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They have an agenda. They've never played Kamala in her own words. Her radical statements, her extreme statements, I think dangerous statements. I just think that if we're talking about the border, all of these 11 million, it was all preventable. I think on the economy, if you had sound economic policy, you handed off 1.4% inflation. We'd be doing better in the economy. We'd be energy dominant by now because we were on a path towards energy dominance. Iran was in check. You had them on the verge of bankruptcy. Russia, you had a relationship with them and North Korea and the Moors and- But nobody was tougher with Russia than me.


I shut down the biggest pipeline in the world that Russia was building. It was called Nord Stream 2. Nobody ever heard of it. I said, No way. I said to Germany, There's no way we're going to protect you with NATO and spend billions of dollars protecting Europe, and you guys are going to be buying oil from the person and the group that we're protecting you from. And I shut it down. It was 100% shut down. And then this pathetic person comes in and he immediately approves it. But he shut down the Keystone XL pipeline, our pipeline. And the head of that union, by the way, the Pipefitters Union, the Pipeline Union, the head of that union nominated and was a big deal in the Biden campaign, and he endorsed him. And those people, 48,000 people lost their jobs. It was all approved. I got it approved. Obama rejected it. I approved it. It was starting. They spent billions of dollars. It was also... And they rejected. It would have been fantastic for us, including the 48,000 jobs. And what he did is he let Russia build the pipeline that I had stopped. It was totally stopped.


Going to Germany and other countries. Think of it. We protect them from Russia, and yet they pay Russia Russia, billions of dollars. Does it make sense? I was the toughest on Russia. Putin would even say, If you're not the toughest guy, you are killing us. I'd hate to see you if you were really tough. This was the biggest job they've ever had, and I stopped it. And you know what? Russia would have been fine. China would have been fine. China was fine. China paid us hundreds of billions of dollars in taxes and tariffs under me under no other President. And I mean, right from the beginning, did they pay 10 cents?


We're going to get to audience questions.


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