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The world is watching as President Biden faces increased scrutiny over his health and acuity. Biden opened the NATO summit yesterday by delivering an almost Gaffery speech from a teleprompter. He did, however, appear to read a stage direction on it. Ask a little military, come forward.




Ask him to read the citation. All right. Well, there are still two more days of this crucial summit. Biden is scheduled to meet tomorrow with Ukrainian President Zelensky after pledging new air defense support for the country. Bret Baier pressed John Kirby over Biden's claims during last Friday's ABC interview that Biden has weakened Putin.


Does he really think that he shut Vladimir Putin down?


He certainly has held Mister Putin and Russia accountable for what they tried to do to Ukraine.


You just saw what happened with the children's hospital being hit the other day, Brett.


Nobody's saying they're not still capable of.


Attacking, but he's definitely didn't shut them down.


Nobody's saying they're not still capable of attacking Ukraine.


The president also telling his doubters during that interview to judge him by his performance at this NATO conference. Politico reports that our foreign allies are expressing concern about the president's ability to lead and to beat former President Donald Trump. Ian BREMmer, president of the Eurasia Group, echoing those feelings, they dont think he.


Can serve another four years. And I will say that is true of every leader that I have met with thats attending the NATO summit. Its not that they dont like him. In fact, theyre deeply concerned. NATO allies, more than other countries around the world, very concerned about what it would mean if Trump were to become president, given his stated policies on Russia, Ukraine, and on NATO and on the European Union. So, I mean, its not like theyre saying we dont like Biden. We want him to go. They just dont think hes up to it. They increasingly think hes going to lose.


Senator Marsha Blackburn, Republican of Tennessee and member of the judiciary and Veterans Affairs Committee, joins us now. Senator, thank you very much for joining us. You know, I don't think it's hard for the american public to believe that our allies and our adversaries saw what happened on that debate stage and see problems with this presidency and for our allies concerns that he's running again.


You're so right, Sandra. The world depends on a strong America. We are the first to show up and fight for, for freedom. And when they see weakness, when they see a lack of resolve, when they see appeasement then, and when they see a confused president I think it does cause concern, and rightfully so, because they want to know if they're our ally, that they can count on us. If they are our adversary, they need to be fearing us.


Senator, are you getting the sense that there's more chatter in Washington than we are seeing let out publicly on the part of Democrats and their concerns about his reelection?


Oh, yes, indeed. There is so much chatter around this and who the ticket is actually going to end up being. And of course, we will leave it to the Democrats to sort out their mess. I just talked to a Democrat colleague who said, hey, I guess we found a way to get Donald Trump off the front page. So this is what you are hearing, and Democrats are being more outspoken. But here's the thing, Sandra. Whomever it is, they are going to be running on the Biden Harris policies. What have those policies done? They've made the world a more dangerous place. You've seen elevated crime in communities. The border is wide open. Inflation, the real inflation number is at 20%. People can't fill up the grocery cart and the gas tank in the same week because of the struggles with the economy.


Those struggles are certainly real and still there, senator. Meantime, some Republicans are calling to invoke the 25th amendment that would allow for the vice president and a majority of the cabinet to declare a president unfit for office. That section of the amendment has never been invoked. A House hearing getting tense yesterday when New York Republican Congressman Mike Lawler grilled Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen about Biden's competency. Listen here.


Are you testifying that you have not seen any mental or cognitive decline?


Mister Chairman, point of inquiry. She's not a physician.


It's not a medical question. It's her interpretation as a member of the cabinet.


I move to have those words taken down. Mister Chairman, I move to have those words taken down. She is not a physician.


Have there been any discussions among cabinet secretaries about invoking the 25th Amendment?




New York Post op ed with this headline, Biden's cowardly cabinet is a national disgrace, shirking its duty to remove him. Because so many are wondering, as they saw what they saw on that debate stage play out so publicly in an unscripted, no teleprompter manner, what his aides, what his cabinet, what his insiders have been seeing behind closed doors for a much longer time than this. Senator, your thoughts?


Yes, and what, what the debate confirmed to the american people was that they had been gaslighted by the White House and by Biden's inner circle, with people constantly saying he's fit. He is working hard. He's energetic. He's on top of everything. And they saw that. No, that is not true. So, Sandra, they know that they are being gaslighted. I think for the american people, I talk to Tennesseans every single day who say we're worried about the next few months and what he might do because of what they have witnessed firsthand and his lack of ability to give a speech. Speech or give response unless he is using that teleprompter.


Senator, always good to have you on. Thanks for joining us.


Good to be with you. Thank you so much.


I'm Steve Doocy. I'm Brian Kilmeade.


And I'm Ainsley Earhart. And click here to subscribe to the Fox News YouTube page to catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis.