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Here with more on The Man of the Hour, Donald Trump, RNC co-chair, Laura Trump, and the President's granddaughter, Ky Trump, is with us. Okay.


I know. Do I even need to say anything? This is for Ky. No, not really. She was incredible last night, and we are so proud in our family of Ky. No one more proud, of course, than her dad and grandpa, my father-in-law. What an amazing job. I think we're going to see her a lot in the future, Ky.


I think so, too.


I hate to tell you.


I hate to tell you. Welcome to the family business, right? Yeah. It's such a delight to have you. So your dad was on with me the other night. Well, actually, he was on radio today, and he told me this story. You called your dad and you said, I'd like to give a speech.


Yes, on Monday, I did.


Tell me, I mean, this is after your grandpa was shot. Yes. Scary? You were fishing with your dad?


Yeah, I was fishing on the boat with my dad. We were with my friends, and then his phone was buzzing. He picked up, and then The news broke, and no one knew for 90 minutes what was really going on. All we knew was that he was shot, and that's it.


What was that like for you?


It was scary. It was really scary. I wish no one would ever go through that, ever.


I was watching it. Laura, I told you this, and the people I was with, I said they just killed him because I saw the blood, and I thought the bullet hit the head. I can't believe it just pierced his ear. Now, I have talked to your grandfather about you, and he brags about you all the time. You know that, right? Yes, I do. I've got a granddaughter. She's scratch. She's not as good as me, but she's scratch. Does he say that to you? He does, yes. Okay. America really does need to know the truth because you are a competitive family. Have you beaten your grandpa on the golf course in a head-to-head match?


Maybe. I'm going to leave it like that. Just maybe.


What a good granddaughter.


That's a great granddaughter.


Can I tell you what I loved about Ky's speech? It's so true. The candy and soda. The hersy bars always. This is the thing. My kids love going toI know you're missing out, Sean.I'm sorry to tell you. Come on. I was on the Trump train early.I know you deserve the candy.I'm going to be on something, really. You got a big decision. You got college coming up. Are you excited about that?I am very excited.I'm not going to get into where you're thinking about going, but a lot of colleges are recruiting you. Is that true? Yes. That's exciting, right? Yeah, it is.I'm excited. See where I go in the future.What was it like for you on that stage with that crowd? Did you know that tens of millions of Americans were watching you?I did, but once I got out there, it was just all from the heart. It It just flowed really easily. I was nervous beforehand, but afterwards, I got out there and I was just able to do it.I wasn't that nervous. Is that like training a 30-foot put? Kind of, yeah. Is that the same thing? Yeah. You're up there. Your dad told me something else. He said it was your first public speech.Yes, ever. That's a big one.That's a really small venue to start out on.Oh, yeah, for We go big in the Trump family. Oh, I know. They don't tell any of us what to do. In 2016, they just threw us out on the campaign trail. We're just throwing Ky into the mix at the Republican National Convention, and she's nailing it.No, but the best part of the story to The funny thing is that you asked your dad, and there's two things that your dad said to me. You called, and my daughter was 17. My 17-year-old daughter rarely called and said, Dad, you want to go fishing? Or, Dad, do you want to do anything? At that point, she's becoming independent. What made you that day call your dad and say, Dad, you want to go fishing? And you brought your friends? Yes.I just finished a golf tourman. I came in second place. That next day, I didn't want to play golf. I just wanted to have a rest day. I was like, Okay, yeah, you want to go fishing with my friends and whatever? We went fishing. It was awesome fishing. We got 10 fish.What fish?I don't know. My dad's going to get mad. I don't I don't know which one is which, but it was a fish.Your dad's a big hunter and fisherman. Eric's a big hunter, big outdoor family. You did an amazing job. You showed poise and grace. I mean, you dazzled the nation last night, and I hope you're very proud of that. I know your dad's proud, and I did talk to your grandpa. What do you call him, by the way?Grandpa. Grandpa.Only grandpa. Okay. I spoke to him. He's very proud of you. Yeah, thank you. And he was beaming. And I hear about all of your golf. By the way, you do know my granddaughter is a great golfer. You do know that. And I'm like, yes, you've told me. You do know that Laura is a rock star, right? I do.He likes to brag about his family. This is the point, Sean. My speech, Kai's speech, we wanted to convey that this is a human being. The father-in-law that I know, the grandpa that Kai knows and that my kids know, I think people forget that often. And so I'm so happy that people got to see this side It really is.It was a big moment when you showed tremendous courage. For a lot of people, it would be a high pressure environment. I think you made it into the family business. I think you passed the litmus test.We might want to say, I'm sorry.I know. I don't know. I don't know. You guys have been through so much, and we've been friends a long time. You're such a delightful young woman. Thank you. America fell in love with you last night, and you were the star of the I know. So thank you for coming on. Laura, I know you guys got to get over to see grandpa.And see Eric Trump speak. Eric, by the way- I'm going to get divorced if I don't go see my husband in a second.You got to go see your husband. And by the way, out doing your speech is going to be a challenge as I wrote both of you.Thank you both.Thank you.Thank you, Sean. Hey, Sean Hannity here. Hey, click here to subscribe to Fox News YouTube page and catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis. You will not get it anywhere else.


I know you're missing out, Sean.


I'm sorry to tell you. Come on. I was on the Trump train early.


I know you deserve the candy.


I'm going to be on something, really. You got a big decision. You got college coming up. Are you excited about that?


I am very excited.


I'm not going to get into where you're thinking about going, but a lot of colleges are recruiting you. Is that true? Yes. That's exciting, right? Yeah, it is.


I'm excited. See where I go in the future.


What was it like for you on that stage with that crowd? Did you know that tens of millions of Americans were watching you?


I did, but once I got out there, it was just all from the heart. It It just flowed really easily. I was nervous beforehand, but afterwards, I got out there and I was just able to do it.


I wasn't that nervous. Is that like training a 30-foot put? Kind of, yeah. Is that the same thing? Yeah. You're up there. Your dad told me something else. He said it was your first public speech.


Yes, ever. That's a big one.


That's a really small venue to start out on.


Oh, yeah, for We go big in the Trump family. Oh, I know. They don't tell any of us what to do. In 2016, they just threw us out on the campaign trail. We're just throwing Ky into the mix at the Republican National Convention, and she's nailing it.


No, but the best part of the story to The funny thing is that you asked your dad, and there's two things that your dad said to me. You called, and my daughter was 17. My 17-year-old daughter rarely called and said, Dad, you want to go fishing? Or, Dad, do you want to do anything? At that point, she's becoming independent. What made you that day call your dad and say, Dad, you want to go fishing? And you brought your friends? Yes.


I just finished a golf tourman. I came in second place. That next day, I didn't want to play golf. I just wanted to have a rest day. I was like, Okay, yeah, you want to go fishing with my friends and whatever? We went fishing. It was awesome fishing. We got 10 fish.


What fish?


I don't know. My dad's going to get mad. I don't I don't know which one is which, but it was a fish.


Your dad's a big hunter and fisherman. Eric's a big hunter, big outdoor family. You did an amazing job. You showed poise and grace. I mean, you dazzled the nation last night, and I hope you're very proud of that. I know your dad's proud, and I did talk to your grandpa. What do you call him, by the way?


Grandpa. Grandpa.


Only grandpa. Okay. I spoke to him. He's very proud of you. Yeah, thank you. And he was beaming. And I hear about all of your golf. By the way, you do know my granddaughter is a great golfer. You do know that. And I'm like, yes, you've told me. You do know that Laura is a rock star, right? I do.


He likes to brag about his family. This is the point, Sean. My speech, Kai's speech, we wanted to convey that this is a human being. The father-in-law that I know, the grandpa that Kai knows and that my kids know, I think people forget that often. And so I'm so happy that people got to see this side It really is.


It was a big moment when you showed tremendous courage. For a lot of people, it would be a high pressure environment. I think you made it into the family business. I think you passed the litmus test.


We might want to say, I'm sorry.


I know. I don't know. I don't know. You guys have been through so much, and we've been friends a long time. You're such a delightful young woman. Thank you. America fell in love with you last night, and you were the star of the I know. So thank you for coming on. Laura, I know you guys got to get over to see grandpa.


And see Eric Trump speak. Eric, by the way- I'm going to get divorced if I don't go see my husband in a second.


You got to go see your husband. And by the way, out doing your speech is going to be a challenge as I wrote both of you.Thank you both.Thank you.


Thank you, Sean. Hey, Sean Hannity here. Hey, click here to subscribe to Fox News YouTube page and catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis. You will not get it anywhere else.