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Joining us now is co-host of The Five, Judge Jeanine Piro. Judge, I was under the weather last week and you filled in. Thank you so much for that. First of all, you were awesome, my friend. What is your read of all of this? First, on the Hunter front.


Okay, on the Hunter front, you had the Department of Justice and Abby Lowell, Hunter's lawyer, who worked out a deal that was so preposterous that it would give him immunity in perpetuity that the judge, as you recall, a while, months ago said, This is absurd. There's no precedent for it, and threw the whole thing out. Now they're scheduled to go to trial, and you've got 120 prospective jurors sitting in the courtroom ready to go. Everybody is teed up and fired up. All of a sudden, Abby Loews says, We want to plea guilty, but we want an Alfred plea. An Alfred plea, of course, is a situation where the defendant says, I'm going to maintain my innocence, but I will accept the guilt and the punishment that goes with it. Now, normally this is handled with the prosecutor ahead of time, and it is a very unusual plea. I said earlier today, in 40,000 cases in my office a year, we did it once. In this case, though, there was no discussion between the prosecution and the defense, and so the prosecutors are furious. The Department of Justice looks ridiculous because they're ready to go to trial, and Hunter Biden wants an Alfred plea.


They obviously were not talking, and the judge says, We're going forward. What happens is he forces the reading of all of the accounts of the indictment, 56 pages, three felonies, six misdemeanors, and Hunter pleads, as Jonathan said, to all of these counts. Now, the sentencing is December 16th. But tomorrow, the judge will decide, based upon at least giving the prosecutor an opportunity to argue and I say, We don't want you to give him an Alfred plea. And by the way, it's the prosecution's decision, not the judge's. And so I suspect there will not be an Alfred plea. He has nothing to lose, Laura. He played guilty to everything He knows that he's going to get a pardon or at least a commutation.


And just to your point, these prosecutors have been living, breathing, and eating this case for months and months. So they're up all night. They have their Post-it notes. They're getting their presentation. They're opening, closing. Then this, you just don't do this. This just doesn't happen. Talk about ticking them off, and I'm saying that in polite vernacular.


Yes. No, it doesn't happen. These lawyers are ready. They're gladiators now. They're ready for the cages to open up, and they're ready to go fight. Abby Lowell just comes in and he says, We're going to do an Alfred plea. The prosecution says, What are you talking about? But again, the Department of Justice is looking bad as it relates to Hunter Biden. Hunter Biden has managed to make his father look bad, the Department of Justice look bad. Anybody who says the poor Hunter, like Abby Lowell said, he had a drug problem, nobody cares. It's not a defense. Hunter Biden is the one who made all the money, didn't have to pay taxes on the years that they allowed the statute of limitations to run Laura. Now he wants to be able to say, I'm not really guilty. Hogwash.


Of course, the big The story, in my view, is all the money that was made from overseas interests, which still is outstanding in that case in that examination.


Can I say one more thing, Laura? It's fascinating. I think last month, in a bill of particulars, they came out and they started talking about a Romanian oligarch from whom they got millions of dollars. All of a sudden, they're leaking more information out. So you know that there was so much there. They couldn't afford to have this go to trial. But Abby Loewel says this is just an act of bravery, essentially, at the part of Hunter Biden.


Bravery and this, count your money. Judge, always great to see you. Thank you so much.


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