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We're bringing in former New York Republican governor, George Pataki, who joins us now. Governor, always good to see you. We haven't heard from you since all of this started happening in New York. When you look at those scenes inside Hamilton Hall at Columbia University, and let's pop this picture up for the governor. It's a tent, and on the outside of the tent, it says, crush one campus, another rises. What's your take on this, governor?


Martha, this is just disgusting, and it shouldn't be tolerated. These are not acts of free speech or protests. These are acts of anarchy, and they should have been stopped on day one. The university administrator should have stopped it. They didn't. When they didn't do it, since they're clearly breaking the law, the law enforcement, the NYPD in New York and others across the country, should have been called in right away. Martha, in 1968, the last time Columbia had riots like that, I was there, and I was very active leading some of the anti-protesters and the The longer it goes, the more propensity to violence there is. So it should have been shut down day one. It wasn't. I hope it's shut down across the country right now.


Mayor Adams has also said that there should be no tolerance for this. And here he is speaking out about the flags. We've seen Palestinian flags rising in different areas on some of these campuses. So I want to play what he said. And then, control room, if you could play right after that, the video that we have of the NYPD putting the American flag back up at City College. Watch this, if you would, governor.


It's despicable that schools will allow another country flag to fly in our country. So blame me for being proud to be an American. And I thank Commissioner Dauphine for putting that flag back up. We're not surrendering our way of life to anyone.


And here's the video, which reminds us of several other historic images. As the flag came down, the Palestinian flag came down, and the NYPD launched the American flag in the middle of all this chaos, governor. What do you think?


I'll tell you, it makes me proud of Mayor Adams, and it makes me proud of the NYPD, but I've always been proud of them. But the other side of the coin is, I'm so appalled by the university administrators. They should all be fired. I'm appalled by President Biden. He has been silent for weeks until he finally put out a relatively meaningless statement this morning. This is the worst anti-Semitic incidents I've seen in my lifetime. The fact that the leadership, whether it's at the university level or at the administration Biden level, has been so silent as appalling. This is not free speech. This is anarchy. You allow it to continue. It hurts the country. Martha, by the way, I don't know if your viewers are aware, but the Iranian national television has has been playing these protests in Iran. Al Jazeera has played them all across the Middle East. This hurts the peace process. This empowers the radicals like Hamas. Whether or not it's intentional by those protesters, it is hurting the prospect for peace. It's got to be stopped. They should be arrested, they should be prosecuted, and students should be expelled.


Yeah, there's no doubt that Iran sees this as a win for them when they see these protesters and what they're doing on college campuses. Governor George Pataki, thank you. Always great to see you, sir. Thank you for joining me today.