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Joining us now is Tom Homan, my friend and former acting director of ICE and Fox News contributor. You know what, Tom? Kamala might support building the wall now, but if she gets into office, do you have any doubt she'll remove that provision?


Well, bottom line is we know two things. We know the money is available. We know the materials are there. So build the wall. Do it tomorrow. The contracts are in place. We're spending millions of dollars on these contracts, not not to build a wall. So simply make a command decision tomorrow, start the contract. You got the materials, you got the money, do it. But she's not going to do it. Look, she doesn't support the border while we all know this. What she's proven to me, and hopefully to many Americans, she has absolutely zero integrity because she's flip-flopping on everything.


Well, you know what's interesting is that she previously said the wall was un-American, that it was a medieval vanity project, and it was a complete waste of taxpayers money. And so this is really That's really fascinating. But listen, J. D. Vance today, slam Kamala's flip flop. Take a look.


She opened that border on day one, and as much as fake Kamala wants to pretend that she now agrees with Donald Trump, we've got to remind her she's the vice Vice President right now. Stop talking about what you're going to do. Start talking about what you are going to do right now because you're the vice president.


I mean, Tom, that's so obvious. She's been there for three years and nine months. He's right.


You're What she can't walk away from is her and Biden unsecured the most secure border in my lifetime on purpose. She can't run away from that. She can't run away from that. She slandered them in the horse patrol claiming they were racist for whipping people. She can't run away from calling ICE the KKK. She can't run away from the supporting sanctuary cities. She can't run away against her fair as the borders are. What this all comes down to, I just wrote an op-end on this, she keeps talking that President Trump shut down legislation that could have fixed the border on the Senate bill. The Senate bill was terrible. The Democrats shut down legislation that would fix the border because we passed HR 2 in the House. The Senate wouldn't even bring it up. And Lainford was played for a fool. The Democrats said, Let's write a bill. Let's bring Lainford in. We write a bill that we know won't pass. Then we can flip the script and blame the Republicans. They had HR2. Hr2 would have worked.


You're right. You're so right, Tom. The amazing part of it is they say, Well, we can close the border if 5,000 come through. First of all, how do you count 5,000? How many points of entries there are on the Southern border? Do they call every hour and say, We got 1,500 here. You got 1,200. I got 800. You got 600. We got to five. Let's see if we can get the... It's ridiculous. But the Biden-Harris administration Again, Tom, and I'm so glad you're on tonight because I'm dying to get your answer. They again blocked a four-year request by Fox News to, Reveal the nationalities of the people on the FBI terror watchlist arrested at the border by the Border Patrol. Get this. They cited the privacy interests of those who were encountered and argued that it could expose law enforcement to vulnerabilities and tip off the terrorist. I could say your thoughts, but I'd rather say Give me a break. But what are your thoughts, Tom?


Look, I've been a federal law enforcement since 1984. I did this job for three and a half decades. You know a lot about this, too. There is no vulnerability of law enforcement sensitive information or privacy. There's a vulnerability, and that's a political vulnerability. Because they were released that information, it's going to say exactly what the Biden-Harris team did to create the most vulnerable national security issue this country has faced. With the Southern border wide open, 181 different countries, citizens of 180 different countries have been arrested. Many of them are sponsors of terror. We arrested over 380 people on terrorist watchlist. We got two million got aways. How many of them came from the company sponsoring terror? Anybody doubts this, they just arrested eight, what, last month in New York, Philadelphia, and LA. They were planning a Russian-type terrorist attack. We know they're here.


Tom, the thing is, just tell us what country they're from. All of a sudden, illegals who are terrorists and stopped are considered to have more privacy rights than the American people? Who's making this stuff up? Anyway, let me ask you this. If there were a Biden-Harris administration, what is the thing that you worry about most?


That the border is going to get worse. Look, you know who wants Harris to be President? The criminal cartels in Mexico. You know who wants Harris to be President? The terrorist organization all around the world who's using our open Southwest border as an entry point. You know who wants Harris to be President? The country in Mexico. Because the gravy train will continue. They'll continue being paid off by the criminal cartels who operate freely in Mexico. They'll keep getting their $62 billion a year remittance payments from illegal alien sending money down to Mexico. They are scared to death a Trump presidency because he will secure the border. He will shut this down. Mexico's gravy train is over. He will wipe the cartels off the face of the earth like he did the ISIS and the Caliphate. They want President Harris. They want President Harris. All the wrong people want her to be President. That's just a stone cold fact. People can hate me for that statement all they want. Who cares? The cartels want her to be President. The terrorist organizations want her to be President. Mexico and Central America wants her to be President because they want the gravy train and the open border to Tom, if she cared about human trafficking, if she were such a great DA, she would have called the US attorneys from the Southern border.


She would have called the attorneys general, ATF, DEA, all you guys, and said, We're going to shut this down. But instead, she puts up an ad about a case that the cops who were involved in the case say, She just showed up for the press. Tom, it's an embarrassment, her claiming she's a real prosecutor on board a crime. Anyway, Tom, that's my opinion last. Thanks for joining us. Hey, Sean Hannity here.


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