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Hi, everyone. Welcome to One Nation. I'm Brian Kilmead. Thanks for dating early or deciding to date late. Tonight on the shelf, great roster of guests to include Senator Marco Rubio and the dangers of China everywhere, locally as well as federally. Carly Schimkis to break down the moments of media that matter most, and Charlie Gasparino. Who has the best economic plan for your wallet, for your life, for your family? But first, I want to start with this. No answers, no change. I don't mean to sound pessimistic, But while everyone is focusing on who won or lost the debate and who is gaining or losing a point or two in the polls, the truth of the matter is I don't see the needle moving at all for a very good reason. The reason is because no one answered any questions that matter. Let's face it, we all know what Trump will do. No one knows what Vice President Harris will do or what she has up her sleeve. What is scary is she doesn't even want you to ask, Are interest rates too high? Yeah, that would be a good question. Are food prices too high? How about 25% from when she took office.


Consumer debt growing. Alarmingly, are Americans worried about their booming utility bills? Without a doubt. Is illegal immigration still an issue on border states? But get this, beyond the border states, how about 50 states? Is crime still rampant in cities across the nation despite the stats they want to shove down your throat? Absolutely. We see it every day. So what are we going to do about it? How do we fix this? Who's going to fix it? How do we change things? The first step, each candidate needs to answer the tough questions and give us their solutions, good or bad, instead of us just focusing on tearing each other down personally. The candidate willing to be the most candid so far is Trump. Even his enemies would have to admit that. But his mission to make her reveal her plan and policies without the benefit debate is going to be tough. If he can do that, he wins. Here to tell us how he might be able to do that, the former senior advisor to Donald J. Trump, the one that brought the victory in 2016 and led the way, Kelli Ann Conway, Fox News contributor. Kelli Ann, first off, how do you get Kamala Harris to let us know what she would do if she was President?


Brian, you recognize that at least 30% of Americans say they still need to know more about her. We had an entire debate where we were supposed to learn exactly that. The reason is she's tried to cloud it and pollute it for folks. On the one hand, she's saying, If you think you know me through the three and a half years, I've been the second most powerful, important person in the US government, if not the in the world, you don't, because I'm disavowing. I'm in a political witness protection program away from Joe Biden, and I'm emerging as this fresh face. Okay, so what do you stand for? She failed to press that case on Tuesday night. I know people think she somehow, quote, won because she wanted to needle Donald Trump and say, We got to stop name calling. You proceeded to call him names and rehash many things that have been debunked many times over. That means that she's the one who lost an opportunity to tell us more about her vision. Elections are about the future, not the past. She was stuck in the past and yet telling us clearly, I'm not Joe Biden.


How does he do it? Donald Trump, I think, is very good about having two parallel tracks at the same time when he speaks at rallies in podcasts, in television interviews, on Truth Social, you know it, you name it. He led what I call the democratization of information. We always know what's on his mind. In the White House where I worked, we always knew who was in charge, who was the President. If you don't like all that, tune it out. But most people appreciate it because at least they have tactile, specific granularity. What President Trump needs to do, and will do, on the one hand, call her out, smoke her out as owning and eating everything from Afghanistan to extremism on abortion to raising our taxes, more regulation, all of it. Iran on the march, 1,200 Israeli slaughtered, Putin invading Ukraine. He did no such thing when Trump was President. The list goes on and on. Of course, Trump got a couple of good licks in there. He said, You've been the border are. Here's what happened. Millions have come here illegally. You're the one who's gutting, I think, health care. That's the other thing. For President Trump, he ought to really review for people.


He started to do this a little bit the other night, but he was on defense. He's got to review for people all the accomplishments, not just gas and groceries. The fact is, 26 million Americans have no health insurance 14 and a half years after Obamacare passed. Premiums have gone up 50%, The deductibles have gone up about that much. People under the poverty line tend to be women. She's there for women. Why is she against school choice, educational freedom? Why does she want hairdressers and waitresses to pay for the student loans of doctors and lawyers? That's not fair. Why does she want men and women's sports? Why does she let all these people come here and right before our eyes, Brian, get cash and cell phones and clothing and hotel rooms. And now in California, maybe even more than that. Women in this country are saying, Life is not fair to me. She's the one who made it that way.


So, Kelly-Ann, the one thing, there's a lot of difference between 2016 and 2024. One is, he's got a lot of people that know exactly who he is and want to trumpet the Trump, a would be Trump administration. You saw that when they were vying through the vice president. Do you think this is the time to use surrogates in very key positions instead of just appearing with him? I mean, you got Tom Cotton, you got Marco Rubio, Governor Burgum, Lindsay Graham. You have a big roster. Some of them seem to know with President Trump's accomplishment as well, if not more, than he did because they serve with them in various ways, whether they were governors or senators. Do you think you could march out surrogates to spread the word effectively, affordably?


Definitely. There's no question. President Trump, obviously, is his own best spokesperson, but you just named three senators who are out on the television constantly, including on the Sunday show, Senator There's Rubio, Cotton, and Graham. I saw Senator Hager the other night. We've got Senator Katie Brett was out last week. I think even the female surrogates, we've got governors, United States senators, members of Congress, people who worked for President Trump, who know what it was like to be a working mother there on all the policies that he did. I think that's important on national defense and security. He can have Morgan or take us. We've got a whole list, and I think folks are out there on podcast, on local radio. I think it's less important to be in the room with Donald Trump or on the plane with Donald Trump, then out there amplifying the message and electrifying the voters. That's what's most important at this juncture. Hopefully, everybody is out there, even if they're not asked, that they're invited and they accept that invitation. But I will say what's different this time, Brian, is the mainstream media is being very circumspect and very cautious about having too many Trump voices out there because they got burnt in 2016.


The unspoken bargain is, let's put Kelly in on every show. Let's put Jason Miller out Dave Bossy. A bunch of people were out there all of the time as our surrogates, many of them. But the unspoken bargain was, Hillary Clinton will win. This is fun while it lasts, but we don't have to deal with him as President. They got burnt. The New York Times posters who now tell us Trump has the advantage over Harris and that he has seen as the change agent. The same New York Times posters gave Donald Trump a 15% chance of winning the presidency on election day, 2016. They gave him no chance. They said she was up by seven in Michigan, Hillary was up by six in Wisconsin, five in Pennsylvania, the three states he carried by 77,000 votes to become the President. So they don't want to get burnt. I'm sure they regret when their polling actually shows him competitive. Look, this is still Donald Trump's race to lose. The fundamentals are still there, but I agree with you. More voices, the better.


It's very hard to outwork the President, or care if he's 72 or 28. He just loves to work and loves to meet people. So we'll see what happens in the final sprint to the finish. Kelly and Conway, I love your show on Fox Nation. Thanks so much for joining us on One Nation.


Thank you. All right. Meanwhile, this. I have Tulsi Gabbard on this week. Thank you, Ryan. All right.


She's the best.


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