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Bill Malujan, he's live in Raleigh with a preview. Hey, Bill.


Hey, Arthel. Well, Nikki Haley just wrapped up a campaign event right behind us here in Raleigh. She told me when I caught up with her, she has no interest whatsoever in running on a third party no labels ticket. Why? She says she doesn't want a Democrat as her VP, and she's a Republican. She says she is Republican's best shot at beating Joe Biden this November. So take a look at this video. This was her campaign event here just a short time ago. Had a big crowd in there, more than 11 700 people. She says she's been seeing bigger crowds in recent days. She just picked up two Senate endorsements. That would be Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski and Maine Senator Susan Collins. But look, let's face it, Super Tuesday could be a make or break moment for her campaign. So I asked her, if Super Tuesday doesn't go well, is there a world in which she could ever see herself endorsing Donald Trump? Here's what she said.


Well, first of all, I'll tell you, when you're running a race, you don't think about anything negative happening. Only look at running through the tape. So I am running through the tape. I'm not thinking about anything after that. If you want to ask Donald Trump if he'll endorse me, I welcome that question. But until then, we'll wait and we're going to see what happens.


And this is a live look at Donald Trump's campaign event in Greensboro, North Carolina, waiting for him to take the stage there. He's telling his supporters, Don't get complacent. Even though he swept every single state in the primary so far, he is urging them to turn out on Super Tuesday because he believes it could be a knockout blow for the Haley campaign, and he can eventually then pivot to the general election and Joe Biden. In the meantime, take a look at these graphics right here. New New York Times, Siena polling, spelling potential trouble for Joe Biden. They asked voters, registered voters, if the election were held today, who would you vote for? Shows Trump up five points, 48 to 43 %. Then take a look at the second graphic here. Ask the same question, Nikki Haley versus Joe Biden. Nikki Haley crushing Joe Biden by 10 %, 45 to 35 %, according to that poll right there. And back out here live, that same poll also shows that both Donald Trump and Nikki Haley beat Joe Biden with Hispanic, registered Hispanic voters by 6 % and 12 %, respectively. That should set off alarm bells with Democrats heading into the fall.


We'll send it back to you.


We'll take it back here, Bill Malujan. Thank you.


I'm Steve Ducey. I'm Brian Kilmead. I'm Ainsley Earhart. Click here to subscribe to the Fox News YouTube page to catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis.