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Hello, America. I'm Jimmy Fahler, the King of late Night. Greg Goodfield is out.


And that's a good thing because he would totally trash this jacket from my overweight figure skater collection. Listen, folks, Greg bashes my wardrobe a lot, but in my defense, unlike.


Greg, I can't.


Borrow clothes from Peter Dinklage. Jimmy.


Anyway, we have a great show.


For you tonight with a sexy-ass panel. But before we get to them, it is Friday. Now, the normal tradition on gut felt is that we'd open with leftovers. But seeing as it's the last episode of 2023, the producers agreed to let me share my final thoughts on the year if it's okay with you people.


Baylor's final thoughts.


Now, to be honest.


2023 was a bit of a dumpster fire, but it did teach us a lot of things. For instance.


Bud Light taught us that.


This was not what customers meant.


When they asked a bartender for a beer with some nuts.






Yeah, the Dillian Mulvainey story turned the King.


Of beers into the Rodney King of beers.


But the.


Craziest part is they gave Mulvainey a.


Commemorative can to.




One year of womanhood. So technically.




They were giving beer to a one-year-old girl.


Not sure that's what alcohol ads meant by drink.


Responsibly, but here we are.


Don Lemon taught us it's possible to suck so bad that even CNN will.






Lemon, if you.


Remember, got into hot water after saying Nikki Haley was past her prime. First off, anyone who tells your women over 50 or past their prime has never seen my search history.




Second, Don Lemon, dude.


You endorsed.


Kamala Harris.


We'll ask your opinion on women once we get.


O'jay's take on marriage.


Taylor Swift and Travis Kelsey taught us that it's.


Still legal to like white people.


Go figure. Who knew? Who knew? We're still.




Thing. Sure, the mayor of Boston had a Christmas party where no white people were allowed, but as racist moves go, the Boston mayor is at.


Like a.




On a scale of.


One to Harvard. Yeah, Harvard's.


President, Claudia Gay, came under fire after.


Failing to condemn.


Anti-semitism in a disastrous appearance before Congress. On the plus side, now we know why she plagiarized the rest of her speeches.


Although in her defense, she.


Didn't think she could write them herself because as a Hamas supporter, she didn't know women were allowed in libraries.






Can we have security look at.


The groaners on that one?


The pro- Hamas recipients of that joke?


It's not something I budgeted for.


As for.


Taylor and Travis, though, I do get it. This couple is everywhere, and a lot of football fans are annoyed that they keep showing Taylor at all the games. But you've got to admit, it's nice to see someone pretending to be a chief besides this lady. Jimmy, so silly. Pro-palestinian protesters taught us that you don't have to be smart to get into an Ivy League college. Check this out. Seriously, if there was any doubt about how dumb these protesters were.


It all went.


Out the window when they confronted Alec Boldwin about ending the bombings in Gaza. Earth to protesters.


Alec Baldwin couldn't get a.


Cease-fire on his own movie set.


I doubt he's going.


To come things down in the Middle East. You know what I'm saying?


With all due respect to the.


Shooting star. Anyway. Speaking of movies.


Barbie was.


The big winner.


At the box.


Office this.




Raking in $1.4 billion worldwide. How about it? Republicans loved it because Margo Robbie is a smokeshowe, let's be honest. Well, liberals love going to the theater because they finally found a way to be surrounded by.


Underage girls.


Without flying all the way to Epstein Island. Yeah. Coincidentally, this is interesting. Barbara brought in more money at the box office than any film since Titanic, which continued to shatter records this year. Jimmy, we're just jokes.


Everybody is going to be okay.


There's no way any of you are rich enough to.


Know people on that sub, so relax. But while we're talking money, we should mention that a 2023 saw a Florida man win the biggest mega million jackpot in history at $1.6 billion. Lottery officials say the man's trying to remain anonymous, and he set up an LLC in Delaware to hide the money. As you'd imagine, he's reaching out to the experts on hiding money in Delaware.


So silly. Yeah, it wasn't exactly a banner year in politics. Donald Trump became the first President to be criminally indicted, and.


Joe Biden became the.


First President to make a sign language interpreter shrug. Yo, true story. At the State of the Union, his second to last line was, Now is the time to choose between unity and smugging to heaven to heaven to heaven to. And it's a state of the Union, so they all clap. But if you watch the sign language interpreter, she goes from signing to like Google because she's like, I don't know.


What this means.




Come to think of it, it might have been the sign language interpreter's cocaine at the White House after all that.


As for Trump, looking back on the historic day of his indictment, if we're being honest.


The most shocking part of his flight to New York was.


Seeing a President make it up the steps of the plane in one try.


And finally, 2023 taught us that.


Literally anyone can write a book. I'm going to get us out of this mess. Shut up.


And just when you thought.


The bar couldn't get any lower. Now let's get real for a minute. You should buy Katz's book because she's profoundly talented. She's a bestselling author. She sells out stand-up shows all over the country. Do you want to know why you should buy my book, for real? Just so you can see how out of place it is on the Fox News Books website.


Go to that site. The first book is like Shannon Bream. Women of the Bible speak. Harris Faulkner, Faith Can Move Mountains, Jimmy Fela. A hooker farted on a guy in my cab.


I don't know what it's doing there, but I buy it. Check it out. Yeah, 2023 was the type of crazy.


Ass story that you couldn't make up unless you were George Santos. Got to hit the Republicans, kids. That's how comedy works.




The House of Representatives voted to expel the Holocaust survivor turned astronaut.


Let's be clear, though.


Santos lied.


Way too much.


You know it's bad when Lauren.


Bolbert says you're yanking our chain.


Bolbert famously got caught following a man's privacy in a Denver movie theater. Republicans were upset that she performed a sex act in public. Democrats were angry that she didn't show the video to kindergarten kids.


Coincidentally, Bolbert.


Did it.


During a.


Screening of Beatle Juice.


Which is not exactly.


The sexiest show in town.


If you don't believe me.


You've never seen what Beatle Juice looks like. Jimmy.


And finally, a tip of the cap.


To New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez.


Who showed us that.


It really is possible to get the gold bars out of Nigeria. Now, millions of Americans have received spam emails over the years and come up empty but not Menendez. And sure, he was criminally indicted afterwards, but he hasn't been forced to resign.


Because if 2023 taught us.




It's that liberals have.


No problem with men.


Going for the gold.


As long as they take it from a woman.


Here he is. All right, let's.


Welcome tonight's guest. If political.


Pundits were wine, she'd be the nicest.


Box on the shelf. Fox news anchor Julie Benderris in the house. He's a kick-ass comedian who looks like the guy Hunter buys crack from, comedian Jim Florentine. He always kills on stage, and not just because he looks like a.


Civil War general.


Actor and stand-up comedian Tyler Fisher, and her New Year's resolution is to be less awesome. New York Times best-selling author and Fox News contributor, Kat Timpetier. And the crowd goes wild. All right.


So, Julie, we covered a lot there. When you look back on 2023, if someone gave this to you as a gift, would you keep it or would you.


Re-gift it? I would re-gift it like to an enemy. You don't give 2023 to anyone you have any respect for. I'd give it to my ex-husband.


2023 is the fruit cake of years.


I dig it. Yeah. I liked the Don Lemon story, though, because I just want to address that. He's calling Nikki Haley, actually, out of her prime. He's past his prime. I just wanted to put that on.


The record. I'm glad we got that out of the way. I feel like it needed to be said. -yeah, I thought it's- Great to see. -yeah. -i thought it's... Yeah. Florentine, as a nationally touring comedian, people like to say, This is the best time to be a comic because there's so much stupid stuff going on. But isn't it actually the opposite? Because it's almost hard to keep up with the ridiculousness?


It is, and then people are afraid to laugh at something, especially with the Bud Light stuff.


Yeah, not this crowd. Give them credit.


No, I know. Oh, my God. I was like, No, you cannot offend this crowd. We tried everything. People at home don't know this. We opened by.


Clubbing a baby seal.


They didn't even care. They were like, No, hit him again. I actually.


Loved that the only thing they were offended by was you saying I was a bad writer.




You know I.


Didn't mean that. I love all of you. Come over after.


Oh, no, you should.


If you guys.


Like meth, you're going to love this party.


That's some way classic. But it is-I'm way classy.


Yeah, but it is.


It's a stupid time.


To be alive. It is. But if I made a joke about butt light, if I said some guy in the front is drinking a butt light at the comedy show, I'd go, You need to tell me something? You might as well get out of the open right now. I'd just say, Oh, how can you say that?


Now, as a comedian, Tyler.


Though, aren't you thankful for the decision making process of the parent company, Tranheiser-Bush? Tranheiser-bush.


You know what? I think they made a big mistake. Barbie made a big mistake. They should have had Dylan Moldini play Barbie because he's 90 % plastic at this point, right? They could have saved money. He could have played Barbie and Ken, called it Barb and Hemmer.




Thought that was a great show. And then they only play it on the Casa Strip, and they don't let old white women in. We could have combined it all into one time-saving thing.


Pauke, didn't Dylan Mulvaney destroy the gender pay gap and that he was a man for 27 years? No one knew who he was. He was a woman for a year. He made 10 million bucks.


So I wasn't as into talking about the Dylma of anything. It's whatever. It doesn't matter. However, I think it's interesting that they chose if they wanted to have a trans person for their ad, they chose a male to female trans person and not the other way around. They could have done like 100 days of being a bro. It's a bro-y brand, Bud Light. And as a woman who was born a woman and is still extremely bro-y.


I don't.


Know why I would miss out an opportunity like that or other people because it's like nobody who is campy is drinking Bud Light.




It's true. Regardless of gender.


But that's what I think these brands screw up. They try to placate the people who don't actually partake in what they're doing.


It's so stupid. Well, that podcast, the marketing person actually said that. She did a podcast where she said she thought the consumer that chose the product was disgusting. But also it was all about business. She never at any point said, I really actually care about trans people. Businesses are businesses. Their aim is to make money. So that shouldn't be shocking. What's shocking to me is when people think businesses care about you.


Oh, yeah, they don't care at all.


They're all. That's a great point. But I do.


Agree-on to our commercial break.


Didn't Disney learn that message?


You're supposed to do what makes you money. People go to Disney because they like rides. They want to pay $32 for a turkey leg and marvel at the fat people on scooters. Isn't that why you go?


But no one was.


Waiting in line three hours to go on Snow White in the seven inches. You know what I'm saying? So do.


You think this was.


The year Florentine that's going to scare company straight?


I think so. I think after the Bud Light thing because it's still down like 25 %. I love going to the liquor store and just going to the beer section and seeing the Bud Lights stacked to the ceiling and the corona is way down here. I love seeing that. That's great.


It's going to hurt your feelings as a Bud Light guy because I'll tell you this. The thing that hurt me the most, J. B, my car once got stolen in the city. And if you live in the city, you're like, Just once? Really? My car once got stolen in the city. They threw my CD out of the tape player. They were like, I'm stealing your car, but I'm not a dirtbag. I'm not going to listen to Jimmy's Color Me Bad Summer Mix 92, and they.


Ditched my music.


Why would anyone want to steal a.


Toyota Camry? Well, it's that things went on in that Camry. As you know, a former New York City cab driver. I've had thousands of women in my back seat, technically speaking. Anyway, on that mediocre splash, before we go, a quick reminder.


My new book.


The Cancel Culture Dictionary, comes out January 30th. It is an A to Z guide on how to take back.


Some fun.


In our woke world. So don't forget to preorder your copy now. Look at me, folks. I need all the help I can get.


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