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At my George Washington University, we've seen anti-Semitic hate-fest, rallies supporting murders of.


Israelis, unconscionable insults projected onto our library. Our Hillel building broken into our kidnapped posters torn from the inside.


Very powerful. Yesterday at the rally in Washington, the March for Israel, where they believed there were 200,000 to 300,000 people who showed up. It's just an overwhelming moment on the mall. And that was a George Washington University student telling her story in front of all of those who were gathered in support of Israel and Jewish people everywhere. She says the phrase, Glory to our martyrs, was plastered on the side of the building. We showed you this back when this happened by the university's chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine. That group is now facing a 90-day suspension. A similar group was suspended at Colombia. The school tells Fox that SJP initially refused to comply with university officials directives to end the projections on the wall. And as a result, effective immediately, the university has prohibited that group from participating in activities on campus because they're not following the rules. So nice to see that somebody is actually trying to enforce the rules that are on the books at some of these universities. Meanwhile, NYU is now facing a lawsuit from three students who say that they fear for their lives on campus and are, quote, regularly confronted with genocideal chance like Hitler was right and gas the Jews.


You can't even believe that things like this are being said on American campuses. Nyu calls the claim a one-sided narrative in their response to us. Joining me now is one of the students in this lawsuit, Sabrinah Menfavi, a junior at New York University and a President of the school's Student Supporting Israel chapter. For attorney, Mark Kassowitz is also with us. Good to see you again, Mark. Thank you very much for coming in today. Sabrinah, welcome to you. What things have happened to you on campus that made you want to pursue this?


There has been so many things, but I'd like to start with one of the biggest things that I think about almost every day. Like you said, we've been hearing different types of chants at Washington Square Park, usually where a lot of our protests takes place. I was... I was confronted by someone who screamed at me. Hitler was right, and the Good Jews are the ones from Germany. And I really... Every night I think about this, how somebody at an NYU event said this to me, and then I can just see them in one of my classes. The fact that their face was covered, I don't know if they're in my classes. I walked home that day, fearful of my life. I cried the whole way home. I didn't go to my apartment in NYU. I went home to see my family because I did not want to be on campus. I didn't even want to... I didn't even want to go to class.


For the rest of the week. Have you gone back to class since then and back to NYU?


Soevery day I come up with a dilemma where I wake up and I am so fearful of going to class because these students who say these things to us, who cover their face, are in our classes. Every morning I make the decision and I make the decision to go to school because I'm paying so much money for my education. Education is really important to me. But the fact that I have to debate whether coming to class is safe anymore, I'm not getting the education that I pay for and the education that I deserve.


So you've had people on campus come up and yell in your face?


So NYU prides itself as having Washington Square Park as the heart of their campus. And if you call Washington Square Park the center of your campus, then yes, these were on campus.


Mark, what is the university saying in response to this? And what is the lawsuit? What are you accusing them of specifically?


Sure. The lawsuit is brought under Title 6 of the United States Code, which guarantees equality of treatment to students on university campuses, and that students on university campuses can't be discriminated against, harassed, or intimidated because of their ethnicity or their backgrounds. And so, NYU has badly breached and violated Title IX. It has discriminated very, very sharply against Jewish students, not only since October seventh, but actually for years and years. Our lawsuit, which is very detailed and very specific, goes through the history of NYU's disparate treatment and discrimination and permitting intolerance of harassment against Jewish students for decades now.


It's almost like we woke up in upside-down world, because we were just recently covering these stories, diversity, equity, inclusion, every single school bending over backwards to make sure that trans students felt comfortable, that safe spaces were provided for students. What do they say? When you say to them, What happened to all of that? Why am I being persecuted because of my religion?


This happens a lot. A lot of times we see people taking down the pictures of hostages that has nothing to do with politics. And we have people getting things said to them that makes them feel unsafe. And when we report them, we get sent wellness links to school-provided therapy.


Nothing else. Martha, it's quite extraordinary because our clients in this lawsuit, and we're dealing with a lot of other students in other lawsuits, who have come to us to say that they have reported being harassed and intimidated on campus, being yelled at, trying to prevent posters from being torn down, just a variety of horrible treatment. And so when they call and being followed by anti-Semitic students, being jeered at all the time. And when they complain to, at NYU, as high up as the President of the.


University- Now, Linda Mills.


-the head of student affairs, the Dean for Student Affairs, and to others in the security apparatus, you know what they're told? Call the wellness line.


It's unbelievable. I think there's just going to continue to be tremendous backlash from donors, which you've already seen. We're going to follow the story very closely. We got to go. But, Mark and Sabina, thank you very much. Good to have you here. Thanks, Martha. Keep us posted.


We're not sure.


How this goes.


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