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Senator Marco Rubio. So demands, drugs, destruction, even death, Senator. That's what these Biden border crossers are bringing into the country.


Well, it's an example of why it's never a good idea to allow 9 to 10 million people to come into your country illegally. Let's say 90%, 95% of the people are not here to commit crimes or whatever. That's still 5% of 9 million is a lot of people. It's important to understand. The Venezuelans that have been here, they've been telling me for a year and a half that this criminal element is coming over, and I had no way to quantify or now we see it. Now they were absolutely right. The truth of the matter is these people were criminals in Venezuela. They're criminals here now. This idea that they're being vetted at the border is a joke. The Venezuelan authorities aren't providing us documentation. Some of these people are part of a gang that's been terrorizing Chile, Peru, Ecuador. They've been working their way through Central America and towards the United States. It's not just from there. I want to add one more piece of it. We have a lot of people that have come from Central Asia, places we have no background information on whatsoever, a place that we know ISIS is running, and ISIS link groups have been running a trafficking group.


Were there in the business of moving migrants into the US. Why would we not think that they would use that exact same business of moving migrants to move terrorists? I think we have to assume as well, and I think it's built on a lot of common sense, that in addition to criminals, there are people in this country who have links to terrorism and have the intent of committing terrorist acts at some point in the future. It's an incredibly dangerous situation that Biden and Kamala Harris and this administration have allowed to happen over the last three and a half years.


But they're floating in executive order, Senator. Perhaps you didn't see this, that will supposedly, after saying he didn't have any power to do so, supposedly crack down on the asylum scam. Will voters look at that and say, Yeah, better late than never? Good on them.


I don't think so, because they spent three years telling us there wasn't a border crisis. They repeatedly denied that there was even a border crisis to begin with. Then they claimed they don't have the power. They have the power to reverse all of the executive decisions. Almost 100 executive decisions that Joe Biden took when he took office in the first month, close to 100, all of them were reversing Trump policies. He campaigned on it. He campaigned on a message that he was going to be more welcoming. As a result, more people came. This is entirely incentive-based. If people think it will be easier to get here and easier to stay, they will come. If they don't, they won't. Joe Biden was elected on the promise of making it easier to come illegally and easier to stay if you do. The result is, we've seen, close to 10 million people now across the border of the United States illegally in just three years, in just three and a half years.


Senator, scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the most important, how important is it for Republicans to win control of the Senate just on this issue alone?


It's extraordinarily important because number one, all of those nominations that go through the Senate, I mean, some of the people, Mayorkas and others that are in charge, they're complicit in this act. That's number one. I think number two, it gives us the leverage over the administration. It would be great to have both the House and the Senate, but right now we don't have the Senate, and it limits our ability to do things. We can't even call hearings to investigate this because obviously, Democrat chairs are not going to go ahead and do this.


It's obvious what's happening. I think it'd be great to- It's got to stop all funding of the administration until we get control of our country. We got to stop funding their pet project.


I think it would be great to subpoena some of the internal communications and have those produced so we can actually see how there was collusion involved in making this happen. They knew what they are doing. This is by design.


They think they have millions of new Democrat voters, clearly. Senator, great to see you. Thank you.


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