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We'Re back on Fox News. Saturday night at this very moment, thousands of people across the country are likely engaged in a battle against friends, foes, and newcomers. Armed only with an oversized ping pong paddle, pickleball is reportedly the fastest growing sport in the nation, and we're told nearly 9 million Americans have already hit the court. That's right. Pickleball all. It's legit, and it's kosher. So I went out to find out what the dill was all about. Let's serve it up, baby.




I wanted to be a part of America's latest sports trends, so I came to lifetime pickleball, see how it all works. So it's kind of like a combination of tennis and ping pong, but there sure are a lot of rules. Begin each game by acknowledging the other players and introducing yourself. Guys, I'm Tom.


I got that.


Do not chase the ball in the other court. Yell, ball on court.


Ball on court. Ball on court.


Do not switch balls.


I don't even know how to do that.


Above all, have fun. That's the name of the game. My opponent today, matt Hennessy from the wall street journal. And our instructors Emily and Andy. We might need a little help. This is our first time playing.


You might need a lot of help. So Emily and I, we're going to hit a couple balls. Dink dink volley, okay? A volley is when you hit a ball out of the air before it bounces. Now, this is called the no volley zone.




This gray area is the no volley zone, also known as the kitchen.




What do we have for our winner? And then this is the Novali zone, or kitchen line.




So as long as Emily and I are hitting balls, if we're hitting balls out of the air from behind this line, it's fine.


It feels less manly to me to bounce it. I just got to think.


One more.


Tip is I know this sounds basic, but always keep your eye on the ball.


They say the players look so closely in the ball that it's almost like.


They'Re counting the little circles.


So the ball is bacon here.


Keep your eye on the ball. Here we go.


That's it. That's the way to do it. Okay, so I'm having a good time, but why do you think this has taken off the way it has?


I think one of the reasons it's.


Taken off the way it has is.


Because you can play with anyone of any age. I have friends that are I play.


With who are over 70. I have friends that I play with.


Who are still in middle school. It's a whiffle. You can only serve it so fast. So it's a much flatter learning system. It's much easier to have a good game, which you'll see in a little bit.


Right here.




No bounce.


Just tap it to me nice and easy. One, two, three.


There we go.


We worked on our dinks, our volleys, our serves, and our return. I think we're ready to place some points.


All right, let's do it.


Here we go.


Here we go.




Get back up here, Matt.


Back up.


You. You. Nice.


Whoo. Anthony.


There you go.


Gets the point. Here we go. Let's do one more.


I came in I came in too much.


What's something you learned here today, Tom?


I learned it doesn't matter who wins or loses.


It's how you play the game. Am I right?


I don't think so. It mattered a lot to me who won.


I want to thank everybody for coming out. Get andy.


Emily matt.


It's all about sportsmanship, right?




And winning, right?


All right, I get it. Go.


Should have ballied when I dink. Pickleball etiquette. You got to read the rules at.


The end of the game.


Tap, paddles, challenge your partner.


I was still in there. I was still in the game. I had my head in the game.


You can't be serious.


Special, then. Thanks to Matt, Emily, Andy, and the folks at Lifetime for showing me the ropes.


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