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While this is shocking, a new British study reveals that the richest 1% of the world's population produce as much carbon pollution as the 5 billion people who make up the poorest two thirds of humanity. This as Kamala Harris is under fire for this photo of her and the second gentleman at their gas stove, despite the Biden administration's attempts to ban them. The great Monica Crowley is the host of the Monica Crowley Podcast, a podcast I love and you should also listen to. And she joins us now. Monica, so great to have you on. So let's quick just get your take on that photo of her with her gas stove, which I love gas stoves.


But they want to ban it.


Well, good morning. So great to see you, Rachel, and thank you for the kind words. Yeah, look, Kamala Harris is not exactly the brightest bulb in the box, so maybe she didn't realize that she was posting a social media picture with a gas stove in the background. But the bigger point on both of these stories is that the real split in the country and frankly across the west is between the ruling class and everybody else. So the ruling class wants to inflict all of these insane restrictions on the rest of us when they have no intention of living by those same restrictions or standards. So they impose all of this on us, whether it's a restriction on natural gas for residential private homes like Washington State and California have done, cities like New York, San Francisco, La. Seattle, they impose this stuff on the rest of us. But the ruling class does not abide by those rules. Remember during COVID when Gavin Newsom went to the French Laundry and had a meal and Nancy Pelosi went to a salon to get her hair done? They all pushed this right in our faces. So while we can talk about hypocrisy, Rachel, the charges of hypocrisy just sort of bounce off of these people because they simply don't care and because they control everything.


So it doesn't stick to them. They simply don't care.


But you heard what I said. Their carbon imprint is like 20,000 times bigger than any of ours. So clearly they don't believe it. That's the issue, right? I mean, they are doing all of these rules because they want to control us. If you control food, if you control energy and you control money, you control the population. This isn't about some moral case about climate.


Right? Yeah. They don't believe, you know, John Kerry, Bill Gates on their private jets with their massive yachts and their huge motorcades, they literally put it right in our faces. And yet they lecture us. Greta thunberg same thing. She flies around the world. That they put it right in our faces because they don't care about the criticism. And to your point, it is about power. And know, when they go after fossil fuels and that entire industry, the reason they're targeting that is because energy is the biggest sector. It's the biggest lever that they have to fundamentally transform Western economies. That's what they're going after. So it is about power and control. It's about them sitting atop. And I just want to give you one quick quote from John Kerry, who is Biden's climate czar. When he was asked about his private jet use, Rachel, he said, it's the only choice for somebody like me.




And when I heard that, I said, that's it right there. Right there. They are telling you, for someone like me, I am your better, I am your superior. For someone like me, I need the private jet. It is about power and control and about leveraging the energy sector to fundamentally transform these economies away from free market systems and toward this kind of collectivist socialist model.


Yeah, I mean, the hypocrisy is galling, but I think we really have to just go after the hoax of it. All of this climate stuff is a hoax. They know it. There are plenty of scientists who are refuting it. They've been thrown out of their profession and silenced and canceled, told none of this is true. It's all meant to just control us. Monica, it's so great to have you on. Thanks for joining us. I hope you had a really happy Thanksgiving.


Oh, thank you, Rachel. Always a pleasure.


All right, thanks. Take care.


I'm Steve Ducey. I'm Brian Kilme.


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