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Pink took a stand against books that aren't banned, but the singer gets wrecked by a simple fact check. The annoying artist, known as Pink, gave away 2,000 supposedly banned books at her Florida concerts this week, confusing her fans as they're mostly illiterate. The Square-Jaw'd songstress claimed on X that several titles, including To Kill a Mockingbird and Catch from the Rye are banned in the Sunshine state. But X called her out on her crap and posted a community note saying the list had been proven false and they're not banned. Not at all. And the only books Floridians won out of school libraries are so perverted they're on the reading list for To Catch a Predator. But Pink still doubled down, posting this, The Magga cult is mad and their panties are in quite a bunch. Well, that just shows you how much she knows about the Magga crowd. They don't even wear underwear. Oh, yeah, there you go. He's going commando in the back row. But Magga is the new catch-all for anybody who proves a liberal wrong on the facts. Of course, she went on, quote, I wish I could continue because you all, I'm just getting started.


But I got to read my kids a bedtime story about how it's okay that some families have two dads. Well, that's so cringey. I bet her kids wish they had two dads, too. But all this makes me think of one of my favorite pink songs, Get the Party Started. Although it sounds a little different than I remember.


Get this party started on a Saturday night. Everybody's waiting for me to arrive. Sending out the message to all of my friends. We'll be looking fashy in my Mercedes-Benz. I cut my own hair. It really doesn't look very good. I'm sorry.


Oh, that's fine. She has not aged well, Julie, but you have. I never liked saying, celebrities should stay in their lane and stick to singing or telling jokes. So can you do it?


I think she should never talk about woke books at a concert. First of all, I can barely get my kids to read. So then you get your kids to a concert and you expect them to open up a book? And it's got to be about gays and trans. What does that have to do with singing? It's the same thing as taking an E at a football game. It's not about politics. It's about going to see people play football, which I can't stand football, so I wouldn't go. But a concert, I mean, who the hell is she trying to teach? Her children or our children? Because our children don't need that.


This is what happens when stars see the glow in their life fading and they start getting desperate. And the best way to get some resurgence in their credibility is virtue signaling. And she's really bad at it, Professor. What did you make of it?


Well, they are bad at it because they just want to redefine what the word banning means. That's true. And that's what it's all about. Books aren't being banned. Parents are complaining that there's inappropriate books in the school libraries. K-12 shouldn't have pornography, especially we don't have Lauderdale Flies in K-5. What the books they're trying to put in are ones that we would never read to our children. However, they're the ones that did try and get Dr. Sue banned and canceled, and they're the ones that are having American classics be rewritten because there's so many trigger words in there. They don't know what they're talking about, and they should be more concerned about the 13 % of students that don't know American history, that can't read, write or do mathematics. You just had Oregon announce that they're doing away with all graduating standards of proficiency levels. Let's be more concerned about that and the fact that our education system has collapsed than fake book bands. That's what I think.


Exactly. Kat, you are in favor of book bands. I was surprised as a libertarian.


Okay, well, look, I actually have throughout the years had issues with some of Ron DeSantis's pieces of legislation as a free speech absolutist. And so because of that, also nothing makes me more frustrated than to see someone coming out and saying things that are completely not true, because then it makes it more difficult for those things to be taken seriously when I say them. She was saying that to kill a mocking bird was completely banned. Diary of Anne Frank was completely banned, which is just not true. And then she turns and goes, Oh, Maga people are mad. No, you're wrong. And like Julie said, she's handing out these books at a concert. That is really weird. That is very... To go to a concert with her songs about get the party started and someone hands you a copy of The Diary of Anne Frank. It's an important book for many reasons, but doesn't make me want to dance.


Yeah, what is it? Get the Nazi party started? What the fuck? She's anti-Semitic.


That's what you said.


I didn't say that. Somebody else said that. Jamie, you said that.


I don't even remember.


Jamie, did you ever read your kids?


Yeah, I read to them a.


Lot sometimes. What did you read to them?


I'll tell you what. I was going to read them, and I'll pose this back as a question to you. I was going to read them The Diary of Anne Frank, and it just occurred to me. Should we be reading Anne Frank's Diary? Do you know what I mean? There's a tiny lock on there for a reason, you guys.


-can you imagine? -my diary would be banned from schools.


I was thinking that. I was like, Can you imagine if you had a diary and somebody's like, Hey, we have good news and bad news. The good news is you now have a best-selling book.


The bad news is everybody knows that you think second cousins that are hot don't count. I'm impressed by Pink giving away books at her concert. That means she's doing well. At my shows, I can't even give away tickets to my shows. They said the first thousand people get books at the concert, and they said, if anybody is not amongst the first 1,000, you could find one in the trash or on the floor. I'm going to grab one.


That's so true. It's so stupid. It's so true. But this is what she needs to do, right? Because nobody... This is the first time I've heard about Pink in ages.


Yes, true. Isn't it weird, too, that you ban a book? But if my kid finds out that those books are banned, he's going to buy them. They're not burning them all and saying you can't get them. They're just saying they're letting the parents choose or letting someone. I don't know. And then when I heard pornography, you could read it. I was like, Thank God there's video now.




Feel like reading pornography, that's an instance where the movie is always better than the book. Yeah.


I never understood erotica. No. No. That was just weird.


Yeah, and then you get all excited, then you got to turn the page and it goes away.


All right, enough of that. Up next, is it a crime to call 90s music the best of all time?


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