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Meanwhile, the investigation into Mr. Trump's would-be assassin continues in Pennsylvania. A live look there at Bethel Park, Pennsylvania, home of a former or now deceased 20-year-old Thomas Crooks. We are now learning how the shooter crooks got his rifle onto the roof of the building where he took the shot at the former President.


He delivered the opening prayer at the Trump rally last week, and then chaos and carnage. Father Jason Schiron is the pastor of the Holy Trinity Ukrainian Catholic Church in Carnegie, Pennsylvania, and was asked to give the benediction by the Trump campaign. Now know what happened. A week later, the prayers continue. Reverend Jason Schiron joins us now. Father, thank you for being with us. It has been a week now. What are your thoughts and reflections as we still try to process what happened?


Well, thank you for having me, Eric. My thoughts and reflections are that this It has been an experience where the hand of God enters into the affairs of men, not necessarily to promote Mr. Trump's political platform, but Simply, it is a case, I think, in point in American history, where there is a providential act where the life of a man is spared. And I think it's irrefutable. That day was a special day. People were jovial. It was a wonderful gathering. And the events that happened that day, I think, remind people that the affairs of men are guided by the hand of God.


What did you say, and what were some of your topics when you opened in your prayer, giving your opening?


Yeah. So my prayer was simply that a green forest is made green by the trees. The trees are made green by the green leaves. Our political polity is if we want to have a good political polity, a nation that's right-ordered, my prayer was that we would begin by having right-ordered relationships with God, that our relationships with God would be put right, that our nation Relationships with one another would be put right. And then collectively, our nation would be in right relationship with God. And through that, our world would be made great. So that was my prayer.


And at one point, tell us about you were with a group of people, and who actually asked them before this happened to pray for the former President because people may want to shoot him.


What did you tell them? Yes, that's true. I left the stage a few moments before President Trump was to take it. And as I was on the other side of the crowd, opposite where the shooter was, I said to people, My job is over. I've done the prayer, but your job continues. You need to pray because there are people who want to shoot him. I said it loudly in front of a lot of people, and I think there was a journalist or two around. So it is a matter of record, and I did say it.


Wow. What made you say that? What made you think that at that moment?


I really can't tell you the answer to that. Two things I don't know why the Trump campaign called me, of all people, and why I said that. But it welled up out of me. But I can't answer the question why I chose to say it. Rather rational and prudent, if you ask me why you A priest would say that with secret service agents around. But I did say it.


And finally, your thoughts. In a few hours, there'll be another rally, again, this time with Vice President nominy J. D. Vance, the first time since last Saturday. Your hope as we go forward for today and the rest of the year.


Well, my hope is that Mr. Vence will look to Mr. Trump's strengths in his first administration of consistently defending Ukraine, defending the right to life here at home. I just hope that they will continue to advance that in the public square, a solid, robust defense of Ukraine and a solid, robust defense of the right to life.


Reverend Jason Cheron, thank you so much for joining us. God bless you, Father. Thank you for being here.


I'm Steve Ducey.


I'm Brian Kilme. I'm Ainsley Earhart.


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