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Welcome back. My next guest was once kicked off Elvis Presley's plane at Graceland after she triggered an alarm by sitting on the King's bed. It is a true story, although most people consider her biggest defense bringing me into the world.


I am talking about my mom, marvelous, Maryanne Philips. Oh, yeah. Who makes her debut on the show, smile at the camera. Let him see it. Give him a wave. There it is. Bang. You had one job. He's like, When Jimmy introduces you, smile in this camera. Right at me.One job. One job.


Congratulations on your TV debut. It is crazy because the way you drive, a lot of people assume you would have been on cops by now, but you can confirm this is your debut. Absolutely. What do you have with you? I'm so excited. You are excited. I'm very excited. That makes one of us. I kid. What do you got there? I see it.


Don't dare.


I had to share.


Oh, Joe.


Get out of here.


Get out of here.


Look at that.


Wow. And if you've seen them.


This is the time you left me at the ball.


Is there another one? Am I getting a second one? You look more like dog than I thought. My dog's 14th child. What else you have? All right, let's see. She's a prop comic now.


I would like you to meet Meeple.


Meeple, the cat. This is a big deal. I have not seen Meeple, the Cat since probably that picture.


44 years ago. No, for real.


Look at that. Little boys do to stuffed animals. The ASPCA took this away from me. I'm kidding. I'm kidding. Meetball the cat. This is a big deal. Thank you. This is amazing.


He went everywhere, Meetball.


Meetball went a lot of places.


Did you see his face up here? Jimmy's like, so is Meetball.


Yeah, we have the same type of face, right? He was trying to imitate him. He really came everywhere, hon. He even came to Child Protective Services with me. All of the... All right, so let's have this talk then, since you're bringing up my youth. You have four wonderful kids, Sujo, Mike, me. They do think I'm the favorite, and I think most historians would argue that I should be. But that being said, I was a problematic little kid. What we want to know is what has concerned you the most during your storied career as my mom? Was it my behavior in school, my behavior in casinos, or the fashion choices I make on TV?


Oh, my goodness, the casino.


Would you say the casino?


Oh, my God, it was so much fun. That doesn't sound like a concern.


No, it was. Here's a true story. If you ever become president- After we made the rounds.


Wait. After that show, I'm not sure anymore. No, no. If Wesley's political future is done. It's over. It's over.


Thank you for killing it. If Wesley became President, she couldn't be in charge of the Treasury. This is a true story. As my mom, we once made it to a toll booth on I-95, coming home from Foxwoods. It's true. So broke that we literally were shaking the rugs out of the car to find change to pay a 35 cent toll. Do you know how much money you have to lose in a casino?


That she came Can't even flash a trucker to get me a dollar? I mean, it worked the first four tolls, but the fifth one was like...


But wait, that's when I become concerned. Yeah.


When the trucker stopped, when you can't even make it as a lot lizard in Biden's economy. Come on, mom.


We're going to go to Atlantic City. Atlantic City was good. Next thing I know is we're in Connecticut, we're in Vegas.


Nice game.


Next thing you know, you're like, Jimmy, why are you wearing a blonde wig and powdering your atoms out?


This is Caitlin.


Is that you, Caitlin? Give us the Elvis story because a lot of people have heard this.


They don't know that it's real. We went to Graceland. The panel should know this. Her and my aunt, Fran, grew up watching Elvis Presley. We loved Elvis. When we got to Graceland, they have velvet ropes and stuff for people who respect them. Okay, not everybody does. And you did what?


Oh, my goodness. I couldn't wait. We had to actually went in there and we actually walked by his bed and I turned around and I looked and I said, Is this his bed? Somebody said, Yeah. I went,.


Like a lomb's got off. She's making snow angels and pills. She's like, We went to the bathroom, we crushed up some powder. She got the full experience. I was like, Mom, don't use the toilet. Don't use the toilet.


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