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Being a former Florida attorney general, Pam Bondi. It's great to see you. Thank you for coming on. I want to play this. This is Joe Biden. Put this up in the scene. This is James Biden. He said the following in his opening statement, I have a 50-year career in a variety of business ventures. Joe Biden has never had any involvement or any direct or indirect financial interest in those activities, none. But Tony Bobilinsky, Pam Bondi, said this, The only reason any of these international business transactions took place with tens of millions of dollars flowing directly to the Biden family was because Joe Biden was in high office. The Biden family business was Joe Biden, period. Everybody's focusing on James, and the media and everybody has forgotten about Tony Bobilinsky, and he has the records to back it up.


That's right. He sure does. He has the records. He has WhatsApp messages where Hunter Biden said he was in the room with Joe Biden. They said, Devon Archer also said they had Joe Biden on speakerphone when they were dealing with foreign businesses. Tracey, people need to understand this is a national security issue. Joe Biden had countless pseudonyms in the White House, over 82,000 emails. It's unbelievable what was happening? So, yeah, there's a lot of evidence to incriminate them. All James Comer is doing is following the money, and the money is what's going to get them every time. The granddaughter was even receiving money from this.


Yeah, you'd know Don't forget, James Comer is a banker. He knows how to follow money. Here's New York attorney general LaTisha James on Trump's $350 million judgment. Watch.


If he does not have funds to pay off the judgment, then we will seek judgment enforcement mechanisms in court, and we will ask the judge to seize his assets.


She won't say his name, but man, she is going after him with everything she has.


Yeah. She has a vendetta. She campaigned on this, Trace, if you remember, I'm going to get Donald Trump. Before she saw one business record, there are no victims. The banks were paid back. The banks were paid back early. The banks were happy. Cpas did valuations on these properties. I am confident as a former attorney general, Donald Trump will prevail on appeal. Trace, what's happening, instead of fighting violent crime, this is what she's doing. When I was attorney general, Florida We surpassed New York because I fought violent crime. I fought the opioid addiction, human trafficking, and Rick Scott was governor. He added 1.7 million jobs in our state. We were ranked number one in education. Rick Scott was a great governor. That's why we surpassed New York. Now, as you saw, Remington's leaving New York. After two centuries, they're leaving New York. All the businesses are going to flee from New York because of LaTisha James, Trace.


Yeah, it is. It's an amazing development. Pam Bondi, it's great to have you on. Thank you. We appreciate it.


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