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Coming me now, Kennedy, host of Kennedy Saves the World podcast and a former MTV VJ who has met him many times. Judge Jeanine Piero, co-host of The Five and host of the Fox Nation special, What Did He Do? She has studied this case since it all started to unravel. Judge, let me start with you, your reaction to these charges, and do they line up with what you covered?


Yeah, the charges clearly line up with what we covered in that Fox Nation special. What you have is Sean Diddy Holmes, who is running a criminal enterprise out of his own business, using employees and security from his business, which accounts for the racketeering. He was trafficking women from one state to another for illegal purposes. He was also abusing them. He was using guns and forcing them and intimidating them to engage in various sexual activities. As Alexis as this just said, there was always this threat of, I'll ruin your career or I'll take money from you. But at the same time, there was far more violence and simple threat of taking money away from them. We saw in that video, and I will bet you dollars to Donuts, that there are many videos like that. They did a search warrant of both his homes in Miami and on the West Coast.


He was videotaping these freak-offs.


Yes, these freak-offs that went on for hours, that women were beaten during these things, and they had to give them IVs to recuperate, and they would have literally a thousand bottles of lubricants so that they could use them during these videotaped free-offs. I mean, this is the case where you can rest assured that when the United States attorney says, We want more victims to come forward, that they're going to get them.


Kennedy, you covered the music industry for a long time and met him several times. If these allegations are true, what What created this monster?


What created this monster was fear. If you talk to people who work for him, there were always rumors about what he was participating in. Even if people didn't see it, there were always threats and there was always coercion. Even if they didn't directly witness the freak-offs, which I think we all need a hazmat shower in order to scrub our brains from just the inference in this indictment. But people had heard that he would beat people up, he would have people he'd beaten up. There were rumors that he had had people killed. In the indictment, it talks about arson, and he's charged under the California Penal Code with arson in addition to the racketeering and coercing people into prostitution. It wasn't just women that he was moving across state lines and international lines. That's part of it as well. There were men involved in this, and one of the alleged male victims came forward and filed one of the civil suits that we had that led to the raid in March. What federal investigators did from multiple law enforcement agencies was they went to his homes in Los Angeles and Miami, and they combed through everything.


They found, according to the indictment much more evidence about the thing that was alleged in these civil suits that did when they put it all together, and they really took their time since March. It's been six months since that dramatic raid in those two homes. They put it together into a document that is incendiary, but it also makes you wonder, how did someone escalate to those heights after being lauded as an incredible entrepreneur and self-made businessman who really etched out his part of the music industry to the point where he was seen as an untouchable legend. How did someone like that, who was on par with Dr. Dre and Jay-Z, how was he operating in this way and being so sexually violent with people and threatening to kill them and ruin their lives and ruin their careers and with the money?


Getting away with it and then escalating it more. It's some power trip and maybe business isn't going the way he wants it to be going. I'm not a psychologist, but I look forward to hearing people break this down psychologically. Just one.


Go ahead, Jeanine. Those people who signed NDAs, nondisclosures with him, in a way to resolve those civil suits, they They have no application. When they are subpoenaed to testify for a grand jury, they are going to testify. Sean Diddy Cohen started with low-level crimes and then continued to the point where there are claims that there are homicides involved here. Make no mistake, he face his life. Based upon this indictment, I believe that he will probably get life.


Yeah. Judge, we're going to go to this live, but he's a flight risk, to be sure. The word was that he thought he was going to be able to show up today, and then they arrested him last night quickly on that.


Right. Well, because they realized he's a flight live. He's at risk. He has all kinds of advantages. He can move in a minute.


Almost got to the Bahamas on March 25th.


Thank you so much, Kennedy and Judge Jeanine Piera.


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