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Let me ask you this. How do you take your hot dog? I feel like I'm on a first date in prison. You'll take it no matter what. You'll take it the way I tell you to, chubs. You're mobbing me. You take it all night long. What just happened? You take it in the top bunk and the bottom bunk. I want to appeal my sentence. And the latre. Now, listen to me. I'm old school. So if you want to have this talk like a grown up, I just eat it straight up. I don't do anything to it. No sauerkraut, no ketchup because I'm not five. Okay? I can abide mustard, but I don't bother with it. Are you serious, dude? Just the meat and the bun? Listen, The whole point... I mean, now it's really getting prison. The whole point of a New York City hot dog is to build your immunity system. You're eating meat that some guy was keeping in his closet in Astoria, Queens, until he threw it in a cart, boiled it in water, and handed it to you in Times Square. Dude, that is why the whole point of a New York City hot dog is to mask the flavor of the dead raccoon you're eating.


So I take my hot dog as much ketchup, as much mustard, as much relish, and as much sauerkraut as the bun and the thing will hold. And by the end of it, it's all over my face, all over my shirt, all over the sidewalk. And I don't care because I didn't taste the cola. You eat a hot dog the way we trick dogs into eating eating their vitamins. Totally. Emily Campana still hasn't paid me for that ride, by the way. It is time for Ask a Cami, where we tap into the wealth of wisdom I acquired picking up Drunks, Punks, and Monks. This week's edition includes some of your favorite Fox talent, asking the questions, plus the panel we'll be able to weigh in as well. Let's get started. First up is Fox Superhunk, Nate Foy, with a video question. What's up, Jimmy? The self-proclaimed Kool-Aid Man of Fox News. You and I have talked about how fortunate we are to be in our positions. The worst job that I've ever had was being a live infomercial salesman. I did that for a summer. I'm wondering, what's the worst job that you've ever had? How hot is Nate Foy?


My God, stay with me. I was distracted. What did he say? Probably the worst job I've had is trying to be on live TV and not get aroused by Nate Foy. If we're going to be clear, what a hunk he is. My worst job, I was a telemarketer that sold rare coins that were so The people who bought them never got them in the mail. We were working for a place. My very first job that I started on a Thursday, on a Friday, the woman running the place took a perp walk out the front door because apparently she was involved in some type of racket. That was probably my worst job, but also my shortest. Do you guys have any experiences like that? Would you not like to implicate yourself in a crime? For legal reasons, I cannot comment on my worst job. I'm playing the Fifth Amendment on this one. Mine is probably when I had to shine your shoes right before the show. But they were nice shoes. They were really They were nice. No, that's not true. I never wear the same ones twice. We have somewhat of a fashion budget because they need to distract from the fact that I am only standard definition pretty on this show.


People watch an SD, I look fine. If you're watching an HD, you've changed the channel by now. Up next. My worst job was earlier this week. I filled in on Fox Across America with Jimmy Fala. Is that what happened in my ratings? Yeah, I'm kidding. I love it. That was brutal. Up next, the Queen of Daytime, the one and only, Harris Faulkner sent in a question. It is an honor to get the swag crushing Fala to take my question. Hey, girl, who's the most famous person to ever ride in your cab? Whoa, that matters. Do you want to know the answer in this order? Yes, immediately. The most famous was Al Pacino. He was doing a movie called Righteous Kill with De Niro. I was so sleep-deprived that I kept falling asleep at red lights. When we got the 30 Rocks, he was doing a promo, I believe, he goes, You got to get some sleep, pal. He slammed the door without me ever knowing he was in the car, at which point a bunch of Italian chicks from Long Island were like, Oh, my God, Al Pacchino. They chased him. I was like, Oh, I got the godfather in my cab, but I didn't even know it.


So embarrassing. I had Dennis Hopper in my cab before he died. He was alive and super cool. You know who I honestly, of all the celebrities I've driven, the person I thought was the coolest? Edie Falco. Remember she played Carmelas in the Rana Rorse? Was really cool until she ran out on the bill. I kid. Edie, I love you. I'm meeting Carmine. Come on. Question number 3. Fox Superfan Jeff H writes in, If Fox News moved its studios out of New York, would you move with them or stay in New York? If you did move, where would you like to move to? Now, to be clear, Jeff, if Fox needed to relocate to someplace cheaper, it's probably because of what's happening on the show tonight. I don't know that I would be invited to move with them, but all of my fantasies involved buying a McMansion near one of those side of the highway towns with a cracker barrel in the Lowe's and the Walmart and just digging in because Jenny's from Ohio. I love it out there. They have space. Strip malls. When people in Ohio ask how are you doing, they want to No.


They wait for the end. In New York, you answer for them. Like, How are you doing? Good? Your family's good? Get the away from it. You know what I mean? It's a totally different animal. Next up, it is Fox and Friends' very own, Pete Hegset. Watch. Hey, Jimmy. My new book, The War on Warriors, is about the military going woke. It's a who done it for the Pentagon. My question for you is, what institution is it the most dangerous if it goes woke? Which one? And what would you do about it? Oh, First of all, shout out to him for sneak in a book promo. That was good. That was good. That was good. Always be closing, Hexaf. Always be closing. But I have to forgive him because he's another guy. I've been trying to play in Shirts & Skin's basketball for a month now. It keeps making me be scanned. I'm like, No, that wasn't the point. That was not the point. He's like, Jimmy, why do you have so many dollar bills on you? I don't understand it. The answer is the medical profession. Because if the medical profession went woke and abandoned biology, we might have to abandon in life-saving techniques and standards of treatment.


In terms of what would I do? Hegset, I went to community college. The only doctors I know are Dre and Pepper. You know what I'm saying? I don't have a plan, Hexeth. What would I do? I chip in with Zeoli and get a bus ticket to Switzerland? I don't know. Nobody wants to hear their doctor being like, It's giving, you're not going to make it. Also, busses can't get to Switzerland. Can we just point that out? I feel like that needs to be said. That was a Biden joke. Just stick with me. Up next, Jim on Facebook asks, Does your wife, Jenny, have a swear jar for when you swear? Hey, I don't actually curse that. I can't. Stop it. No. I don't. Jenny does not. Jenny is actually okay with my language. She's from Ohio, too. They don't want to censor you. America doesn't want to censor you. America. America. That's where Jenny is from. America. She's not from America. It's important to say that because Jenny's from Wappacaneta, Ohio, hometown of Neil Armstrong. America got us on the Not America, because they would have been like, This crew isn't diverse enough. You know what I mean?


This crew is not diverse enough to fake this moon landing, so we got to get more people in here. No, we need to get her in here. Mission to put our flag there. Thank you. One of our FN Saturday Night Instagram followers, Elizabeth asks, Other than snakes, what's the most bizarre animal you had in your cab? Are you ready for this? Yeah. I had a beer drinking goat. The guy was trying to bring the goat to Letterman, he had told me. To try to audition for a segment they used to do called Stubid Pet Tricks. I'll never forget it because he got into the cab and I was like, Oh, my God, a beer drinking goat. They were like, Oh, my God, a white cab driver. Neither one of our friends believed us. I was I'm at a beer drinking goat. They were like, Yeah, right. He was like, I'm at a white cab driving. Like, Shut up. But he claimed he was from Lajitas, Texas. This could have been entirely made up because things happen like that. But the goat drank long neck bottles of beer in the back of my cab. It was one of my That's one of my favorite things in the world.


Aren't goats already drunk? I feel like just naturally. Is that true? Yeah. The only goat who's drunk right now is Tom braided after that roast. He is hammered. Here's a good one from Fox business host, Larry Cudlow. Jimmy, I'm just dying to know Who is your custom bespoke, Savil Row Taylor? Because I'm just dying to get together with him. Now, to be clear, I don't believe a word Larry Cudlow says. On the economy, yes. That being said, if anybody else out there does really like my sport jackets. They do come in men's, so you're welcome to have a shot as well. To have your question featured on our next Ask a Can't Be segment, be sure to email us at FN, satardynightfans@fox. Com, or send us a DM. Slide into our DMs on social media at fnsaturdaynight. Hi, everyone. I'm Brian Kilmead. I want you to do me a favor. I want you to click to subscribe to the Fox News YouTube page. This is the only way that I know for sure that you're not going to miss any great commentary, any great news bites, any great interviews coming your way on Fox. You can get it all here on YouTube.


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