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The IDF continuing its raid of the Al-Shifah Hospital as Israeli officials signal the ground offensive is moving toward Southern Gaza. Meanwhile, millions in the region now under a communication blackout with no internet or phone service. Trey Yanksh is live in Southern Israel, Fortis. What is the latest from there? Trey.


Yeah, hey, Sandra, good afternoon. Israeli forces continue to operate inside Casa City, specifically at the Al-Shifa Hospital, Georgia's largest hospital. They released a new video today of what they say is part of a tunnel network beneath Georgia. It is critical to note here, this is the only video they've released of tunnels so far. They say there is a larger complex that will be revealed, but we've not yet seen any further evidence to support those claims. They also released a new video showing weapons. They say were recovered at Gaza's Shifah Hospital. Earlier this week, we were with the Israelis less than 24 hours after they conducted their initial raid at the hospital compound inside an MRI room. The Israelis showed us what they say are weapons that were stashed by Hamas. We have no way to independently verify if, when, how, and where these weapons were actually found, but the Israelis say they were found in the hospital. Now, we did pose this question to Hamas last night. A senior official sending me a text denying that any weapons were stored in the hospital. It comes as Israeli forces continue to go through buildings, as there are still patients actively being treated there.


They overnight found the bodies of two hostages that were dragged into Gaza. During the massacre on October seventh, one, a woman from the small community of Ber-e that sits near the Gaza border in her mid-60s. She was a cancer patient and she was slaughtered. Her body recovered by the Israelis. Additionally, a 19-year-old Israeli soldier that, according to Hamas, was killed in an Israeli airstrike.


Hey, everyone, I'm Emily Campano. Catch me and my co-host, Harris Falkner and Kaylee Mechanemi on Outnumbered every weekday at 12:00 p. M. Eastern or Set Your DVR. Also, don't forget to subscribe to the Fox News YouTube page for daily highlights.