only flashy dresser you should ever take financial advice from. That's usually a big no-no, but not when the host of Making Money, Charles Payne on Fox Business is here. Crowd goes wild.Thank you.My man, Charles Payne. It is time to go off the meter. Watch this. All right, so here we go, and this is what we need to know first. I'm obsessed with Spider-Man moments. What I mean is, you know how Spider-Man was bit by a radioactive spider that turned him into I want to be Spider-Man? What made you want to be the business mogul that you are?




I was bitten by a rope. I was like, Oh, I got to get the hell out of here. It's starting to earn.


Although, I tell you what, I'd rather have roach skills than Spider-Man's Spider skills. Yeah. But there's not a great superhero. Think about this.


Spider-man gets replaced by a new Spider-Man every two years. If you got roaches, they're sticking around. There's no Tobey Maguire roach, followed by a Tom Holland roach. There's just the one guy. That's amazing. Let me ask you this. Charles calls pain runs for President and wins. Okay, who plays the inauguration?


Oh, boy, we get a nice mix. I get some definitely Earth, Wind, and Fire.


Okay. Yeah, you would. You got to get Earth. Because you want a crowded dance floor. I I expect that. Okay.


Stevie Wonder, even though he's a Democrat.


But I dig that because he's not going to criticize your wardrobe. No.


He may be upset with the platform, but not for your wardrobe. Just a smattering of other folks, but I love that. I would say Willy Nelson, but I don't know if he's still performing. If he is, I'd love to get Willy.


I will put it this way. He is performing. If everybody's trying to take the edge off after the intensity of the inauguration, he's probably your guy. He gets there early enough.


It could be before the inauguration.


You won't be nervous for the speech.


We get Willy and Snoop, the crowd is like, Oh, man. This is the coolest inauguration ever. Who won?


President Charles Payne just said they faked the Moon landing. Nobody saw that coming. This is crazy. What is your favorite sports moment?My.


First breakdown.Oh, get out of here. Yeah, yeah. Pop Warner, kick off. The guy fumbled the ball. He grabbed it, I ran. But I had a rough father. My father was in the military.Okay.So at halftime, I'm running up, I'm running… Daddy, Daddy, did you see it? Why did you keep looking back? Man, this is a rough dude.


It's my first countdown, my man. This is all I got. That's why I need therapy now, right? No, I love that. Let me ask you this then, because your father was strict, you probably didn't do an end zone celebration, or did you have... Did you spike?


No end zone celebration. I scored a lot of touch downs growing up in no end zone. I just hand a ball to the ref.


Because you played the game of class. Yeah. No, I respect that.


I wanted to. I mean, Billy White shoes Johnson, man. I was like, man. But you know, pop didn't play that.


I owe you big for that reference because I've sometimes made that defending my wardrobe choices on air, and I just get shoved out of the room. Next time I'm in trouble. I'm calling you. Jimmy White-Sueze Johnson, what position did you play?


Wide receiver. Did you now?


Yeah, you see how slim I am. No, I know because I was a jockey, so I get it. I got it. I rode glue stick in the Kentucky Derby. It was great. How's your karaoke game?


It's okay. It used to be a nine. I'm probably down to seven and a half. Things just started to get a little fade a little bit as you get older. Okay.


You're just drinking less. That's what you're telling. And we respect that. Okay, personal question. Everybody, cover your ears. Is Stuart Varny faking the accent?


No, he's not. And I'm a little jealous because I grew up with a speech impediment. I'm over it for the most part, but I'm terrible with names. Of course, we live in this global world. Coming up, it was all Smith Jones, and now it's like names with 15 syllables. Now, Stuart, though, can say and mess him up. But he says it's so nice that people sometimes change their name to the way Stuart pronounced. Next case is I was so blah, blah, blah. They're like, oh, that was terrible. He called it dad. Like, Dad, let's change my name.


He just went with it. Is there one place in the world everybody watching should visit?


Right now, I've got 37 libraries around the world I'm going to go to, beginning with Trinity Library. I'm not sure. It's hard to pinpoint. There's so many amazing, wonderful places on this planet that I think you should try to... Don't pin yourself down.


But the difference between your finances and mine is you want to got a sweet spot in the Bronx. I might buy weed behind the library, but I don't know... Charles Payne, you're the man. You're the man. You're the man. Great Charles Payne, everybody. There it is.