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There you are. Welcome back to Fox News Saturday Night. Apparently, I've been given a good luck gift from one of my fellow Fox anchors. Check. How about look at this? Let's see. This is exciting. Oh, it's from Jesse Waters. Jeff the Waters. This is his world, you guys. It says, Good luck with the show, Fela. Whenever I'm feeling down, I look at this and it cheers me up. Clad That is classic. You feel cheered? I don't know if I feel cheered right now. I feel that's more Griko.


Oh, get the humor. We'll get there.


A little more. He's like, No way.


He's like, No way. He won't follow you. Technically speaking, that is our second gift. That is our second good luck gift because Greg Gutfeld said, Since it's my first show, I could wear his good luck shoes. I just want to say thank you to the king of late night. This is a kind gesture to say the least. I should also add that everybody else at Fox graciously chipped in and got me a gym membership. Join me now as someone- Use it.


Yeah, thank you. It's only $8 a month, by the way.


They're actually staging an intervention because joining me now as the one woman who can show anyone around the Jim. Legendary health and fitness expert, businesswoman, author, and podcast host. I mean, what can't she do? Gillian Michiels is in the house. That's your first show, right? It is my first. I don't know if I should be excited because you're a huge name, or I should be inserted because you do interventions. Are they calling me fat or are they calling me both?


When you said, I don't know if there's anything she can't do. Helping you might be it.


Yes, the one thing she can't do. Let me jump in here. I have video proof. You guys don't know this. Prior to taping the show tonight, we went into the green room, and she's like, Come on, I'll work you out a little bit for the show. I can't tell you that it went great. Here we go. No, we can't swear. If you said, This would get beat down. It's going to take more than 30 seconds. What are you doing? We got a beat button. Give me 30 seconds of that exercise. All right, let me see some alternating lunges. What's an alternating lunge? Is that it?


Are you serious?


You're not really a trainer. You're like a dominatrix. All right, we're good here. Thank you. I feel better already. That's all you got? No, because we needed 30 seconds. So let's make this very clear. I know you guys know celebrity Gillian Michiels, who's the superstar trainer. I know you as more of a fitness dominatrix. I will also assume that role. The rent don't pay itself. We've all had survival jobs.


You got to do what you got to do, man. No, I did that. I'm slumming it here.


But I have an idea. Wait a second. Hold on a second. What are you talking? Hold on a second. Hold on a second. This is just for me. Thank you. You have the fitness app. We love the fitness app, but Based on the way we interact it in the hallway, because your fitness app does everything, right? Meal plans. All the things. Okay, calorie counts, anything you could want. But stick with me. Okay. Based on our interaction, you should add a dominatrix feature because sometimes getting yelled at Dave, wouldn't you say helps you get in shape? Absolutely. I like to have my feelings hurt, and then I lose a couple of pounds. That's how it works. That's how I gain weight. Gillian, if you hit a button and it's just like, eat a carrot, you fat bastard.


The fact that you're saying this? Yes. People have actually requested that. Yes. We're going to put a toggle on the app, and I just have not had the time to record all new boys. Everybody, swear to God. That is amazing. Hold on.


I will protect Gillian right now and tell you all you need to do is start an OnlyFans account where you just show your feet. Don't even draw all of these guys and whipping It's around on the app. Yeah, don't listen to them. This is not true.


I lost $9.


Then we can't tell it's you, so it preserves your reputation. You make a quick mill on the side. Do you need like, bunions or something, though, to do it and make money?


Can I just jump in? She's not as hooked up in entertainment as she says. She's actually a judge on a show called Lone Shark Tank. It's not Mark Cuban, it's some Cuban guy. They'll give you $800 if it goes well. Give me one substantive question from Gillian Michiels while I'm blessed enough to have you here. Tell me. Okay. What am I doing wrong?




Start there. Listen, I go high protein, low carb. I call it a fatkins because I'm not avoiding bread, but I'm minimizing bread. What should I bring back? What do I need to do real quick? We got 30 seconds. Okay, 30 seconds.


Here we go. Hit a step goal, 10,000 steps a day. Remove as much white flour, white sugar, and alcohol as humanly possible. Get your sleep. It will go a really long way.


Would you agree to come back in six months and check my progress?


Yes, but You need a little pillow because here's the thing. In order to not fall back in this-Yeah, he's got one. I have to lean forward like this to sit in the thing, and I'm just not that into you.


No, I get it. If it's like a little... You know what I'm saying? Because look at this. No, you got to leave on the joke. You got that one in. Take the win. Thank you, Gillian. Seriously, get her the money out of here. Anyway, be sure to check out Gillian's The Fitness app. It is available now to avoid looking like the Jimmy special.


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