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Joining us now is South Dakota Governor Christie Noem. Governor, your take on all this.


Well, you know, Sean, if there was ever a candidate that needed to be vetted, it's Kamala Harris. She didn't get a single vote. Not a single person in this country actually voted for her. We need to know what she believes. She doesn't do interviews. She doesn't talk to the press. Then in this debate, she never revealed what she actually has for policy positions. There's nothing on her campaign website that says what her policies are. If anybody needed to be vetted, it's her. I admire President Trump for not debating her again. He is recognizing the fact that it is a waste of time, that she's not going to say what she truly believes. She's not going to be truthful with the American people, and he's going to take his argument directly to families and to people that live in this country that are impacted by her policies. He's going to spend his time with real Americans that are struggling under this economy.


What do you think the best way to get out her radical statements on record is? I put it up on my website, hannity. Com. It's a public service. You can share it with friends, family, neighbors, coworkers, and social media. It seems to now be penetrating into the consciousness of Americans. Do you believe that's the case? People are understanding how extreme she is, radical she is.


I think they are. What's powerful is watching her own lips say the words of what she truly does believe. Jim Clibern was right. She believes something different, and if we let her talk too long, the truth will come out. They have coached her into these policy positions to get her elected. But if she keeps talking, she's going to forget and she's going to say what she truly does believe. It is powerful when you see a video of her saying what her former positions were or what they are today. Those clips that you just played, I think, are incredibly powerful. I think everybody in this country should see those.


We're going to try and get it. If people want to download it, share it with their friends and family. It's a public service. It's on hannity. Com. Governor Noem, we appreciate you being with us. Hey, Sean Hannity here. Hey, click here to subscribe to Fox News' YouTube page and catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis. You will not get it anywhere else.