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Kelli Ann Conway and Karl Rove as we get ready. One of the next big speakers, I think, is Doug Emhoff, who's going to be introduced by his son, the second gentleman who wants to be the first gentleman. Kelli Ann, let me get your thoughts on that. The reason, obviously, is that we've got a woman who's running for President. Second time around that we've seen someone in the lead. Hillary Clinton last time, last night, she went out there and said that she saw on the other side of the cracks in the ceiling, When she sees Kamala Harris at her inauguration, your thoughts?


That could happen. Doug Emhoff is probably a household name by now. But Martha, I don't think in the end that Kamala Harris's obstacles to the oval include her race or her gender. I think it's going to be this lack of granularity over time. Short term, it's a great payoff for her to be nonspecific, to absorb whatever it is you want her to be on every issue. Long term, and we're getting closer to long term after this convention, it's a big risk because people really do want specific and substance. Do they want to make history with the first female president as much as they want to make their mortgage and rent payments? As much as they want to make the family budget work? It's an important question. People feel like life is increasingly unfair. They feel that people are coming here illegally, getting cash, cell phones, clothing, hotel rooms, while they're literally struggling to pay these simple monthly bills that weren't that much out of reach and so unaffordable that long ago. They feel it's unfair to have men and women's sports. It's unfair to have plumbers and pipe fitters pay for student loans of doctors and lawyers.


We're hearing a lot of that. Doug Emhoff will have his moment. It just doesn't feel that Kamala's race and gender are going to be the impediment. People want her to be the next Barack Obama. She has to be careful not to be the next Hillary Clinton. The Obamas are widely popular, no question. This the third consecutive convention. '08, excuse me, '16, '20, and '24, where Michelle Obama is coming here to attack Donald Trump, to warn everybody about him. It worked a little bit in 2020. It was very popular, probably the most popular speaker if you look at the downloads. 2016, it was a misfire because they never saw what was happening in the country. I think that the Obamas still can't quite shake off Donald Trump because he's the Germany again. Are you going to put him away by attacking him here, or are you going to follow up on the campaign trail and help Kamala win? I think it's a delegate balance for this reason. You mentioned Doug Emhoff. Let's mention him and Barack Obama. Sure, you're there to support Kamala Harris, but if you're her husband, great tonight. If you're Obama, how do you help her win without going too far to fill in those policy holes and gaps that everybody's wondering about?


You can't mansplain her too much, even if you're Barack Obama. It's going to have to be a delicate balance.


Art, Carl, how do you see the night? There is a lot of feelings here, a lot of tone versus facts, and we're talking about policy specifics. Not a lot of that tonight, probably. It's a lot about getting this crowd fired up about the Obama I was talking.


Well, I want to follow up on something Dana said about policy earlier. I was taken by Bernie Sanders's speech because during that speech, it showed how different these two parties are that we have in America. The end of the speech was all the nostrums, Green New deal, Medicare for all, so forth. But he started off by talking about the things that he thought Joe Biden had done right, which were started. The first one was the American rescue plan, nearly $2 trillion of additional spending. Then he marched his way through all of the additional spending that even Obama's Treasury Secretary, Larry Summer, said, You pass this stuff and it's going to cause a burst of inflation. It did. Bernie Sanders was implementing the American rescue plan, the so-called Inflation Reduction Act, the increases in domestic spending, all of these things he was heralding as great achievements of the Democratic Party. Well, the American people felt that in their lives in the form of higher prices They were everything they bought at the grocery store, the department store, when the kids went back to school, when they filled up their car with gas, when they paid their rent bill, when they paid their utility bill.


I thought it was really amazing that these two parties are talking past each other. Democrats like Bernie Sanders think that the inflation had nothing whatsoever to do with this gigantic explosion of spending that occurred starting in 2021 with the inauguration of Joe Biden as President.


All right, guys, stand by if you would.


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