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All right, joining me now is Ari Fleischer, former White House Press Secretary, Fox News contributor, and Chris Bedford, Executive Editor of the Common Sense Society. Ari, now, Obama decides to come out and warn that 2024 may be at risk. What do you think is behind that?


Well, he knows Joe Biden. Remember, he is the one who said that Biden didn't need to run. He didn't need to take this chance and to do it in 2020. I don't think, Barack Obama has ever been impressed by Joe Biden. And so it's a warning signal to other Democrats. Laura, I think there is a 50-50 chance, maybe a one in three chance that Joe Biden is going to get dumped by the Democrats at the Democratic Convention in August. You look at Democrat senators, congressmen, the people who have to run for re-election. Do they really want an unpopular 81-year-old at the top of the ticket right before the election? And they have a chance at a convention to do something about it? Pay a lot of attention to what's going on leading into that convention because there is tremendous internal discontent inside Democratic circles.


But, Chris, when I'm reading the stories about Biden's fundraising, they do expect to have taken in $67 million in the last reporting. And just in the last few weeks, I think they've raised another 15 million. They are outraising Republicans. And that's not nothing. That is something as you're going into an election year, is it not?


They've been outraising to Republicans over and over again and race after race, and it very often does make a difference. Now, Donald Trump proved that you can be outraised by your opponent and still win, but I think 2016 was really an outlier on that. And that's something that Republicans ought to be worried about here is that Joe Biden is seeming to show massive collapse at the polls. I think the polls overstate it most of the time, but it seems to be a collapse right now. We're still pretty far out from this election. There's still a real chance that that money coming in and his ability to try and move the voters and get them excited again about his policies could have an impact. If you're the other party, if you're the Republican party, you want to see this collapse in Joe Biden's popularity two months before the election. Not now.


Well, there are some interesting ads that are already popping up, Ari. This one made me howl, laughing, and I want people to laugh on a Monday night, so watch.


Hey, President Biden, is Obamacare still a thing? Is it still a thing? Yes. Obamacare, the Affordable Care Act, the Biden Care, whatever you call it, yes, it is still a thing. We'll keep fighting to protect it. Not just protect it, but expand it. Saving millions of dollars for working families. Yeah, it's still a BFD.


Ari, you know a lot of the folks that make these ads. I mean, they're not even looking into the camera. This is just a bad ad. So if they're paying a lot of money for this stuff, I don't think Biden looks good by comparison to Obama at all. I think he looks smaller.


When your job approval is in the '30s, you need to be left out of all your ads. They just won't work. As soon as you remind the American people that the President is Joe Biden, they're going to turn their backs on that ad, except for hardcore Democrats, and even many of them have given up on Joe Biden. So they do have a problem. Money will be a big factor, but the thing that Democrats have to hope for is that the economy turns around. If there's any one thing that could help the Democrats, it is that the stock market continues to hit record highs all the way throughout the 2024 year, that inflation gets low and stays low. Without that, I see zero chance for Joe Biden to win. And that's against Donald Trump. That's against whoever the Republican nominee is. That's the one chance they have, and it's out of their control.


Well, Chris, I'll remind everybody about what the Biden people were saying about the stock market when it was the near-record highs under Trump. They said that's for rich people. Stock market is not a real indicator. So all the Republicans need to do is to get a montage of those soundbites to just play them back at them.


Yeah, that would work. But also at the end of the day, inflation is what a lot of people really are feeling. The Biden administration can lie about how success is around the corner in Ukraine. That's something that's difficult to verify by the average voter. Maybe they don't care. They can say the border is secure, which is that lie is starting to come apart. As illegal immigrants are pouring into blue cities in the north. But you're not going to be able to get around how incredibly expensive it is to shop for Christmas this year. How much money it costs to get a roast beef for your family or some other meat. How much steak costs, how much ground beef costs, how much chicken costs. These things you can't lie your way out of, and they're trying. But every time someone goes to the grocery store, they're reminded of the difficulties of this economy.


And Ari, they don't really seem to get these major issues that the voters keep saying we need this addressed. And I'm talking obviously here about the border. And it seems like Jen Saki, who had your old job, is worried that Biden might actually do something. Watch this.


This is something that the base voters in the Democratic Party will hate and will be outraged by, and there will be a lot of people in the White House who will not love details of this. But in the general election electorate, there is a fear of chaos at the border, border security. It's a real issue. It doesn't mean it's entirely valid, but it's a perception challenge.


Well, it's always a perception problem. They perceive it to be a problem, Ari, but it is a problem in every major city and even in suburbs now.


Yeah, and thank goodness for the Republican governors who flew a lot of these people who came up to America illegally to Martha's Vineyard, to New York City, to Chicago. So the rest of the nation would see it, not just Texas and the border states. But Jen Psaki is right about that. The base of the Democrat Party does not want reform the system. They want open borders. They want people flooding into America. Most Americans want to live in a nation governed by the rule of law where we allow people in if they're supposed to come in. We want immigrants, but you got to come here legally. And that's something where I just don't think Joe Biden is going to make the deal. He still governs from the Bernie Sanders wing of the Democratic Party. And that's what he's done since day one. With the spending blowouts and all the different things that he has done as President, he's always caved to the base of the Democratic Party. He wasn't like that as a Senator. He is like that as a President. And that is one of the biggest reasons he's collapsed as President. He is governing from the far left, and it's to his own detriment and to our country's detriment.


Chris, I think the images of thousands and thousands of people, many of them working-age men, tens of thousands of Chinese coming into the United States, I don't see that that is something that they can message away or make a slick commercial and make people forget about these images. I don't think it works at all. Not on this issue.


You made a good point and a great point in the angle earlier where you're saying, we're not a victim right now of some unforeseen circumstances, forces outside of our control. There's not a world war raging or something like that, or a depression that suddenly hits. These are actual policy decisions. The decisions we're seeing at the border, the decisions were going through New York City, the decisions in my hometown of Washington, DC, those are suicidal policies that are being maintained by liberal politicians who refuse to change course. It is making it now that the illegal immigrants have been spreading throughout the country and people are seeing it, taking over aspects of their city, taking over the homeless shelter in downtown Washington, D. C, they're starting to actually feel the results of this. That's another thing that the administration need to change course and I don't think they will.


No, this is a fanaticism that cannot be ignored. Ari, Chris, great to see both of you. Thanks so much.


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