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Welcome back, America. We're here with our friend Leo Tarrell, civil rights attorney, Fox News contributor, a dear friend of mine. Leo Tarrell, you were also a teacher. You saw what is and has been taking place at UCLA and all over the country. A civil rights attorney. The idea that the federal government does not have enough authority, does not have enough police state power with the FBI, the US marshals, the ability to monitor, the ability to find the funding sources, deal with funding sources, use domestic terrorism statutes, the idea that the FBI sits on the sideline while we have this counter revolution of Marxists and Islamists going on, destroying our educational system, and the idea that the attorney general says, Nothing effective. The President of the United States blirts out a few comments, but nothing effective, that nobody is directed in the federal government to address what's taking place in this country. We have never seen anti-Semitism, Jew hatred in America like we've we've seen before. What do you make of this?


First of all, let me be very clear. Let's not use the First Amendment to describe the criminal anti-Semitic conduct that happened at UCLA, a school that I attended law school, which is a national embarrassment throughout the entire country. Listen, there is enough federal law and protection that is not being used by the Biden administration. Why? Because they're playing politics. Let me just mention something I'm sure you know, Title 6, Civil Rights Act. I'm old enough to remember when Black kids were protected by the federal government in the '50s and '60s. Joe Biden has abandoned Jewish Americans throughout this country. Jewish Americans deserve the same protection as any American citizen in this country, but he's playing Michigan politics. How dare they allow these criminals to dominate these universities and then be released on the street? Where's the federal charges? Where's the Department of Education? Cut off the funds. They cut off every nickel and dime of federal taxpayer dollars to these Ivy Lee schools and colleges that promote Hamas and the Palestinians over there. Where's the FBI investigation? Where's Mary Garland? Where's the power of the federal government? Where are the federal marshals to escort Jewish-American kids to school?


Nothing. The federal government and Joe Biden have given these terrorists the green light to attack, harm, damage, deny Jewish Americans to exist in this country. It is embarrassing and shameful.


Leo, you and I aren't old enough to remember, at least to have read, anyway. Dwight Eisenhower sent the military to ensure the little black kids could go to school with little white kids. When Orbal Faubus was standing in the doorway of that school, and high schools, too, Joe Biden is a pathetic excuse for a president of the United States. He didn't order any action by the federal government in that pathetic speech that he gave. He didn't say, I'm going to send the US marshals down there, as you point out, to make sure those Jewish kids can go to school and you better get the hell out of the way. He didn't condemn the universities, the presidents of the universities who are now negotiating with these Hitler youth to boycott Israel, to ensure that they have Palestinian professors, certain number of seats set aside, and all kinds of things of that sort. I have to believe Leo Tarrolly that he supports this. His party's partly funding it, Democrat billionaires through dark money, Soros, The Tides Foundation, Arabella, all these entities on the left that are funding Joe Biden's campaign. It's worse than silence when you say something that means nothing.


What do you make of this?


He's given them the green light. In that situation, you mentioned Leroyk, Arkansas, 1957, federal marshals sent by Eisenhower, 1962, federal marshals sent to University of Alabama. I mean, let's be clear, there is power and authority and deterrence in the federal government. But let's talk about the money. Follow the money. The Democrats are compromised Compromised. Joe Biden compromised. Universities compromised by dark money, by George Soros money, by the Rockinfeller Foundation money. That is why they won't say a word. It's not just Joe Biden. It's the Democrats in California, in New York, crickets. They're allowing Jewish Americans to be harmed, to be intimidated. In my lifetime, in your lifetime, this is happening in America. We're not talking about Munich, 1939. We're talking about America 2024. There needs to be a complete overhaul in that White House immediately, this upcoming election, because we have to protect Jewish Americans, if not bear harm's way.


I thought it was pretty funny, Leo Tarroll, when Biden talks about he's there to protect free speech. Tell me, was he there to protect free speech when his attorney general issued a memo threatening parents? Is he there to Is he there to protect free speech when his Department of Justice is rounding up grandmothers who dare to protest against abortion at abortion clinics? Is he there to protect free speech when his FBI and other instrumentalities of the federal government were setting up a disinformation committee and putting their shoulder on social platforms to silence free political speech? Was he there for the First Amendment when his FBI was secreting itself into the various Catholic churches? The idea that this guy stands for the First Amendment or any of the Bill of Rights It's a damnable joke, is it not?


Absolutely. If it wasn't for shows like yours and Fox News, I'll say this to you, every time I'm on this show, he is protected by 90% of the media. I don't want to mention any name, CNN, MSNBC, New York Times, Washington Post, LA Times. They protect him. If we don't have shows like yours and Fox News, this country wouldn't know the truth. The truth is not being told to the American public, but it's getting out there. We got to keep pounding this truth to the American people because they don't know, Mark. They don't know the truth.


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