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Joining me now, Charlie Heard, Opinion Editor for the Washington Times, and Ari Fleischer, former White House Press Secretary, the both Fox News contributors. Ari, we're going to get to the Ukraine haranging in a moment, but I want your reaction to the House vote just successfully impeaching the DHS Secretary, Alejandro Mayorkas.


Well, it's actually tied to the questions you were just asking because it just shows the urgency that House Republicans attached to securing the border. That's why he was impeached because didn't secure the border. He's failed to exercise the authority he has under the law. He works for a president who's even worse, and that's why we have an insecure border. It's not a surprise that they were able to come back. I guess it proves the old adage, If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.


Now, Steve Scalese, who's undergoing cancer treatment, made his way back to Washington to cast his vote. Obviously, that helped put them over the threshold that they needed. But Charlie, when When you look at this and you think back on what Mayorkas said when he was asked before Congress, is that you consider this a crisis? I guess it's not official perjury because it's an opinion. But it was pretty close. It was a crisis within a few months of what was happening at our border. A few months, not three years later.


There's no doubt that not just that, but there's plenty of other evidence that you could build proving that he perjured himself in testimony before Congress, trying to cover up what was going on here. Obviously, this vote, it's a great day for America. What's frustrating about it, of course, is the fact that even though you have a very closely divided house, Republicans just barely eke through. I couldn't see perfectly clearly, but it looked like three Republicans had voted against this. This is an abrogation of their responsibilities. I know a lot of people say, Well, Republicans only have a bare majority in the House. Well, Republicans have the most important power in Washington, and that's the power of the purse. All legislation dealing with taxation or spending begins in the House, giving Republicans in the House the most powerful ability to shut the government down if the administration refuses to enforce our border. This should have happened as soon as Republicans took control of the House. I'm glad it's happening now, but they should pursue this. This is something that the American people... They can win this fight with the American people because Americans, whether they're Democrats or Republicans, are outraged with this.


I have a message to what you just alluded to, and I want to Arian on this. We had three GOP congressmen vote no. Tom McClintock, obviously, he's always in a tough re-election campaign in California, Republican coalition in is always playing it safe here. Ken Buck, Republican from the Purple state of Colorado, actually pretty liberal state, Mike Gallagher from Wisconsin. Ari, I've got to say, even in those states that are Usually, obviously, Democrat leaning. This is a pretty easy vote in the end, is it not?




Well, I think there's two ways to look at it. One is on the substance of the vote and the failures of the Biden administration on the border. The other is what does impeachment mean? I do think there's a purist view that, according to the Constitution, it's for high crimes and misdemeanors. They can ask themselves, has a high crime or misdemeanor been taking place? But look, the person to blame here is Nancy Pelosi. When they impeach Donald Trump twice under the Democratic House, they turned the impeachment, high crime and misdemeanor, into a vote of no confidence. That's where this started. It shouldn't surprise anybody, especially the Democrats, if now Republicans who hold power, start to impeach Biden administration officials for a lack of confidence. If you want to say who started to violate the norms and change the rules in Washington, I'll go right to those two impeachment votes because that started to break the patterns, and that's what you saw happen today with only three lone Republican holdouts for that procedural ground that it wasn't a high crime or misdemeanor.


Well, every time he would come before Congress, he was very smug in the face of an overwhelming human, economic, and national security emergency. He was annoyed by the whole process and fairly flipp in his responses. I don't believe Ari, even the biggest Trump critiques thought that was very smart and thought that was the right approach, given what we knew was happening at the border and now into the interior part of the country.


I think it shows the American people who was fighting to close this border, who was fighting to make sure that if you come to this country, you come here illegally, if you come here illegally, there's really only one party left that is going to do anything about it. There's a so-called bipartisan deal that was reached in the Senate was the most loophole-laden, amnesty-filled provision I've ever seen. It wasn't to compromise. It was giving up on the border. I think it's a good thing House Republicans are there to fight for the future and to fight to keep that border. It is secure, and only people come who are supposed to.


Charlie, the last time an impeachment of a cabinet official occurred was 1876. It was a secretary of war. This is not something that is taken lightly or happens casually. But I would say if purists, I know what purists think about high crimes and misdemeanors, and I understand that. But boy, it's hard to imagine our founders, if they could envision what America would be, that this is what America would with a border that is ultimately meaningless and a lot of other things that have happened. But with that one fact, to me, that's pretty close to an impeachable, if not slam-dunk, impeachable offense.


Well, I agree with you completely. I do appreciate what Ari is saying. I don't like the idea of turning impeachment into this political cuddle that you just go back and forth over nonsense. But this is not nonsense. I know that you're not saying that, Ari. But I can't think of any example of... This is aiding and abetting an invasion of our country. This is surrendering our borders, completely giving in to enemies we don't even know and allowing them into our country to take over our country and to surrender the border to the worst human smuggling slave drivers, the drug cartels, all the worst elements of humanity, and surrendering it all. In that particular case, I can't think of a more urgent reason to impeach somebody. Quite frankly, I wish they had done this at the beginning and gone after Joe Biden himself over this because he is allowing an invasion at the border. This is as close to treason as I can think. I don't know what else there is. If you're not going to enforce your own borders and allow people who are killing Americans to come into the country and completely disregard all of our rules and our laws, I don't know what impeachment is for, if it's not for this.


Ari and Charlie, stay with me on this.