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When it comes to being healthy, we live in a world of fads. You got juice cleanses, cold plungees, salt spas. But what if the key to living a healthy life isn't as complex as we think? You have a new book, Claims Just That, that the secret to living better and longer lies with your metabolism. I'm joined by the co-authors, Dr. Casey Means and her brother Calleigh Means. They're the author of a brand new book, Good Energy: The Surprising Connection Between Metabolism and Limitless Health. Great to see you both. Kelly, I'll start with you. When did you realize that America needs to know that they're being poisoned by their food.


I was a lobbyist early in my career for the food and pharma industry, and I learned a simple thing, which is that 95% of health care costs are tied to preventable conditions that are all tied to our metabolism. There's two roads we can go. Doctors can talk about that a keto diet is the best way to reverse infertility, that exercise in sunlight is the best way to reverse depression, but that's not profitable. We We funded the research, we funded the med schools, we funded the politicians, and the reality is that we have a system that makes money when people are sick. That's the economic reality. Casey, trained at Stanford Med School, was trained that when a kid shows a sign of ADHD, Adderall, shows a sign of being sad, SSRI, shows a sign of high cholesterol, statin. All these drugs are doubling prescription rates among teens in the past five years, and it's not getting better. We have to completely have a radical change and realize that almost every chronic condition that's ailing us, Brian, is tied to metabolism and simple solves we're not being told about.


So, Casey, what you're saying is, and what you found out, and what you claim is that our food is combining, the USDA is combining with the medical profession and big pharma to keep us chronically sick because they make money on some of this medication?


It's a devil's bargain, Brian. We have a $4.3 trillion health care system, a $2 billion process food system, and an $8... I'm sorry, $4 $4 trillion health care system, a $2 trillion process food system, and an $800 billion fitness industry that are all colluding to make us think it's complicated to be healthy when in fact, like Calleigh said, it's all rooted in metabolic disease. Every chronic condition is going up all at once. We're on track to have 2 million cases of cancer this year. 50% of American adults have type 2 diabetes and prediabetes. 75% of American adults have overweight or obesity. Autoimmune diseases are all going up. Infertility is going up, 1% a year, and depression and anxiety are through the roof. What the science is telling us is that all of these are fundamentally rooted in metabolic dysfunction, which we can track and we can fix with simple dietary lifestyle strategies.


You say it's to their benefit if we're sick, if we're on statins, if we're on things we have to take every single day. Is that why you left the medical profession?


Absolutely. As a head of neck surgical trainee, what I saw was a very, very tragic reality, which is that there is one simple financial incentive in the health care system, and that is to have more patients in in the system for a longer period of time, having more things done to them. The reality of the health care system today, the financial incentives, is that it makes more money when patients are sick, and it makes less money when patients are healthy. I had to leave that system and try to help people really learn how to stay healthy and stop making profit for these industries that benefit off our dependency and illness.


Explosive allegations. It's all in the book. It's gotten people really intrigued. But I want to go over to something else we discussed just a week ago, and that's Ozempic. Callie, let's talk to you. It's a way of getting people thin. This way, they're not as sick. They're more healthy. Do you think Ozempic is a miracle cure?


Absolutely not, Brian. I'm a new parent, and I go to a daycare facility, and most kids are clearly having issues, developmental issues, overweight. 50% of teens are overweight or obese. What happens? The maker of Ozempic, a Danish company, funds the American Academy of Pediatrics. It's a subsidiary of pharma, sets the standard of care for medicine. They are now saying that 12-year-olds, that if your 12-year-old is overweight or obese, it should be the first-line defense. This is a lifetime drug, Brian. We need to get kids on a path of curiosity about why they're getting so sick, about why all these conditions are at all time highs this year. Additionally, it will cost $1,800 per month per patient of taxpayer money. Bernie Sanders recently just said it's going to bankrupt the healthcare system. He's actually right on this one. We need to spend that money to fix our broken food system. Let's fix the root cause here. Ozempic is a great case study of this.


We just scratch the surface of what you conclude in this book. It's called Good Energy, the Surprising Connection between Metabolism and Lentless Health. Casey Means, Calleigh, great to see you. Good to see you, brothers and sisters. Get along so well. Whatever you're doing is right because you look so healthy 10 years younger than your actual age. Thanks, guys. Appreciate it. Thank you. Hi, everyone. I'm Brian Kilmead. I want you to do me a favor. I want you to click to subscribe to the Fox News YouTube page. This is the only way that I know for sure that you're not going to miss any great commentary, any great news bites, any great interviews coming your way on Fox. You can get it all here on YouTube. So subscribe right now.