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Who doesn't love a yellow school bus?




Can you raise your hand if you love a yellow school bus? Right? Just. There's something about the., 100% of the votes. Vote number TBD. That is common core math right there. But that's on Wikipedia as we speak. I mean, for being a threat to democracy for the last eight years, I feel a little cheated because, you know, we were not the ones in the back rooms with the party bosses doing.The whole any of the fun stuff.Yeah, I know.What a racket.We didn't even get to vote when we were dead. I mean, like, we're still alive.But you said no fun. But you can't slander Kamala if you've been following the new media rules, right? They're like, calling her incompetent is a slur. So please tell Orange Hitler to calm down. Wait, I feel like I missed something. But, Zioli, give me this. Because you joked on this show a few weeks ago. Mm hmm. That they were gonna get Biden off the ticket by telling him he already won and served his second term.Yes.What do you think they actually did? Do you think, like, Pelosi showed up with a laptop and clicked and enlarged some real full size emails? What do you think happened?What was that address the other night? That was his farewell address to the nation. I mean, they said, you finish your second term, say goodbye to America, and then we have to get the animatronic Joe Biden back to Disney World, to the hall of presidents. Cause if you notice, there was a sign there the entire time. He gave a speech saying, this exhibit is closed for renovation. So they got it back there, and they recorded the video probably about a week before he gave it, which was great.Probably.Probably.Now, Ryan, let me give you this, though. Yes. As the borders are, which she was. Sorry, axios. But she was okay, as the borders are. Millions of migrants came into this country illegally, many of whom danced for you at flash dancers.And I support our migrants.But getting past lonely, broken comedians, who else did her policies appeal to?Well, I'm also in agreement. This is a crazy idea. She is trying to appeal to America, and they're using Biden to campaign for her. That's like using Jared to promote subway. Now what?He doesn't have the best.I know how to touch America.Oh, Ryan, he went there. It's 10:00 Kat.Don't worry.All the bosses went home. It's gonna be fine.I feel like I need an adult.He does. Well, stick around. We do have Piers Morgan coming up, and there's gonna be cat pics before the end of season.No, no, no. I said an adult.Oh, hey, there it is. But give me this because you know this as a member of Congress, Kat Kamek, she has the most liberal voting record in the Senate. Yes. Okay. And she's from California, bless her heart. A state that's so liberal, they wanted to defund the comp and the village people. Okay, so is there a part of you. Okay, once this whole little media hullabaloo settles down and the propaganda kind of fades and people get to know her, is there a part of you that's actually thankful this happened to, you know.I think that people are.Hey, Sean Hannity here. Hey, click here to subscribe to Fox News YouTube page and catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis. You will not get it anywhere else.


, 100% of the votes. Vote number TBD. That is common core math right there. But that's on Wikipedia as we speak. I mean, for being a threat to democracy for the last eight years, I feel a little cheated because, you know, we were not the ones in the back rooms with the party bosses doing.


The whole any of the fun stuff.


Yeah, I know.


What a racket.


We didn't even get to vote when we were dead. I mean, like, we're still alive.


But you said no fun. But you can't slander Kamala if you've been following the new media rules, right? They're like, calling her incompetent is a slur. So please tell Orange Hitler to calm down. Wait, I feel like I missed something. But, Zioli, give me this. Because you joked on this show a few weeks ago. Mm hmm. That they were gonna get Biden off the ticket by telling him he already won and served his second term.




What do you think they actually did? Do you think, like, Pelosi showed up with a laptop and clicked and enlarged some real full size emails? What do you think happened?


What was that address the other night? That was his farewell address to the nation. I mean, they said, you finish your second term, say goodbye to America, and then we have to get the animatronic Joe Biden back to Disney World, to the hall of presidents. Cause if you notice, there was a sign there the entire time. He gave a speech saying, this exhibit is closed for renovation. So they got it back there, and they recorded the video probably about a week before he gave it, which was great.






Now, Ryan, let me give you this, though. Yes. As the borders are, which she was. Sorry, axios. But she was okay, as the borders are. Millions of migrants came into this country illegally, many of whom danced for you at flash dancers.


And I support our migrants.


But getting past lonely, broken comedians, who else did her policies appeal to?


Well, I'm also in agreement. This is a crazy idea. She is trying to appeal to America, and they're using Biden to campaign for her. That's like using Jared to promote subway. Now what?


He doesn't have the best.


I know how to touch America.


Oh, Ryan, he went there. It's 10:00 Kat.


Don't worry.


All the bosses went home. It's gonna be fine.


I feel like I need an adult.


He does. Well, stick around. We do have Piers Morgan coming up, and there's gonna be cat pics before the end of season.


No, no, no. I said an adult.


Oh, hey, there it is. But give me this because you know this as a member of Congress, Kat Kamek, she has the most liberal voting record in the Senate. Yes. Okay. And she's from California, bless her heart. A state that's so liberal, they wanted to defund the comp and the village people. Okay, so is there a part of you. Okay, once this whole little media hullabaloo settles down and the propaganda kind of fades and people get to know her, is there a part of you that's actually thankful this happened to, you know.


I think that people are.


Hey, Sean Hannity here. Hey, click here to subscribe to Fox News YouTube page and catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis. You will not get it anywhere else.