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Trump's double-digit edge on handling inflation and the economy is seen in poll after poll. Of all the Democrats spin out there to explain the state of things, I think this could be my favorite.


I am still at the point when I walk through the grocery store, people come up to me and grab my hands and we're going to be okay, aren't we? He won't win, will he? They won't let him back in the oval office, will they? I do think there is a level of panic out there because some people who look at all the facts and circumstances go, Wait a minute, how could this be tied, right? How could this be tied after everything that has occurred?


Let me just say I do not believe one person has come up to Claire McCasgill at the grocery store to say anything in the sort. If anything They're asking her if they even recognize her. Why under Biden, the price of eggs gone from what, 2, 10, a dozen to four bucks a dozen? And on and on and on. This is and never has been a comms or a PR problem for Biden and the Democrats, it's been a policy problem. They've spent, borrowed, and printed money, and then pretended like the law of economics somehow doesn't apply to them. They've left the border open. They got us bogged down in a proxy war over in Ukraine, and then they left us weaker at home and abroad. Well, some of the less clueless liberals are beginning to see the writing on the wall.


The question is not just how could this be tied. The question is not just, to Amy's point, how could Trump be ahead? I think the question is, if some of these trend lines hold, we to accommodate ourselves to the reality that Trump could not just win, but could win very comfortably. That's something that nobody seems comfortable saying out loud, but it's the truth.


Joining me now, Kelly-Ann Conway, former Senior counselor to President Trump, Fox News contributor, as well as Matt Taury, a political analyst, Polster, and Chair of Insider Advantage. Kélian, let's start with you. In some of these swing state polls, 14% of those who voted for Biden in 2020 say they are not backing him now. One One voter even told the Times that backing Biden was the biggest mistake of his life. It's no longer anecdotal, right? This is a trend that has really not been deviated from for a long while now.


For a while, Laura, actually, Joe Biden lost independence after that chaotic, inexcusable withdrawal from Afghanistan and has never won them back in anyone's polling. He's never been on top approval versus disapproval among independents. But when you listen to folks who actually voted for Biden say they're going to vote for Trump, they're very clear-headed and concise as to why that is. The New York Times report showed it has an awful lot to do with the economy, inflation. Just the cost of everyday life has become increasingly unaffordable. They blame the guy in charge for that. When Kareem Jean-Pierre says, Gas is down 15 cents, groceries are down 2%, people are saying, Excuse me, housing costs and the CPI, core inflation, when we are trying to feed ourselves, close ourselves, put a roof over our heads. That's up close to 20%. The Wall Street Journal had an unbelievable set of graphs today everybody should look at demonstrating this. The flip side, the Biden voters, the hard core Biden voters who are going to vote for him again. According to the New York Times, they tend to be white. They tend to be abortion voters. They tend to be against Trump, not for Biden.


Biden has failed to knit together a coalition that can actually support him and feel enthusiastic about it. The reason Claire McCasgill doesn't I think this is real, that the numbers don't add up is because she lives in a parallel universe to the one the rest of us live in. There are more voters than elites. Take it to the bank.


Now, new polling from CBS, Matt, has Trump leading Biden by five points in Arizona, but the White House is banking on one issue that it believes can turn the tide.


Arizona. We're looking at the issues of the economy and inflation driving the vote there. 82% of voters in Arizona, 78%, they say those issues are top of mind. But all is not lost for President Biden. They look at that third issue in Arizona, the state of democracy. They say there are many Democrats, independents, and Republicans, those John McCain-style Republicans in Arizona, who may look at President Biden and say he's a more stable choice.


What happened to Bob Costa? That's the question. All right, the state of democracy. Is that what people are thinking of when they go to the polls in November, Matt? By any stretch of the imagination.


Oh, Laura, as the usual doctor no and negative about the Republicans, I have to tell you the tide is turning. Kelli Ann nailed it. It's the economy in almost all of these locations. And I see even the suburbs are beginning to move in the direction of Trump, which Everybody thought suburbs would never move. I don't think democracy is an issue, except if you're watching this trial on television, because the trial and the coverage of it probably is causing more people to have sympathy for Donald Trump than any one issue I've ever seen. If he's convicted, it will probably win him the White House. It's phenomenal the way... I'm in Cincinnati, Ohio right now. I've talked to people on the street that I don't know that well. This trial, no one thinks it's fair. They're kidding themselves. If they think that somehow democracy is a threat with Donald Trump, they're watching it right now in New York.


Well, Kelly-Ann, the thing that's wild about this is that they keep doubling down on failure. Usually, smart politicians, Obama Obama did this and Clinton, they pivoted and they pivoted credibly. But other than the chariffs on some of the Chinese goods, they're all talking no pivot.


No pivot. You saw that in the State of the Union, Laura, that was a great chance for Joe Biden to reset to define what he would do as President in this last year and what he would do in his second term. Instead, it was this insistence that the rest of us and what we see is wrong, what they say is correct. That's not working. Look, there's not a single issue in the top five, excluding abortion, where Joe Biden is beating Donald Trump. In fact, Trump's beating him by double digits. The horse race numbers are one thing. To have one candidate beating the other by double digits on inflation in the economy, on the border and migrants. That is remarkable because we don't tell voters what's important to them. They tell us, and they're telling us. I think the issue set is very clear, and it's not have to change. Laura, Matt, this is why you see Donald Trump expanding his map. He He is outside the margin of error in Georgia, Arizona, Nevada right now, the more diverse states of the swing states. He's tighter with Biden, although ahead in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania, the wider states.


That's the irony. It's like Joe Biden all of a sudden has the wider coalition. Trump's expanding his map, Minnesota, Virginia, New Hampshire. Where's Biden expanding?


All right, Kelly and Matt, thank you so much, both of you. Hey, Sean Hannity here.


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