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Let's bring in a member of the House Oversight Committee, South Carolina, Republican Nancy Mace, Congresswoman. Good to have you with us today. When you watched that this morning and saw that you were not going to get an opportunity to ask any questions, that he was on the Hill only to make his own statement and not be questioned, what went through your mind? What do you think about that?


Well, some of what he said that we have impugned his character, the only person who has impugned Hunter Biden's character is Hunter Biden himself. He accused us of lying. The only people who have been lying throughout this whole thing, this whole episode has been Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, and the Joe Biden White House. I was just stunned to see my colleagues this morning, Democrats on the left who enforced subpoenas against Republicans in recent years, therefore going forward today and defending defying a subpoena, a congressional subpoena today because the guy's last name was Biden. All I see are hypocrits on the Hill. Martha, I'm one of the few Republicans up here who has voted to hold Republicans in contempt when they don't follow through with a congressional subpoena. And all I'm seeing is hypocrisy and lies today.


Yeah, here's Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren talking about Navarro and Banons' refusal to go along with the subpoena. Watch this.


This goes on for hour after hour after hour. We want to get all our questions answered, and you can't do that in a live format.


It's pretty clear that there's a lack of consistency here, Congresswoman. Absolutely. I want to just take a look at this. This is what Hunter Biden said about... Because there's always quite... The focus on addiction and on ridicule, I'm trying to figure out where that fits in with the investigation that you all are doing. I think everyone is sympathetic to family members who have these problems, but I don't know what the connection is between the millions of dollars that was made by these foreign entities and the fact that Hunter Biden said this in an email. He said, I can tell you... Excuse me. He basically says, I hope you don't have to do what I did. Do we have it so we can put it up? Sorry. I hope you can all do what I did, he said to his daughter, Naomi, and pay for everything for this entire family for 30 years. It's really hard. But don't worry. Unlike Pop, I won't make you give me half your salary. Right.


So that there, and I was just going to mention it, Martha. He tells us in his emails and in text messages how Joe Biden benefited and profited from Hunter Biden's businesses. We know that Joe Biden was involved because he was at dinner meetings, lunch meetings, White House, Oval Office meetings when he was vice president, et cetera, he was fully involved here. Again, it's just hypocrisy and lies, and we're seeing it over and over and over again, and he needs to come in. What's telling to me is that there is a process. You are supposed to be deposed. When the left had Trump family members, multiple Trump family members, hours and hours and hours, over 24 hours of depositions, that was okay then. But because his last name is Biden, well, we can't do that now. We can't follow the law. We can't follow President because his last name is Biden. And that's wrong.


Congresswoman Nancy Mays, thank you very much. Good to have you with us today. Thank you. Thank you, Congresswoman.


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