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I feel safer because I think any more technology is better legal?


No, because I prefer for people to be for cops that are actual humans to be in the area. I think there's a chance it'll make.


It safe for sure.


No, at this point I'm not sure, just because I haven't really been able to see it in action.


It's exciting thing. I think the more we can use technology in our everyday lives, the better.


I guess it makes me feel a little bit more safe at night as somebody who's not from here to know, like there's something kind of watching over.


It'S going that way anyway. Regardless, there's cameras everywhere, and they're monitoring you. So it's just another add on to the crime prevention.


Whatever they can do to make us safer. And come on, look at the robot. It's like from Doctor Who. Something from Doctor Who.


Definitely makes me feel a bit safer knowing that there's another set of eyes around. Also, it looks fairly robust, so that helps too, in case of any suspicious activity that people might be deterred.


I don't know how it would make me feel safe because I'm not sure what type of, I guess, attack it would have.


I don't think robotics has advanced far enough yet. We're still running people over with autonomously driven vehicles.


I keep wondering what's going to happen with all the stairs and how he's going to react to all the stairs that are available in transport. Because as you can see, there are stairs pretty much everywhere in the station.


I think it will help safety. Do you know that there's people that throw mentally ill people that throw other passengers on the trail? The cops are not always there, so I'm sure that the Robert is going to be able to somehow keep things under control.


I don't travel the subway when there's trouble, right? So I'm a mainstreamer. But if there were 11:00 at night, I'd love to see a couple of cops on the platform.


I felt safe. We've been here for five days now, and I felt safe. And there's so many demands on people to find more employees that anything to help the NYPD has got to be a plus.


Technology can always malfunction, and so to rely on a piece of technology to keep a human safe, if you come in contact with another human who doesn't have good intentions, it's kind of scary.


I don't know if I feel safe in either situation, but I do know, like, I don't know if people sometimes find a way around technology sometimes or things like that.


Well, the problem with the robotics is they can't really differentiate between the bad people and the good people. But if I have a shirt on that says kill everyone and I'm holding an AR 15, I'm not sure it can recognize that's a problem.


I think that they should implement more cops that are humans, more citywide, if they have the resources to do that. I think this is like a camera. It helps to have a camera taking footage of things that are happening. But again, it'd be more helpful for me, and I'd feel more safe if there was an actual human.


Someday, artificial intelligence from robotics will keep us all safe. But we're not there yet.