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Now, as Tammy Nobles, who is the mother of Kaya Hamilton, the 20-year-old who was raped and murdered in 2022, allegedly by an illegal alien with ties to the MS-13 gang. Tammy, I know your heart must be breaking for Lake and Reilly's family. You've been warning about this for years. Tell us what your thoughts are tonight after seeing another tragedy like the one that befell your family.


I am so sad and so angry that this has happened to another mother, the same that what happened to Kayla. Kayla was just sleeping in her bed in her home, and she was brewerly murdered and raped. Now this young lady was just running. Our young women aren't safe. Our young women are not safe.


But, Tammy, this is the open border policy of the Biden administration. They could have stopped this years ago. They decided they wanted as many people to come into the country as possible. That is their policy. They're pro-women, we're all for girls, girl power. How many times you hear that? And to that, you say tonight?


I don't see no girl power. I see our women being killed, murdered, and raped, and nobody's doing anything. Nobody is standing up and doing anything. I am trying to do what I can to bring awareness and to keep this from happening and to let government officials know something has to be done. Something has to be done. This cannot keep happening.


Tammy, tonight, Joe Biden, who is supposedly going to travel to the border this week, finally, did make a comment about the border while enjoying some ice cream. Watch.


I've been planning to go Thursday. What I didn't know is my good friend, apparently, is gone.


Will you meet with migrants while you're there, Mr. President?


Well, I'm not going to announce ahead of time. Secret Service don't like me announcing exactly.


That's him. It's hard to hear him, but it's hard to take him seriously when he can't put down the ice cream cone long enough to talk about the crisis.


Yeah, that's really aggravated. I don't know why he's visiting the border now. My thought was if I would see him at the border, I would tell him to go home. Go home. Why are you even here now? Why do you wait till the end of your pregnancy to visit the border now? What is the reason for you doing it now?


Well, he's looking at the poll numbers. It's the number one issue in the minds of most American voters. That's why. That's the only reason he's going. By the way, Tammy- It's too late.


It's too late.


Well, it's time for a new president. By the way, Yeah, a new poll is showing, Tammy, that for the first time, a majority of Americans now do favor the construction of a border wall, the one that Trump tried to build for a measly $5 billion. We've sent $100 plus billion to Ukraine. They wouldn't give them five for the border wall. But now Americans are finally starting to realize, Man, we got a major problem here.


Well, we should have done that a long time ago. Then lives like Kyla and Lakeland, they would have never died. If we would have done that a long time ago, lives would have been saved. Lots of lives would have been saved, even the fentanyl deaths.


Tammy, I know Lake and Reilly's family is in mourning, but your message tonight to Joe Biden, Alejandro Mayorkas, Kamala Harris, all of the Democrats who for years said this was not a crisis and who say they do not Are you taking a fair responsibility for this.


Oh, they sure are responsible for their deaths. Both their deaths and other deaths could have been prevented if they would have done their job at the border and made sure it's secure. We come first. Americans should come first, not last. Our safety matters. Their lives matter.


Tammy, we're so sorry. I mean, words don't describe how infuriated I am and heartbroken I am for you and for all the families across the country who are suffering tonight.Thank you so muchThank you.for sharing your story.Thank you.


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