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There are other kinds of violence I want to stop. With us tonight is Jasmine, who's nine-year-old sister Jackie, was murdered with 21 classmates and teachers in an elementary school in Uvaldi, Texas.


Very soon after that happened, Jill and I went to Uvaldi for a couple of days. We spent hours and hours with each of the families. We heard their message, so everyone in this room, in this chamber, could hear the same message. The constant refrain, and I was there for hours meeting with every family. They said, Do something. Do something. Well, I did do something by establishing the first ever Office of Gun Violence Prevention in the White House, that the vice president is leading the charge. Thank you for doing it.


Meanwhile, Meanwhile, my predecessor told the NRA, he's proud he did nothing on guns when he was President.


After another shooting in Iowa recently, he said, When asked what to do about it, he said, Just get over it. There is his quote, Just get over it. I say, Stop it.


Stop it, stop it, stop it. I'm proud we beat the NRA when I signed most significant in gun safety law in nearly 30 years because of this Congress. We now must beat the NRA again. I'm demanding a ban on assault weapons in high capacity magazine. Pass universal background checks. None of this. None of this. I taught the Second Amendment for 12 years. None of this violates the Second Amendment or vilifies responsible gun owners.


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