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Well, what a mammoth crowd. What a night. His second big appearance, and that is the former President of the United States, the 45th, who wants to be the 47th, just days until the first debate. Yes, before we had either convention. Everything's different about this cycle. I'm sure you knew that already. Let's bring in two very familiar faces and respected, I might add, active New Hampshire governor for now, Chris Sununu. He's going to call quits in November. And former Arkansas governor, Mike Huckabee. Great to see both of you guys. I guess I want to start the way the President ended in our little montage, guys, the debate on Thursday. I was talking to the President earlier today, former President, and he said, Well, Brian, this is my rehearsal. Going out, talking to people, having small meetings, big meetings. That's how you get ready. Do you think that's going to work, Governor Sununa?


Yeah, I mean, there's no doubt. I think the professionalism that this campaign at 24 is bringing to the table is very different. He's prepping. He's changing his tone a little over the past couple of weeks. I think making sure that he's setting expectations, as Governor Huckabee will attest, that's what you got to do when you go into a debate. But he's doing it the right way. I think the thing with the debate, I'll say, is the fear is that a lot of people will be tuning in more like it's reality TV. They want to see if Trump's blustry. They want to see if Biden falls asleep. I don't think that's going to happen. Those moderators are going to have to keep it energized and substantive when it comes to the issues.


Governor Huckabee, the crowd is big. The crowd was huge in the Bronx, huge in Wildwood, Jersey. You could argue he's not going to win New Jersey, and it's going to be hard to make up a nine-point deficit in New York. But he went to Detroit. He might not win that city, but he wants to win the state. What about this strategy of going into the urban environments unscripted, flying off the cuff? Your thoughts about this tactic?


I think it's brilliant. The reason it's brilliant is because he's going where angels fear to tread. This is a campaign that he's going places Republicans Americans historically just say, We're not even going to bother. Well, what he's doing is going to these places. He's showing that he's got support. Maybe he doesn't win New Jersey, maybe he doesn't win New York, but he's winning voters across the country who watch him go into these places fearlessly, courageously, and Joe Biden won't even go to those places. Look, right now, Donald Trump is doing the most important thing he can do, and he carries this into debate, and this election is over. He's the happy warrior. This is not a president of grievance. This is a president who is showing joy, showing a sense of humor. He's rallying the crowd. I say this term again, the happy warrior. He's like Popeye with two cans of spinach, and it's working for him.


Governor Sunuta, you'll love this. I asked the former President today, I go, Why are you going to Philadelphia? Why is that important? He did better in 2020 there than he did in 2016. He said, I go, Because you want the urban vote, you want the minority Party vote. He said, No, people need hope. These are the people that need hope. Now, this is just a conversation two people are having. That's his mindset going in, and I think they're picking up on that.


Without a doubt, just listen to that positivity. When he does a rally, they're chanting USA, USA. These are patriots. These are people that love their country. They want hope. They want optimism about getting things turned around and bringing it back. Watch a Joe Biden rally. Is anyone chanting USA, USA? No, they're just praying he gets through without falling asleep. I mean, literally. There's no excitement on the other side. There's no energy. That's what galvanizing... People can agree with you, but are you inspiring them to do something different? Are you inspiring them to be a better version of themselves? I think Governor Huckabee is also exactly right. It's not necessarily whether Trump wins in these other states. He's showing America that everyone matters. Go back to '16, this is what Hillary Clinton did wrong. She took all these states for granted. She took the citizens of this country for granted, and they said, We don't like it. They brought Trump in. So he's copying that same playbook, but it's an American playbook. It's the right playbook to win.


Governor Suneida, we know you're back, Nikki Haley. You know you thought Trump did a good job for four years, but you didn't think he could win this time. Has he done anything to change your mind now?


Well, look, I'm supporting him. Look, I still think he's blustry. I still think there could have been better candidates. I really do. But when it comes to the choice of the vote, people say, How can you to support Trump. At the end of the day, you go in that ballot box, it's A or B. There's no debate. Nobody, even the Democrats that like Biden, don't love Biden. A lot of the Republicans that are going to back Trump, maybe they're not all behind him, but they want a Republican administration. They want an administration that believes that the individual is stronger than the state, and the state is stronger than Washington. Decentralization of power, these things that made America so great for so long. They're not just voting for Trump. They're voting for a whole culture change in DC.


Governor Huckby, I was fascinated to see another governor, Governor Chris Sunu, who said he was one of the most unpopular when he was in power, that's Cuomo. I'm with Bill Maher last night. You know what he said? The New York case wouldn't have been brought against anyone else except Donald Trump. Everybody should, and just I'll paraphrase, everyone should be offended that it was actually brought. Then Bill Maher lamented that this has given him jet fuel. Do you know they are both basically equal in money raised with a sitting president? Your thoughts about these assessments from the left?


I think they're scared to death, and they need to be. Look, I've been with Trump since he obliterated me in 2016. I saw him as a person who connected with the ordinary Americans that everyone else seemed to forget about. And he has been connecting, and he's doing it this time, I think, better than ever. The contrast between Joe Biden and Donald Trump couldn't be more stark. Donald Trump goes to Philadelphia. He might as well be rocky, running up the steps of the library and throwing his arms up in the air. Joe Biden, remember the old Captain Kangoo show? And when grandfather clock, the clock that was always part of the set, and they had to yell, Wake up, grandfather, and they had to scream at the grandfather clock to wake him up so Captain Kangoo could talk to him. That's what I'm seeing. It's Rocky versus grandfather clock. And if grandfather clock shows up on Thursday night and they have to scream at him to keep him awake, this is going to be to watch, one for the ages.


I know. Governor Sunnu, we're looking at the battleground state numbers, and they're really strong. I think Wisconsin is the tightest, but you look at Arizona, you look at Georgia, you look at Pennsylvania, you look at Michigan, and you see some positive numbers. But I'm going to bring something else in. Your state of New Hampshire, Dead Heat, the state of Minnesota, Dead Heat, and Virginia, where the former president will be going the day after the debate. But you know political reality. How much time do you put to those states that have been blue for years?


There's no doubt he can win them. You bring up a great point. If you look at June 22nd polls, both in 2020 and 2016, Trump is six or seven points worse than he is today. He's stronger today than he's ever been, not by a couple of points, but huge. Now he's doing it in states. We haven't had a Republican win here on the President's side since 2020. Right now, he's got all the momentum No one's getting excited about Biden. The former President has been in a courtroom for two months. Biden's been campaigning for two months, and he's still beating him. Now Trump can really spend the time in some of these battleground states. I would have told you eight months ago, he wasn't going to win Georgia. I didn't think he could win Georgia. He's going to win Georgia. He's going to win Arizona. I think he's going to win Pennsylvania. Those are the key states, and he's doing it the right way, and that's the most important piece.


Right. Governor Huckabee and governor, I don't know how close you follow my career. I ended up watching the show because I know you guys go out Saturday night. I know you both love to dance. But Dana White sat down for an interview and he talked about Donald Trump. Evidently, the foreign president saw that and brought it up on the stump. Let's watch together.


But I said Dana Dana, I have an idea for you to make a lot of money. You're going to go and start a new Migrant Fight League. Migrants, only migrants. Then at the end of the year, the champion migrant is going to fight your champion. I hate to tell you, Dana, I think the migrant might win. That's how tough they are. This is not a normal situation.


Yeah, and we just had a horrible week with the illegal immigrants. Killing, strangling, raping. These are people that don't belong here. One was actually wearing a monitor since they crossed here. We're looking at a situation now, Governor Sunanit, where 62% of the country are for mass deportations of illegals. If I told you that number in 2016, you would say, Brian, you're drunk again on the air. Governor, the American people are fed up.


They really are. I guess we can thank Joe Biden. The American people have been pushed to the brink because Biden, again, tried to do an open border thing. He didn't understand it. He got the politics of it all wrong. He got the policy of it all wrong. He got what America is all about. It's all about fairness and rules and process and the rule of law. He tried to ignore all that for his own political benefit and his backfiring on him because at the end of the day, it ain't about Joe Biden. It's about the American citizens, and they're saying enough is enough. Look, it's a really serious issue. With the things you just brought up, the murder, the rape, the attacks, the lawlessness that comes with it, the fact that you have potential terrorists coming over that border. Look, I got my small, tiny New Hampshire border with Canada. I know it's not the Southern border like Texas, but we have seen a tenfold of folks trying to come over that northern border. Not here in New Hampshire. We're pretty tough on it here, but in other parts of that Northern border where it's just massively unprotected, it's a real issue.


That's why it's a 50 state issue. It's not a Texas issue. All 50 states and every American is looking at this as a top priority for this country.


It's almost as if the issue is caught up with the President. He said, These are the issues that matter in the beginning. They said, Not really. They voted him in and yes. He said, Build a wall. They said, If you want, but we're going to push you against you because we don't want you to be successful. Now, you're hard-pressed to find anyone who doesn't want to build that wall. This President wants to blame Republicans because they didn't pass a bipartisan bill. But let's end with the vice President picks in the shortlist. I think Tim Scott is on it. I think Tom Cotton is on it. I think Marco Rubio is on it. I actually believe that at the top of it is probably Governor Doug Burgum. Your thoughts, Governor Huckabee, on the selection you think that would help him the most?


I think that list, everybody calls it a short list. My guess is it's longer than that, and it's not a short list. It is a long list, and nobody will make the decision but Donald Trump. And here's what I also think people will find out. Donald Trump needs, and he will pick someone who will be not just loyal to him, But loyal to the America First Movement, and somebody who will carry the banner, but somebody who is also going to help Donald Trump the next four years and not constantly be looking how it's going to help his own future starting in '28, because there's a good chance that somebody, picked as VP, would be the leading candidate for President in 2028. But that person can't go in there with that level of ambition thinking, It's all about me. No, it needs to be about the President that gets elected, helping him get his agenda done, getting this country back on track, because it's in a mess, thanks to Joe Biden, who is like Wily Coyote, constantly trying to destroy Donald Trump. Donald Trump's the roadrunner. If you look at Joe Biden's face, it's full of I'd say, gunpowder and soot.


Donald Trump is going into it clean.


When have you become so visual of a descriptor using movies and cartoons to describe your thoughts? It's unbelievable, Governor Huckabee. You've really adapted what was TV things.


I'm hanging out with you too much, Brian. I'm just hanging out with you suddenly. I fly off with metaphors. I can't help it.


It's unbelievable. I wish I was good at metaphors. I'll take the comment. Lastly, Governor Sunnu Absolutely. Governor Sunu closed me out. You believe that it's a bigger list than the one I just mentioned?


Yeah, there's no doubt. Again, I think Governor Huckabee hit it right on the head in terms of what Trump's priorities will be. I don't think that individual has been chosen yet. I think it's a big list, and that's a good thing. Here's the good news. Anyone's better than Kamala, and that's a win for America right there.


Absolutely. Governor Huckabee, Governor Sunu. Thanks so much, guys. Governor Huckabee, you got to give Governor Sunu some advice about retirement as a former governor because he's got about six months left. We'll see what's next for both of you. Thanks, guys. Have a great Saturday night. Hi, everyone. I'm Brian Kilmead. I want you to do me a favor. I want you to click to subscribe to the Fox News YouTube page. This is the only way that I know for sure that you're not going to miss any great commentary, any great news bites, any great interviews coming your way on Fox. You can get it all here on YouTube. So subscribe right now.