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Rnc Co-Chair Lara Trump joins us now. I keep hearing this. I was on vacation, Lara and my Democrat sister and my Democrat mom. Oh, Trump, he can't figure things out. He's down in the polls and he's rambling and he can't get it together. Is that really the case?


Of course, it's not, Jessie. This is a man who was President for four years. You don't have to take my word for it. You can just look at what he actually did when he was in the White House. It's funny because I feel like oftentimes, the things for which Donald Trump is criticized are the very strengths that gave him that ability and gave him that amazing brainpower to be the great president that he was, to negotiate trade deals with Xi Jinping, to walk across the DMZ and shake hands with Kim Jong Un. He's a different guy, and you're right, he doesn't consider himself a politician, and he's never going to be a politician. He often used to joke, if you remember, Yeah, they want me to be presidential. I can be very presidential. Of course, he could do that. But he is trying to draw a clear contrast between himself and Kamala Harris, between a person who is as transparent as you could possibly imagine. Sometimes some people might say Jessie to a fault. Kamala Harris, who literally is hiding, who cannot even be trusted to do a sit down interview with even a friendly outlet.


She's answered no questions at all. I would just suggest to people out there, sometimes you have to sit back and let Trump be Trump, as we've all heard before. I promise you, this is a man who understands politics, I believe, better than any person I have ever met. Sometimes the things you don't understand in the moment are the things that actually work out the best for him in the end. Believe me, he's got it under control and he knows what to do.


All right, so my sister and my mom were wrong. That's great to hear. I hope they're watching. Lara, great to see you. Thank you so much. Click here to subscribe to the Fox News YouTube page to catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis. You won't get it anywhere else.