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On TV, the panicked chorus of media voices only grew louder. Take a listen.


His performance was... I sat there and watched it, and I could not believe it. I said, not only is this a political hydrogen bomb for him and the Democratic Party, what happened? What happened? Is Joe Biden the person who can stop Donald Trump or somebody like Trump who gets the Republican nomination? That's what he's got. He's got to look in the mirror, search his soul, and make that decision. I wanted to raise that question. I'd like him to think that through carefully because I have my concerns.


Here now with ReAction, our former RNC Chair, Reince Priebus, and former Arkansas governor, Mike Huckabee. Welcome, gentlemen. Governor Huckabee, you know your way around a debate stage. This blaming of staff for Joe Biden presenting as too old for having the vacant look in his eyes, for allowing numbers to numb his brain. I mean, he could have gotten a doctor's note. They're saying he had a cold. I think if he was taken away to see, you get more of the answer here. But how do you see this? Do you think people will forget this debate performance and start focusing on the issues or start giving Joe Biden a little bit of grace?


I think that there's no one to blame but Joe Biden. As a person who has been on the debate stage, the truth is you can have all these people talking to you and telling you what you ought to do and not ought to do, but you're the one that walks out there. You also have the right to look at every one of them and tell them to shut up. I don't want to hear any more out of you. Sometimes that is the best thing to do is to tell all the people who think they know what you should do to just leave you alone and let you go out there and do your thing. But they couldn't do that. And this nonsense about he had a cold and that's why he was so raspy and he couldn't get his thoughts together. Every one of us know that if he'd really been sick in that eight-day sequestering up at Camp David, they would have talked about that every day. He's going to be there, even though he's going to have to push through how sick he is. Look, let's just be realistic here. There is a run on toilet paper in DC because of that performance last week, because the Democrats, well, let's just say they're having a rough week, too, trying to decide how to deal with what is an absolute meltdown, and we're all seeing it.


Yes, and some of us are enjoying it. Couldn't happen to a nicer crew. Ryan's previous, you've been the RNC chair, your White House Chief of Staff. You have a big hand in this month's convention out of Milwaukee. You've been in the room to prep candidates for debates, including President Trump. Now, he preps just by not having a podium or a lighting. He preps by doing these rallies and these interviews and whatnot. But I'm very curious about the blaming of staff, particularly. Isn't that a risk that they're taking? The staff knows him best. The staff has been covering for him and his lack of acuity and agility for a very long time.


Well, you're right, Kelly. You and I did debate prep in 2016. It's ridiculous to blame the staff for this performance because he came out in the first 30 seconds and everyone knew something was wrong. He wasn't making any sense. When you do the basic debate prep, it's not that complicated. Number one, hey, there's a split screen. When the camera's not on you or when you're not speaking, you have to act like everyone's watching you because there's a split screen. Hey, you're going to get attacked on immigration, the economy, and inflation. You've got three recanned answers. He couldn't deliver any of it. It's a cover-up. You're exactly right. The whole thing's a cover-up. By blaming staff, you just make it worse. You know these reporters that are talking about he needs to get out, what they really All we need to do is find out why. I think Bob Woodward, if you kept playing his interview, he said it well, which is, look, this was so impossibly bad that these reporters ought to figure out why was it so bad? What is the real answer. What really is going on with the President of the United States?


If Scottie Scheffler shot 120 yesterday, no one would be saying, Well, he had a cold, you had a bad day. No, they would be asking the question, and no one is asking this question, What is going on with Joe Biden?


Governor Huckabee, we're all scratching our head. We can chuckle a little bit, but the serious point is the world leaders are also watching this, and I like your perspective on that.


Yeah, I think you're right. We have to recognize the serious part is that we're not the only ones watching, and we're not the only ones who have been watching. President Xi has been watching, Putin watches, Kim Jong Un watches. They all look at this. I think the reason that they never went into Ukraine when Donald Trump was President, Hamas would never have attempted to overrun and murder and butcher Jewish civilians like they did on October seventh when Donald Trump was President. They were scared to death of him. They just didn't know what he might do, but they feared what he would do. It's why I think we need him again, because the world, whether they respect him or they're just afraid of him, I don't care. I just know they behave better. We need a world like we need a world was President, not the one we have when Joe Biden is President.


Yes, people know what they see. Governor Mike Huckabee and Ryan Sprevis, thank you very much for joining us tonight.


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