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Hamas threw an explosive an explosive inside of the home of Yuri Levine. His quick instinct saved his life. Yuri jumped out of the window and survived. But outside he found himself swarmed by Hamas'terrace where he was viciously dragged out of his kibbutz. Yuri knew what was coming, either captivity or death and threw his courage. Yuri fought back, breaking free and running away from Hamas. Here now to tell us the story, Yuri Levine. Yuri. You were in Kabutz? Kafar, yeah. Thank you for being here. You were in Kafar Aza. We know the atrocities that happened there babies burned alive. You managed to escape this. You were in your shelter and take us through what happened.


So in 630 in the morning, I.


Wake up in 06:00 a.m.


I decided that I go into Run with my friend, and I decided that I don't go into Run, and I.


Go back to sleep. And this is the first miracle that.


Happened to us, because all the people, they go that they go to Run.


To do a gym and the road city, all of us, all of them.


Modeled by the terrorist Hamas, ISIS and.


630 in the morning. So this is the first miracle that happened to us in 630 in one morning.


All of us ear the alarm and we know what to do. In this moment, we go inside to the shelter room and moment after we hear the alarm I hear behind my window, in my kibutz, the terrorist yelling in Arabic ala waqbar. I hear shooting, I hear grenade all over the place. And in this moment, I was hiding.


Below my bed, inside my house.


So my bedroom is the shelter room. So I hided there for almost 3 hours and 10:00 a.m a year that.


They spilled something inside to my house.


And a year before that, they shoot.


Inside to my house, they shoot outside.


Behind my window, I hear civilians that screaming. That I hear a woman that screaming don't touch my children. And after that I hear some guy that telling them I don't speak Arabic and anything that I will tell here I cannot explain the scurried seconds, moments that I was have when I hide it there and like in ten, something like that in 10:00 a.m. They spilled something inside to my house. Moment after I hear again that they shooting inside to my house and 1 second after I hear that the fire inside my house and the smokes in this moment I go out from the below of my bed. I cannot.


Yuri, I only have a few moments here but you went out your window and Hamas captured you. How did you get away from Hamas? And what was that like?


They kidnapped me and they take me from my house to the border of the kibutz. In a brutalic way, I saw the murder road and their eyes. And I have a moment before the border that I understand that if I go left with them, they kidnap me and they will raped me like they raped children. Woman so many people, so many of my friends and 1 second of insight powerful I decided starting to run and I just run on my life and.


I can send that.


The only reason that I still alive. That because the guy with the gun go back to kill more of my friends wow. In my neighborhood. And you need to understand? 1400 people murdered, 236 kidnapped into a Gaza. Children, kids, women, young people. And I see a movement just for the food end. I saw some movie in the media that people taking the science.


Yuri, we've run out. Of time, Yuri. We've run out of time. But I want to thank you very much for waking up so early for us. And my heart grieves for Kabbutz. Kafaraza, you are in my prayers. Those lost in my prayers and those hostages. Thank you for sharing your story with our viewers.


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