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We're here with our friend, Pete Hegset. Kamala Harris, you see what's going on in the world. Afghanistan, we know what took place there. It was horrendous. Even Iraq now is really part of the Iranian hegemim. You see what's going on with the Houthis? We can't even use the Red Sea anymore. They've cut it off, and we haven't pushed back. Hezbollah has effectively conquered Lebanon and shooting missiles into Israel. Hamas will not surrender and will not surrender the hostages. Communist China is threatening Japan, Australia, the Philippines, South Korea, Vietnam, and of course, Taiwan. Russia is constantly threatening us with nuclear attack. Meanwhile, we are debasing our military. The Communist Chinese now have more ships than we do, and they're not stopping, and we are. It's Is this the right time to have Kamala Harris as commander-in-chief?


Well, you laid it out as best I've heard it. Of course not. First of all, she's a Marxist at home, and then she's a globalist and apologist overseas. Most empires lose their influence around the world because they lose their compass at home. That certainly happened under Obama. It's fast forwarded under Biden and under Marxist Kamala Harris, Kamerad Kamala, it would accelerate. We know exactly who she is. She is a radical, cratering our sense of self, our Southern border, our national identity, our love of country, and certainly our military, as you've talked about, as I wrote about in the War on Warriors. When all of that happens, the world takes notice. Obama went on that apology tour where America was no longer leading boldly. Biden has just been basically AWal and not believing in American leadership. Then through the small actions he has taken, he signaled complete retreat. Kamal Harris will be deferential to institutions like the UN, like UNRA, all these organizations captured by leftists that don't serve American interests. Our influence abroad will continue to diminish. So our allies, like Taiwan, like Israel, a shrinking number of countries, are going to turn to having to do things themselves because they can't count on America.


And that's when our enemies pile on. And when the global order, and I use that not capitalized because I don't want a global order controlled by elites. But after World War II, the US took control of that. That's all going to shift with China, with Russia, with the Islamists teaming up against us. And Kamala Harris has no plan to defend America's interests so the world will be on fire, Mark. What you just laid out will sound like tiddly winks compared to the possibility of World War III under a feckless weak leader like Kamala Harris.


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