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Johnny was running around the DNC asking your favorite Democrats very, very important questions. Watch.


What are you doing? What are you doing? Do you miss being mayor?


I'm not doing any spontaneous interviews.


Do you miss it? Iyana, how are you, Congresswoman? Good to see you. What is Kamla's policies?


She has an entire plan that's about economic opportunity.


Where are they? We can't find them.


It's all about protecting a woman's right to choose. It's about lowering taxes for the middle class. Being unburdened by what has been. What? Excuse me.


Democrats love electric cars. Do you have one?


No. Why not? Because I don't. I have a Ford Bronco Well.


Bringing the energy. Yes. Are you proud of Kamala?


Oh, my God. So proud. So proud of the whole team. This has been a team effort. So proud of the team.


What are the best policies that she has?


Honestly, it is carrying on what the Biden administration I'm just done.


Would you advise Kamala to do a Fox debate? She doesn't want to do it. Is she scared? Excuse me, sir. Is she scared?


I hope that she will come on Fox because frankly, that's how we connect with lots and lots of Americans, including members of my family.


Would you convince her to do it?


I think she'll crush Trump in any debate, anywhere, anytime, so I'd be all in.


Governor, how are you? Good. How are you doing? Why don't Democrats want to secure the border?


I'm not sure what that even means.


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