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Here now is former FBI agent Jonathan Gilliam. You have the child rapist, Jonathan, and then you've got the guy from Senegal who's wanted for terrorism charges, who's in our interior for two weeks. What's going on?


Well, we got a bigger problem than that, Kelly, because the reality is let's start with the second guy first, the guy who is linked to terrorism. During the entire years that the Iraq and Afghanistan war was going on, DoD and DHS were not sharing information across their databases for people who were in or around attacks on our troops over in those regions that came over to the United States from obscure borders and were allowed to come in the United States. They did not pop on any databases because the DoD didn't share that information. And now there's known to be hundreds of these potential bad guys all over the United States, and nobody knows where they are. Now, that's just a smidge of the people who could have crossed into this country, because right now on the border, all these politicians and all these people go down to where people are known to be crossing. But you go to Arizona, you go to these other places, and there are hundreds of thousands of people crossing every month that are not accounted for. And when you look at the individual that was in Martha's Vineyard, that guy had been there for years and somehow popped up on a database, and an investigation ensued in September.


So even he wasn't immediately apprehended and had been there for you. I think it's safe to say that Trump was right all along about the people that are crossing over this border.


600,000 gotaways incredible. Jonathan, thank you.


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